Презентация проектной работы: Осторожно, говорящая одежда, выполненная учащейся 6 класса о надписях на одежде на английском языке

МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВОЛОДАРСКОГО РАЙОНА «СРЕДНЯЯ ОБЩЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНАЯ ШКОЛА №42 Р-П.РЕШЕТИХА» Project "Carefully, speaking Clothing" Work performed by: Vlasova Elizabeth and Vasilyeva Polina schoolgirls 6 «А» form Project Manager : Nedumova N.A. 2015 Reshetikha Choice of themе justified its relevance as an indispensable attribute of youth wardrobe is now the clothes with ornaments in the form of inscriptions. Question? Do the owners of things meaning labels on the clothes, especially if they are written in a foreign language, mostly in English? • The object of studying - writing in English on clothes pupils.• Subject of research - the information carried by the inscription on the clothes.• Purpose - to establish the dependence of semantic load labels on the clothes on the level of English proficiency. The labels on clothes existed many centuries ago. The most ancient known in ancient Greece - embroidery belt, which talked about the names of the owners, the signature was part of the ornament. Labels are very different. They can tell us a lot about the person, in particular about age, about the interests of the owner, can еxpress an attitude towards the world. T-shirt - a "clean slate" for slogans and statements, as well as a place to showcase their credo. Stars of the show - and the movie business is successfully used in the garment labels. We are responsible for What is written on our clothes! The practical part. 1. From the school students, dressed in T-shirts we found the clothers containing inscriptions in English 2. rewritten or pictured of the most interesting inscriptions 3. conducted a survey: Are you attracted by the inscription on the clothes? Do you wear clothes with inscriptions in English? if you are wearing, you know you translate? do you like what's written on your shirt? Know (35%) Do not know (65%) Romance / Love Creed / Motto Appeal Cartoons Companies / Designers Cities and countries mistakes set of letters Inscriptions are different: How can I miss you if you won't go away? Как я могу соскучиться, если ты не уходишь? Did you eat a bowl of stupid for breakfast? Ты съел миску глупости на завтрак? I don't know what makes you dumb But it really works. Я не знаю что заставляет тебя замолчать, но это действительно работает.Out of my mind... Back in five minutes.Ушла в себя, вернусь через 5 минут. That's It! I'm Calling Grandma! С меня хватит! Звоню бабуле! Conclusion: English language proficiency allows to navigate in the inscriptions and the proper use of written information.