Тест по английскому языку 5 класс УМК « Spotlight.» по теме “Animals/ Pets.”

Тест по английскому языку 5 класс УМК « Spotlight.»
по теме “Animals/ Pets.”
Составила Мирзоева Манзура Маматкуловна учитель: английского языка
Совместите животное с его описанием.
a crocodile
a hare
a monkey
a bird
a frog
a camel
It has got two legs. It can sing. It can fly in the air.
This animal has got long ears and a small tail. It can run well. It is afraid of foxes and wolves.
This animal lives in the river. It can swim and jump well. It is green.
This animal lives in Australia. It is big and very nice and can jump very fast. It keeps its baby in the pouch on its body.
This animal is big. It can walk in very hot weather and doesn’t drink anything for a long time!
This animal has got a long body and a long tail. Its neck is short. It has got a big mouth with many sharp teeth.
This animal can climb trees. It eats fruit and nuts. It has got a long tail. It may be very funny.
It is big and lives in water. It is very nice and friendly and sometimes can save people’s lives.
Выберите правильный ответ.
What animals is the king of all animals?
tiger b) a lion
What animal has got a trunk?
an elephant b) a tortoise
What wild animal loves honey?
bear b) a cat
What animal makes you laugh?
monkey b) goldfish
What animal lakes repeating what people say?
parrot b) dog
What animal is very slow?
tortoise b) penguin
What animal is man’s friend?
dog b) rabbit
What animal has yellow eyes and striped fur?
a tiger b) leopard
What animal is very cunning?
a snake b) a fox
What animal has the longest neck?
crocodile b) a giraffe
Выберите правильный ответ.
Cats……….. …….fat mice
likes b) like
Wolves …………. in the forest.
live b) lives
A cobra …………. humans.
bites b) bite
The Indian rhino ………. to sit in water or mud.
like b) likes
eat b) eats
A lion ……………… during the day.
sleep b) sleeps
Insects …………….. gardens clean.
don’t keep b) doesn’t keep
Penguins ……… during the day.
don’t sleep b) doesn’t sleep
A hen ………….eggs.
don’t lay b) doesn’t lay
Elephants ………..water during the day.
don’t drink doesn’t drink.