Презентация по теме Cats (6 класс)

CATS People all over the world love cats because they are beautiful and gentle. They are not expensive to keep, and they are very clean. There are about forty breeds, or kinds, of cats. They come in many different colours, and can have short hair or long hair. burmese [ bɜːˈmiːz ] бирманская (бурманская кошка) siamese [ saɪəˈmiːz ] сиамская abyssinian /ˌжbɪˈsɪnɪən/ абиссинская angora [ жŋˈɡɔː.rə ] ангорская sphinx  [ sfɪŋks ]  сфинкс korat - корат manx /mжŋks/ мэнкская бесхвостая кошка Egyptian mau [ ɪˈdʒɪp.ʃən ‘mao ] египетская мао There are cats everywhere. There are cats in stories, poems and cartoons. Can you name them? Good bye!