Конспект урока английского языка по теме Is the Earth a Dangerous Place? (8 класс)

Класс: 8
Школа: МОУ СОШ №2 п. Пангоды
Учитель: Бабаева Эльмира Икрамовна

Тема: "Is the Earth a Dangerous Place?"
Цели урока:
отработать употребление лексических единиц по теме “Природные катастрофы” в речи учащихся;
развивать навыки устной речи, аудирования; повторить правила образования Past Simple и Past Continuous;
совершенствование навыков монологической речи; умение логично и связано высказываться; умение анализировать и выражать свое мнение, описывать происходящие события;
развивать речевые способности, способность логически излагать; умение сравнивать, анализировать, воображать; формировать языковые навыки учащихся;
воспитание уважения к мнению других, умения слушать.

Речевой материал:
Лексический - материал, усвоенный на предыдущих уроках.
Грамматический – Past Simple, Past Continuous.
Оборудование: Student’s book (Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Enjoy English VIII ), компьютер, аудиозапись, видео, доска, проектор, презентация.

Ход урока

Деятельность на урок (Слова учителя)
Режим работы

Начальный этап
Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? Who is absent today?
Last time I gave you a home task. What was it? (to read the text ab
Основной этап
Let’s start working then. I’d like to begin our lesson by showing you some pictures that you can see on the screen. Look at them and tell me what natural disasters you can see there. Match the pictures and the letters. (Answers: a – volcano,
·влажный, туманный, исследовать, ужасное бедствие, исследователь, запускать, мокрый, спутник, Земля, землетрясение, вселенная, наводнение, засуха, звезда, жалкий, разрушать до основания.
Now give me two adjectives that mean «ужасный» - terrible, awful - and two verbs for «разрушать, ломать» - damage, destroy and break.

Good. Now let’s pass over to checking your home task. Read and translate the text.
Who wants to start?

Ok. Let’s correct some of your mistakes.
Now let’s answer the questions after the t
· the most terrible earthquake take place and when did it happen?
4. What the engineers focus on today?

Well done, my dears!
Now let’s pass over to probably the less interesting part of the lesson for you, the grammar. We’re going to revise the usage of the Past Simple and the Past Continuous tenses. Who can come up to the blackboard and write down how are we to form these two tenses? When do we usually use them?
Very good, thank you. And now, what markers do we usually use with them?
Ok. Let’s do the exercise on the usage of these two tenses.
Open your books on page twenty-six and do the exercise eighty-six. Put the verbs in to the correct form: the past continuous or the past simple. Let’s look at the example
Ex: She (cook) dinner when the earthquake n (shake) the town. – She was cooking dinner when the earthquake shook the town.
So what do we use in the first part of the sentence? You’re right, the Past Continuous, as this action happened in the middle of the second event.
So let’s do the other sentences.
Teacher – class

Pupil 1, Pupil 2, Pupil 3, etc.


Pupil 1,
Pupil 2,

Teacher- Class

Pupils in chain


Pupil 1,
Pupil 2, Pupil 3,
Pupil 4



Pupil 1,
Pupil 2,
Pupil 3,
Pupil 4

Teacher- Class

Pupils- in chain

Computer, Power Point Presentation, projector

Computer, PPP, projector, recording

Student’s Book (p.37)

Student’s Book (ex. 81,82, p.24)

Computer, projector, PPP, blackboard, Student’s Book

Computer, projector, a video file

Student’s Book (p. 25-26, ex. 86)

3 min

3 min

4 min

10 min

5 min

4 min

2 min

7 min

Заключительный этап
So tell me, please, what was the topic of our lesson today? What did we do today?
What was the most interesting piece of information that you’ve learned about the natural disasters today?
Thank you very much for your work. I’m pleased with your work. So write down your home task – WB № 1, 2, p.17; SB № 85, p.25. Come up to me with your diaries. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Teacher -class
Blackboard, diaries
1 min