Презентация урока английского языка Зачем нужен английский язык

The 24th of November, Monday How can we understand each other? an unknown author ENGLISH is a language that came from nowhere to Conquer the World What do we study English for? People spoke English. People speak English. People will speak English. Virtual Museum of the English Language Past Present Future history role of English English and my future Virtual Museum of the English Language Past The hall of PAST an unknown author ENGLISH is a language that came from nowhere to Conquer the World Virtual Museum of the English Language Past Present The hall of PRESENT Learningenglishtakestimeandpatiencetrytorelaxandtakeiteasythemostimportantthingyouneedatthebeginningisagoodvocabularyyoumuststartwithastrongfoundationdailypracticeisveryimportantthetwomostimportantwordsarepracticeandconfidence What should you do to study English better? Time and patience Relaxing Confidence Daily practice A good vocabulary A strong foundation STUDENTS PROGRAMMERS BUSINESSMEN POLITICIANS SPORTSMEN SINGERS Communicate at the Olympic games Speak at the meetings Get better job Sing English songs Exchange business Make programmers People learn English to communicate with each others. an unknown author ENGLISH is a language that came from nowhere to Conquer the World Virtual Museum of the English Language Past Present Future The hall of FUTURE Idea of your future Singers Pilots Politicians Sportsmen Businessmen I want to be……….and………. What do we study English for? Learning English has a beginning but no end. H. Palmer English language methodologist Мир урок киллер мяч прайс лист спортсмен врач секъюрити игрок финиш рейтинг лузер реалити- шоу лифт погода книга передача