Урок You look wonderful!

План-конспект урока английского языка, проведенного в 9 классе
Тема: (Fashion) Мир моды.
Коммуникативная ситуация урока:(You look wonderful!) Ты выглядишь прекрасно!Говорение(диалогическая речь)
Прогнозируемый результат : Children should speak about the clothes of the person according to the situationОбразовательная цель: Формирование навыков диалогической речи с использованием речевых оборотов to suit smb perfectly, to go well with,to match, to fit smb like a glove
1. создавать условия для совершенствования навыка говорения с речевыми оборотами to suit smb perfectly, to go well with,to match, to fit smb like a glove, изученных лексических единиц(названия предметов одежды)
2. содействовать развитию логического мышления, умения работать в парах, группе
3. создать условия для эстетического, культурного воспитания используя лексический материал урока.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Формы работы: индивидуальная, парная, групповая
Оборудование: доска, компьютер, телевизор
Дидактическое оснащение: учебник «English 9. Student’s book», презентации, раздаточный материал(картинки одежды)
Ход урока.
1.Организационно- мотивационный этап .
Hi, dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you? Let’s start our lesson.
- Сообщение темы и целей урока.
How do you think, what are we going to work at today? So, look at the screen(демонстрация презентации – приложение1) and let’s answer my questions:
What is this person wearing?
Do you like their (his/her) clothes?
Do you like how they look? What will you say to such a person?
Ученики дают ответы.
And now? Can you name the theme of our lesson today?
Yes today we will speak on : “You look wonderful!” (Учитель открывает тему урока). We will refresh the words, will make the description of our clothes, and of course will make the dialogues with compliments.
2. Операционно-познавательный этап.
You have the pictures on your desks, you must name these items of clothes in Russian (приложение 2)
Boots-ботинки, мужские туфли
shoes– женские туфли
floral blouse- блузка в цветочек
jacket -пиджак
Slippers -тапочки
stripped T- shirt -майка в полоску
dotted skirt -юбка в горошек
Ok, you’ve done everything well. How do you think, what clothes would you wear in different situations:-for a picnic\disco\party\for hanging-out\for school-smart-casual
- Актуализация лексических единиц.38105489120I’ll give you the shirts of paper, your task is to write the description of your clothes. The teacher gives the cards to the pupils.
Today I’m wearing …… I dressed smart\casually. The children do this task.
Have you done? Ok. Put you cards in the box and we’ll play!
The children put their papers in the box. The teacher mixes them. Pupils take one , read, guess who is it?
3. Организационно-деятельностный этап.
-Формирование навыков диалогической речи (Pабота в группах, парах).
To work further, we must decide the following:
If these clothes(the cards on your desks) are of male, female or the are just shoes. Who has female items-the 1st team, male- the 2nd, shoes-the 3d).Each team read their own dialogue carefully and then give an answer:
What are the people doing?(демонстрация вопроса и ответов на презентации)
They are buying clothes
They are complementing each other
They are discussing clothes
OK Thank you! Let’s decide to what situation can these dialogues be concerned: Formal- informal
Formal, 2,3-Informal
Children try to give the answers. And now each group will read their own dialogs. The other pupils be attentive ,please! Because we will do the task:
9525055626000Every dialogue has the words in bold, try to guess their meaning.. Find in the cards and read(демонстрация на презентации)
to suit c. to fit
to match d. to go well with
To be of the right size
To look good together in style, colour, ect.
To form an attractive combination
To make somebody look good.
Find the complements and read them aloud, read the reaction of people
Children give their answers.
-Составление диалогов(работа в парах).
Find the pair and make the similar dialogues. You can use the cards(приложение3)
1.A: You look wonderful today!
B: So do toy!
A: This nice suite suits you perfectly.
B: Do you really like it?
A: Yes, I do.It goes well with your pink shirt,too.
B: Thank you
2. A: Those are nice gloves! They match your handbag marvelously!
B: Thanks. I’m very glad you like them. You look great too! I like your blue sweater. Is it new?
A: Oh no, I’ve had it for years!
3. A: I like your skirt! It fits you like a glove!
B: Thank you. How kind of you to say so.
A: Where did you get it?
B: I got it in London.
A: It’s beautiful.
B: Thanks a lot.
-Составление собственных диалогов на основе заданной картинки.
Using the pictures on the table find your pair. The pictures should be in one style. Let’s do and say what type of clothes are there. (Приложение 3)
Trousers (at school)
A: Hi! I like your trousers! It fits you like a glove.
B: Thanks. Do you really like it?
A: Yes, I do. Where did you get them?
B: I got them yesterday at the shopping centreDress (at a party)
A: You look wonderful today!
B: So do you!
A: This nice dress suits you perfectly.
B: Thanks. I’m very glad you like it
T- shirt(in the sportsground)
A: This is a nice T-Shirt! It matches your skirt perfectly!
B: Thank you.How kind of you to say so. You look great too! I like your dotted blouse. Is it new?
A: Thanks. Yes, I’ve got it 2 days ago.
Jacket (at work)
A: Hallo! Your jacket is perfect!
B: Do you really like it?
A: Yes, I do. It goes well with your brown boots, too.
B: Thanks a lot.
6.Рефлексивно-оценочный этап. Let’s decide what we have learned today? Have you coped with everything? If you have- take the picture of fully dressed girl , if you haven’t -take and put to the blackboard the picture of partially dressed person.

Подведение итогов.