Конспект урока английского языка по теме Молодёжные субкультуры (10 класс)

Открытый урок английского языка в 10А классе.
Тема урока: Молодёжные субкультуры.
Цель урока: Совершенствование речевых навыков.
Оборудование урока: тексты о молодёжных субкультурах, карточки с заданиями, иллюстрации, магнитофон, аудиозаписи.
Ход урока.
1. Вступительное слово учителя. Сообщение цели урока.
Our lesson today will be devoted to youth subcultures. You have already learned a lot about different youth groups and movements and today you’ll sum up your knowledge and try to create an ideal youth subculture.
A lot of teenagers join different groups and movements nowadays. Why? Perhaps it is the lack of any other way to express themselves that attracts young people to different subcultures. May be they protest against their parents or rebel against the older generation. In my opinion, the main reason of joining a group is the ability to show their solidarity with like–minded friends. There are a lot of different subcultures, so young people can find a group or a movement according to their interests.
2. Аудирование с целью общего понимания прослушанного.
a) At the blackboard you can see a definition of the word subculture. I’d like you to read it and tell if you agree with this definition.
A subculture is any group with a distinct style and identity.
Different subcultures have their own beliefs, values, fashion
and favourite music.
b) What are the main сomponents of a youth subculture according to this definition?
365760016446500194310016446500Youth subculture
Music Fashion
3117215-39179500Values and beliefs
c) Now I’d like you to listen to the descriptions of some youth subcultures and guess what they are.
Goths.They appeared in the early eighties but are still rather popular today. You can tell them from the costume and make up.
They are really interesting and can look really striking with their white skin, black or purple hair, black lipstick and fingernails.
They see the world as a dark place, are quite pessimistic and interested in death.
Ravers.They are thought to be violent and rebellious because they organize massive all-night dance parties with loud computer-made music and drugs. They like to be in a collective and want to try out all sort of options.
Punks.They rebel against the values, norms and materialism in society. They express this in loud and violent music, strange clothing and brightly coloured spiked hair.
They reject everything and their angry songs critisize big business, the media and the government. The subjects of many of their lyrics are boredom and teenage rebellion.
Skinheads.They cut their hair shorter than others do. The majority of them are working-class, patriotic, reggae and football fanatics. Most wear tight trousers and heavy boots (Doc Martens). They are regarded as extremely violent and aggressive.
Hippies.They were opposed the normal standards of society, showing this by dressing in unusual clothes, having long hair and living in groups together, often in quiet places in the countryside.
They believed in peace and showed their peaceful feelings by wearing flowers in their hair. For this reason they were also called ‘flower people’ or ‘flower children’.
One of their favourite sayings was ‘Make love not war’. They always wanted to change the world for the best.
3. Речевая зарядка.
During our previous lessons we read and spoke a lot about appearance, lifestyle, values and beliefs of youth subcultures. Now I’d like you to answer some questions.
Why do we say that hippies don’t conform to society’s standards?
What attitude and lifestyle do they support?
What is positive about hippie subculture?
How do punks express their identity?
What clothes do they usually wear?
Who do they rebel against?
How do punks differ from hippies?
Who likes to spend their time at massive all-night dance parties?
What do ravers use to create such parties?
What is typical about them?
How can you recognize bikers?
What are Goths like?
What do they read and talk about?
Which is the most aggressive subculture?
What are skinheads’ typical features?
4. Аудирование с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
What do some of teenagers think about joining a subculture? Listen to their opinions and name the reasons they give.
Why Do Teens Choose a Subculture?
Anthony: It seems to the kids that the parents are always saying No! That everything
about us, our hair, our music, our clothes, the way we talk, our heroes our dreams, all are considered bad by the generation who can’t stop patting itself on the back over how democratic and liberal it is.
Dick: I think the inspiration to form a youth culture comes out of a combination of
fashion, style and music. And often it’s the particularity of the music, which then gathers the group and then extends and develops.
Roger: You want to know when you are 14, 15, 16, 17, you want to know who you are
and try out all sort of options. The way you look, the way you dress will tell you and everybody else something about the person you need to be.
Tracy: In many ways the elder generation cannot understand the younger, because
so much has increased in complexity. Besides the youth always tend to change the world.
Angela: You’re unsure of where you are going. Some people know exactly of where
they are going but most teenagers don’t have an idea, and it’s a way of, kind of, having something that they can say they belong to and that they are ‘whatever’.

