Конспект урока английского языка Радуга овощей и фруктов (тема Здоровый образ жизни

Тема раздела: Здоровый образ жизни.
Тема урока: Радуга овощей и фруктов.
Учебная цель: Учитель(У) - Развитие умений поискового чтения.
Систематизация ЛЕ по теме «Овощи, фрукты»
Обучающиеся(О) – Выяснить, как фрукты и овощи влияют на здоровье человека, используя информацию из аутентичной статьи.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска (программа Active Inspire), дидактические карточки (приложение 1- 6)
Ход урока
1. Организационный этап. Актуализация ранее изученного материала.
Цель: У - настроить на общение на английском языке, организовать актуализацию ранее изученного материала.
О – включиться в иноязычное общение, осуществлять актуализацию ранее изученного материала.
У: Dear friends! I`m glad to see you. Are you ready to start our lesson?
Remember the things we discussed last lesson. (We spoke about good and bad health habits and how to keep fit)
What about you? Do you try to keep fit? I what way?
Do you go in for sport? Do you smoke? Do you …? (на доске – интерактивные карточки, приложение1)
2. Целеполагание, мотивация деятельности (фронтальная работа)
Цель : У – поставить познавательную задачу (выяснить, как овощи и фрукты определённого цвета влияют на наш организм; составить список полезных для себя продуктов), мотивировать учебную деятельность.
О– сформулировать (принять) тему и познавательную задачу урока (выяснить, как овощи и фрукты определённого цвета влияют на наш организм; составить список полезных для себя продуктов).
У: I also try to keep fit. For example, I don`t smoke, don`t drink alcohol. I try to be positive. I go in for sport and care of food I eat. I often read books or articles about healthy way of life.
Recently I`ve read a very interesting article in the net. I was so impressed that I`ve gone to the shop and bought following foods (Look at the board – флипчарт 1, приложение 2).What do you see? What`s common in these products? (They are fruit and vegetables; they are in green colour)
What do you think why I`ve bought these green foods? Suggest the title of article I`ve read? (The title of the article is «RAINBOW OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES». You can read in the article how the colour of fruit and vegetables influences on our body. For example, I have some problems with my eyes, I often feel nervous and tired, so I`ve chosen green foods. And what about you? Do you want to know how the colour of fruit and vegetables influences on our body and what foods you need?
We`ll read the article to answer these questions.
3. Основной этап. Работа с текстом.
Цель: У – Развитие умений чтения с поиском конкретной информации.
О – Познакомиться с информацией по теме.
3.1. Предтекстовый этап.
1) Работа с ЛЕ (фронтальная работа)
Цель: Снятие языковых трудностей. Систематизация ЛЕ по теме «Овощи и фрукты».
У: I`m giving the article. But it is an original text from the English website, so it contains a lot of unknown words and word combinations, for example the names of foods. Some of them you`ve learnt at school, but you need to remember them.
Выполнение задания на флипчарте 2, приложение 2 (Классификация слов).
У: Come to the board! You can see the names of different fruits (in blue colour), vegetables (in green colour) and berries (in red colour). Classify them into 6 columns after their colour. If you don`t know the meaning of the word, you can click on it and find the help.
2) Предвосхищение содержания текста.
Цель: Снятие языковых трудностей – актуализация пассивного словаря, обобщение имеющегося опыта о влиянии фруктов и овощей на организм человека.
Выполнение задания на флипчарте 3, приложение 2 (фронтальная работа)
У:Before reading predict how the colour of fruit and vegetables influences on our body.
Predict what foods … (флипчарт 3).
3.2. Текстовый этап (работа в группе\паре).
Цель: У – Развитие умений поискового чтения.
О – Знакомство с текстом, нахождение конкретной информации об овощах и фруктах определённого цвета (приложение 3).
