Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Проблемы окружающей среды.

Школьная научно-практическая конференцияобучающихся МБОУ СОШ 7 городского округа Кохма« Шаги в науку»Образовательная область « Английский язык»Environmental problemsАстафьева КсенияОхлопкова Ксения8класс, МБОУ СОШ 7Научный руководительКиселева В.Н., Учитель английского языка,МБОУ СОШ 7 Цель:Обратить внимание на проблемы окружающей среды, предложить пути выхода из них. The plan of our work.1. The most serious environmental problems.2. The crucial problems in order of their importance.3. The ways of the world improvement.4. The ways to save the Earth. The most serious environmental problems.It`s a wonderful world we live in.But now human beings are killing our planet. Millions of animals die every year because man has polluted their natural homes. Besides, every year people cut down more trees, build more roads, and use more land for farming. The country air, once clean and fresh, now may be polluted by power stations and factories.People cut the trees down because they need wood and paper or new places for farms and houses. Even if new trees are planted, it takes many years for them to grow.Water is also polluted very much. There is a lot of litter on the beaches, and you can even see thick foam caused by chemical waste. Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment. People don`t just pollute the environment. They pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food.These are some of the world`s most serious environmental problems. And it is no good pretending they don`t exist – they do. What`s more, they are getting worse all the time! The crucial problems in order of their importance. As you may understand, our planet is in danger. Among the most seriousproblems, such as air pollution, water pollution, nuclear pollution we can underline dangerous diseases, people`s interrelation, breaking human rights, crimes and drugs. Of course, all of the problems are very important, but we can list them in order of their importance. Drugs.Dangerous diseases.Pollution.Crimes.Endangered animals. New local wars.Dangerous technologies.Lack of recycling.People and their interrelations.Breaking human rights.Star wars. I am sure, our planet is in danger. Many countries bury and forget about millions of tons of rubbish every year. It is known that people throw away kilos of paper and plastic. The Green World reports say that in one year the average person throws away: about 70 food cans, 34 cans of pet food and about 70 drink cans.But we don’t have to throw away all our waste paper, glass, metal and plastic. We can also burn or recycle a lot of it. In fact waste can be wonderful stuff.It’s a pity but we have no recycling center our town.Unfortunately some of this rubbish doesn’t reach the bins. It becomes litter instead. In the towns litter looks horrible. But fortunately someone clears it away. In the country side, it remains in the fields and on the roadsides unless the people who live nearby pick it up. It can kill or hurt farm animals. Bottles and cans cause cuts, and the animals can eat polythene bags and die, or put their heads in them and suffocate. The ways to save the Earth. I think that every thing in the world must be beautiful. Litter is a big problem near our school. That’s why we organize a «clean-up day» to clean all the rubbish .The environment is our home. We must take care of it. Each of us must do every thing possible to keep the land, and water clean. You can often see people riding bicycles. People are healthy because they don`t smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs. They always eat healthy food: fruit and vegetables, dairy products. If I could improve our world the first thing I would do is stop people fighting. Secondly, I would punish strictly those ones who make crimes. Finally, I would also make a law to protect our nature. * And you? Спасибо за внимание! Список используемой литературы.Т.Ю.Журина55 устных тем по английскому языку для школьников.5-11кл.-М.:Дрофа, 1999.Г.Г. Касимова. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку 8 класс.- М.:ВАКО, 2014.В.П. Кузовлев. Английский язык . Книга для чтения. 7 класс. –М.: просвещение, 2002.Н.Н. Деревянко. Новый миллениум. Учебник английского языка для 7 класса. – Обнинск: Титул, 2006.М.З. Биболетова Английский язык. Учебник для 8 класса.- Обнинск: Титул, 2014.