Материалы для составления монолога по теме Моя любимая книга

загадочный), full of intrigue, ambiguous (неясный ), tense (напряженный), lyric.
- The story develops dramatically/ dynamically.
- The end is unpredictable.
- The dialogues are vivid and emotional.
5). Characters: One of the main/ minor characters of the story is.. It appeals to me very much. He/ she reveals/ conveys/ shows such positive personal traits as wit (остроумие), intellect, bravery, courage, dignity, curiosity, rich imagination, quick-thinking (сообразительность), industry (трудолюбие), devotion (преданность), kindness, gaiety (весёлость), determination (решительность). I find them really attractive/ likable. There are negative traits such as light-mindedness (легкомыслие), talkativeness, deceit (коварство), greed, stupidity.

My favourite book is “Little Red Riding Hood”.
The story takes place in a fairy wood.
Little Red Riding Hood was sent to her ill grandmother, who lived in the house in the wood. The girl didn’t know that her poor grandmoth
·er had been swallowed by a terrible wolf. The wolf pretended to be her grandmother and swallowed her too. But fortunately brave hunters rescued the girl and her grandmother at the end of the story.
It’s a fairy tale.

I like it because the plot is gripping and full of intrigue. The story develops dramatically and the end is unpredictable. The dialogues are vivid and emotional.

One of the main characters of the story is the girl. She appeals to me very much. She reveals such personal traits as kindness and gaiety, which I find really attractive. Besides good traits she also conveys negative traits, such as light-mindedness and talkativeness, which leads her to trouble
6). The main idea

1. Vinnie-the-Pooh
Vice is always punished

2. Buratino
Virtue always triumphs over vice

3. Mauglie
We shouldn’t be passive. We should struggle to gain victory.

4. Romeo and Juliette
People are often short-sighted (недальновидные) and full of prejudice.

5. Inspector ( by Gogol)
People often become victims of greed and stupidity.

The main idea of the story is that virtue always triumphs over vice.