У: Read the article to check your predictions. Work in four groups. Read about the foods of …colour (it is underlined with a marker). Then match the information on the worksheet 1 (приложение 4, Worksheet task 1).
3.3. Послетекстовый этап.
Цель: У – Развитие умений поискового чтения, тренировка ЛЕ по теме «Овощи и фрукты»в устной и письменной речи.
О - Систематизация информации по прочитанному тексту.
1) Выполнение задания на флипчарте 3 и листе 1, приложения 3, 4(фронтальная работа)
У: You`ve learnt the information. What can you say about your colour of foods? Come to the board and correct our predictions. Match the information on the worksheet 1.
2) Выполнение заданий на карточках (Worksheet task 2, приложение 4)(фронтальная работа), проверка задания на флипчартах 4-10, приложение 3.
У: Let`s summary the information and say how the colour of fruit and vegetables function in certain situations..
Fill the worksheet 2 with different foods. Work in pairs or alone.
…Say what food you need if …. (флипчарты 4-10).
4. Заключительныйэтап.
Цель: У - установить соответствие полученного результата поставленной цели (выяснить, как овощи и фрукты определённого цвета влияют на наш организм; составить список полезных для себя продуктов), дать инструкции по выполнению самостоятельной работы по тексту.
О – проанализироватьсоответствие полученного результата поставленной цели (выяснить, как овощи и фрукты определённого цвета влияют на наш организм; составить список полезных для себя продуктов), спланировать дальнейшую работу над текстом.
1) Рефлексия.
У:Well done!
- Did you like the article?
- Was the information interesting for you?
- Have you learnt much about fruit and vegetables today?
- Are you ready to eat the necessary fruit and vegetables to avoid the problems with your health?
Can you say what foods you need at all? (I need…to..).
2) Домашнее задание.
У: (I see you`ve learnt the information what foods are good for you, but…; you are not to say what foods are good for you, so…)I offer you to read more information about different foods on the following websites…Read and make the list of foods you need at all. (флипчарт 5, приложение 3)5. Дополнительный этап. Просмотр видеоролика с песней «Радуга фруктов и овощей»
Цель: У – расширение страноведческого кругозора (творческая деятельность музыканта ДжейМанкита, популяризация здорового образа жизни в США), мотивировать деятельность для внеклассной работы (поэтический перевод).
У: The things connected with healthy way of life are interested by many people in English speaking countries and especially in the United States. Why? (A lot of Americans are overweight), so there are people who popularize healthy habits and healthy food. For example I`ve found a very interesting website called «RAINBOW OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES». This website presents the American singer, composer and artist Jay Mankita. In the USA he is known as a musician making shows about healthy way of life for children, teens and grown-ups.
Let`s watch the video and listen to one of his best song. You can use the help and sing the song with Mankita.(флипчарт 6, приложение 5)
Is the song great? Why? (it tells about the great role of fruit and vegetables; I`m sure it influences on children`s mind;it`s energetic and positive). I `ve got an idea to translate the song in Russian. OK? Have you a wish to do it? (Who`ll try to translate it?)
I thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Приложение 1
Eating fruit and vegetables
Eating homemade food
Drinking alcohol
Spending much time on the computer
Sleeping not less than eight hours a day
Eating a variety of foods
Skipping meals
Eating fast-food
Watching TV too much
Taking vitamins
Spending much time out-of-doors
Going in for sport
Limiting TV and computer time
Drinking a lot of mineral water
Having the latest meal tonight
Being positive
Приложение 2
Изображения флипчартов, подготовленных к уроку
Флипчарт 1 (к этапу 2)

