Imagine travelling in space

Мусаева ГулзадаСШ №39 г.АктобеПлан-конспект урока на английском языке
8 класс (общеобразовательной школы)
Тема урока: «Imagine travelling in space»
Цели, задачи урока:
совершенствование навыков чтения с пониманием основного содержания;
развитие памяти, внимания, мышления и навыков работы в группе, в паре и всем классом.
формировать качества гражданина и патриота.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент (приветствие и сообщение целей урока)
Good morning! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Today we are going to discuss a text about space station.
- Your associations about the theme of our lesson
- When did the man go into space for the first time?
- What was the name of the first cosmonaut?
- Were people from our republic in space?
- What are their names?
2. Warm up.
T:- I want to start our lesson with very useful warm up for you. Now, I’ll call the verbs for each of you and you should tell me what kind of verb you hear. They can be followed by the –ing form, infinitive or bare infinitive.
For example: The verb admit P1- This verb followed by the –ing form.
3.Read about Mir :
The Mir space station was launched in 1986. Four spacecraft could dock onto it at one time. Astronauts from different countries went there. They studied Earth and the universe, did scientific experiments and carried out medical research. The US space shuttle docked there in 1995. But by 1969, at 13 years old, Mir was becoming very expensive to keep in space.
4.Match the words and expressions below: age capsule probe shuttle station
a. a small unmanned spacecraft which is sent into space to transmit information about what space is like
b. the time since space travel has been possible
c. a spacecraft which is designed to be used many times
d. a massive object used by space travelers as a base
e. the part of a spacecraft in which astronauts can travel and return to Earth
5.Circle the correct answer:
Which is not fly in space?
Spacecraft space age space capsule space station
Which is not a person?
Scientist astronaut cartridge inhabitant
Which is not a noun and a verb?
Orbit waste launch team
Which is not an adjective?
Unmanned graphics scientific giant
Which is not connected with money?
Afford construction financial millionaire
6.Контроль понимания прочитанного
T:-Good job, thank you. Now, look at the interactive board. Let`s check your knowledge about space. This task is called «Imagine travelling in space» .There are five categories such as: definitions ,space, astronauts, space machines and dates. And four questions for each category. You must choose one of them and try to answer. (Questions and answers)
1)Special clothing for wearing in space. (spacesuit)
2)A massive object used by travellers as a base. (space station)
3)A spacecraft which is designed to be used many times. (spacehuttle)
4)A small unmanned spacecraft which is sent into space to transmit an information about what space is like. (space probe)
1)What is the largest object in the Solar system. (sun)
2)How many planets are there in the Solar system? What kind of several groups do they have?
(There are 9 planets in the solar system. They divided into 2 groups: inner and outer.)
3)Which planets haven’t their solid surfaces? (Outer planets)
4)The names of three planets on the route of the Voyager spacecraft.
(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus)
1)Who was the first astronaut?(Yuri Gagarin)
2)Who was the 1st on the Moon? (Neil Armstrong)
3)Who was the 1st citizen explorer in space? (Dennis Tito)
4)What did Neil Armstrong say when he 1st walked on the moon? (That’s one small step for a man, one giant step for mankind.)
Space machines:
1)When was The Mir space station launched?( In 1986)
2)What kind of unmanned space crafts did leave Earth on a journey in 1977?
(Voyager 1, Voyager 2.)
3)Which space station came down into the Pacific Ocean, after fifteen years in orbit?( The Mir space station)
4)What did the scientists at NASA decide to put into the space crafts?(Pictures of Earth, greetings in many different languages, recordings off all kinds of music.)
1)When was the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1(USSR) sent into orbit round the Earth? (In 1957)
2)When did US space shuttle Columbia make its 1st test flight into space?(1981)
3)When did the Mir space station become very expensive to keep in space?
(In 1999)
4)When did Dennis Tito become the first citizen explorer in space?(In 2001)
7.Рефлексия.I think we’ll stop doing this now. Did you enjoy the lesson? What about the excursion? Did you learn anything new? Do you remember what you have to do for homework?
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