5. Беседа с учащимися.

a) Do you agree with these teenagers? What is your own opinion about joining a subculture?
You may use the following ideas:
to express their own identity;
to know who they are;
to solve their problems;
to change the world for the best;
to try out all sort of options;
to rebel against the society / the older generation;
to protest against their parents;
to reject everything;
to be in a collective;
to differ from other people;
to show off.
Don’t forget to use these phrases.
In my opinion...As far as I know...
Personally, I believe that ...I am sure that...
As for me, I think that...
I also think that...
b) Many teenagers believe that they can solve all their problems by joining a group. Do you think they are right? May be in a group they can face more serious problems? Give your arguments for and against belonging to a youth group.
6. Чтение с целью извлечения конкретной информации.

One of the main сomponents of a youth subculture is music. There are various music styles and members of different youth groups have their own favourite music. At the blackboard you can see the names of some music styles. On the cards you will find the information about them. Match the descriptions with the styles.
Techno Punk Rock Reggae Rock’n’Roll Indie Rap
A. This was the most important form of West Indian popular music of the 1970s and 1980s. It came from Jamaica in the Caribbean. It had a heavy dance beat, but was not too fast. Its superstar was Bob Marley. This style was a mix of rock, African and South American music.
B. It began in the early 1950s in the USA. Within a few years, It had become America’s newest and most popular kind of music. The singers of the ‘50s were rough and dangerous. Their music was dangerous too. Teenagers all over the world fell in love with this new style. In the mid-1950s it became the central part of teenage rebellion.
C. This music was started by DJs in the USA, where rock music was still popular. This was the music of technological advance. It is usually used by ravers on their all-night dance parties. Hackers also like it.
D. In the 1970s some bands started to play loud, violent music. It had simple structure and arrangements. The songs were short and fast, and the lyrics were often shouted out. The musicians didn’t look rich. They looked poor and angry. They brought new energy to music. All this started as a revolution and soon it was the fashion.
E. In the late 1980s and early 1990s this kind of music with its heavy beat and lots of words became very popular as an expression of hip hop culture. The themes of many songs were often based on realistic images of violent inner-city life and seized the attention and interest of young people.
F. The name of this music means ‘ independent’. It is played by the new British bands like Mega City Four, Nine Inch Nails and Primal Scream. They are different, modern, interesting but not many people appreciate them. Old people just think that they are dangerous.
d) I’d like you to listen to some musical extracts and guess what musical styles are these.
Звучат отрывки из:
reggae – Bob Marley
rok’n’roll – Elvis Presley
techno – Prodigy
punk rock – Sex Pistols
psychedelic rock – Pink Floyd
7. Работа в группах.
And now you will work in groups. Your task is to make a project ‘A Youth Subculture I’d Like to Create’. You should work according to the plan.
A Youth Subculture I’d Like to Create.
Plan.Revise all characteristics of different youth groups.
Choose positive characteristics from your point of view. Discuss them in a group.
Combine all positive characteristics (appearance, music, values and beliefs, activities) to design an ideal youth group.
Present your project to the class.
8. Подведение итогов урока.
Now we should make a conclusion. Do you think that a subculture could be ideal? Why? Why not?
Do you think young people need subcultures? Why? Why not?
What is your attitude towards youth subcultures? Would you like to join any of them? Why? Why not?
9. Выставление оценок.