Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку на тему Образование в Канаде

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Educational system of Canada
Theme: Educational system of Canada 10 - formThe objectives of the lesson: to enlarge student’s knowledge with the help of information about Canada; to introduce new words; to improve their oral speech using new words; to develop their memory, thinking and speaking abilities; to bring up their interest in learning English and love to the native language.Visual aids: an interactive board, a book, cards, pictures.Type of the lesson; mixed.Methods; explanation, group, pair, individual work.Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Geography.The procedure of the lesson;1. Organization moment.Greeting and the student’s report about the class, weather.Dividing into groups the class with the help of proverbs (about education, language and love to the motherland) and selecting a speaker who gives Kazakh and Russian equivalents.2. Checking the homework.3. Phonetic drill: match the words: appointed, legislative, executive, authority, majority, dissolve – заң шығаратын, басқарушы, таратып жіберу, тағайындалған, заң орындайтын, көпшілік.Political system of Canada. Ex. 8. on page - 157.Students give synonyms of the words: crisis, financial.Crisis – big trouble, culmination, a time of great danger, a deciding moment or turning moment.Financial – banking, budgeting, having to do with money.They made up own sentences, put questions.4. Pre – reading task: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word “Education”.The new theme: “Educational system in Canada”5. New words:general – жалпы, негізгі miscellaneous - аралас, жан - жақтыcompulsory – міндетті benefit – пайда келтіруelementary – бастауыш obtained – қол жеткізгенsecondary – орта bilingual – екі тілде сөйлейтінkindergarten – балабақша basic – негізгі junior – кіші, жас private - жеке меншік nursery - ясли, балалар бөлмесі admit – қабылдау tuition - білім алу, оқу fee - ақы төлеу, жарна,public - көпшілік, халық, қоғамдық capacity - жағдай, міндет6. Work with the text: “The educational system of Canada.”Listen to the text and find the new words.(English 10кл. Аяпова Т. Жаратылыстану - математика бағыты. 158 - бет. )Ex. 5 p. 159. Read about some reasons why people choose Canada to study and give own opinions.7. Work with cards.True – false quiz. Ex. 4 p. 159. (The first group’s task)1. Education in Canada is completely the same as in America.2. All schools have a 16 – grade system.3. In the junior high schools schoolchildren are able to choose some subjects.4. Vocational schools are for those who want to study at university.5. Tuition fees are the same for all provinces.6. Some high schools are commercial.7. There are puplic non - university institutions in all provinces