Презентация по английскому языку Города -курорты Ставропольского края

The resort cities of our region Perfomed by Avagimyan Margarita There are a lot of cities in our region which very interesting and famous for tourists.First of all,people can relax and forget about their problems.One of the most important function of these places is healt-improving measures.These health farm are famous today. Kislovodsk Kislivodsk is one of the most beautiful cities in our region.It is one of rest and cultural places of our country.There are many wonderful and amazing locations: «The rest park»,«Kolonnada»,«Сoncert Hall»,«The alley of roses». Pyatigorsk Pyatigorsk is modern cultural and tourist center of our region.There are many entertaining and health complex in Pyatigorsk.For example: Park «Cvetnik», «Proval»,«The Academic Gallery», «The Gallery of Lermontov», «Museum of Lermontov» Geleznovodsk Geleznovodsk is important part of resort complex.There are many type of natural outsanding monuments in this city. But Geleznovodsk is also a good medical center. «Lermontov's sourse», «Pushkin's Gallery»,Mountain «Geleznaya». I expect that I can present you the one of the most famous and exceptional places of our region.I hope that you will want to visit these cities for travelling