Флипчарт 2 ( к этапу 3.1\1)

Флипчарт 3 (этап 3.1\2)

Флипчарты 4-10 (этап 3.3)
Флипчарт 5 (этап 4\2)

Флипчарт 6

Приложение 3
of Fruit and Vegetables
Fruit and vegetables come in a variety of colors. They are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, but often contain additional phytonutrients that may provide additional health benefits.
Why eat red? Many red fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C, like grapefruit, raspberries, radishes, red bell peppers, strawberries, tomatoes and watermelon. Vitamin C is important for the body and prevents skin ageing.
Red fruits and vegetables also contain lycopene and anthocyanins that have a role to play in cancer prevention and treatment. Lycopene in foods containing cooked tomatoes, such as spaghetti sauce. Anthocyanins are in strawberries, raspberries, red grapes and other fruits and vegetables. They are associated with heart health. So Red foods get you moving and can keep older people active for longer.
Why eat orange and yellow? 
Orange/yellow fruits and vegetables are usually colored by natural plant pigments called “carotenoids.” This substance promotes UV protection to keep our skin healthy and can protect the body from infections improving immune system function.
Beta-carotene in sweet potatoes, pumpkins and carrots is converted to vitamin A, which helps maintain healthy eyes. Citrus fruits like oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and folate, a B vitamin that helps reduce risk of birth defects. Yellow food are natural`s way of helping us to stay healthy and optimistic. Eat a banana and you`ll fill a bit better.
Orange foods are brain food. They help you keep your mind on things and really improve your power of concentration.
Why Eat Green? Green fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigment called “chlorophyll.” Some members of the green group, including spinach, green peppers, peas, cucumber and celery, contain lutein. Lutein works with another chemical zeaxanthin to help keep eyes healthy. Together, these chemicals may help reduce risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, which can lead to blindness if untreated.
Dark green vegetables like collard greens and spinach contain calcium for strong bones. Spinach also contains iron to keep us feeling energized and strong.
Green foods are also great when you want to relax, calm yourself down or keep your emotions under control.

Why Eat Blue and Purple? Blue/purple fruits and vegetables are colored by natural plant pigments called “anthocyanins.” Anthocyanins in blueberries and grapes act as powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage. They may help reduce risk of cancer and heart disease. Other studies have shown that eating more blueberries is linked with improved memory function and healthy aging.
Why Eat White? 
White fruits and vegetables are colored by pigments called “anthoxanthins.” They may contain health-promoting chemicals such as allicin, which may help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Some members of the white group, such as bananas and potatoes, are good sources of the mineral potassium, too.
http://www.chathamnc.org/ Приложение 4

Worksheet task 1
Match how the colour of fruit and vegetables influences on our body.

1. Red foods
2. Orange\yellow foods
3. Green foods
4. Blue\Purple foods
5. White foods help feel energetic and active
improve concentration function
stimulate immune system, protect for colds and infections
help keep eyes healthy
are important for our nervous system, help be calm and relaxed
are important to keep good mood
make our teeth and bones strong
prevent skin aging
reduce risk of birth defects
reduce risk of cancer
improve memory function
help keep our heart healthy
reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure
Worksheet task2Write
What fruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you have a poor memory?
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you have a cold or the flu?
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you often feel tired?
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
15240367665you are shortsighted?
Worksheet task2Write
What fruit and vegetables you should eat if…
You feel depressed or nervous?
-260985129540_________________________________________ __________________________________________
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you`ve broken your leg?
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you have a difficult exam to study for?
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you are worry about getting lines and wrinkles
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you are pregnant and worry about your baby`s health
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you suffer from high blood pressure
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you want to reduce risk of cancer
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
you want to avoid heart diseases
Worksheet task2Write
whatfruit and vegetables you should eat if…
-613410354330you drive a car
Приложение 5
Jay Mankita is the musical artist behind "Eat Like A Rainbow", one among a number of other musical projects.
He is a masterful guitarist, singer, and songwriter who for the past 30 years has presented thousands of concerts for adults and for children.
On the website http://eat-like-a-rainbow.com/ you can listen to his lyrics like «Eat like a Rainbow», «My food is made from Sunshine», «Everybody likes fruit and vegetables», «Junk food man» etc. and watch some videos of his concerts.
Eat Like A Rainbow
Jay Mankita c 2005
I like to eat like a rainbow: Builds my body and it makes my brain grow, Helps my heart beat and my blood flow, I like to eat like a rainbow! Red, orange, yellow, green -  The tastiest colors I've ever seen. I like to eat food that's purple and blue, Colorful foods are healthier too Colorful food makes a colorful meal And that really colors the way that I feel. I'm livin' in a colorful way, I eat like a rainbow every day A rainbow of light from the sun and the rain, My colorful garden is a rainbow again. I eat like a rainbow; my colors shine through The words that I say, and the things that I do.