План-конспект открытого урока по теме Business, banks and money

План – конспект урока

Предмет: Английский язык
Группа: курс 1 группа 101-БД
Время проведения: 27.05.2015, 3 пара (11.50)
Тема урока: «Business, banks and money». Будущее простое время. Future Simple Tense
Тип урока: комбинированный
- контроль речевых умений по теме «Business, banks and money».
Будущее простое время. Future Simple Tense
- ознакомить с грамматическим временем Future Simple Tense (образование времени, построение грамматических форм(+?-);
- ознакомить с профессиональной лексикой по специальности;
- активизировать употребление в речи обучающихся речевых образцов, разговорных клише, пословиц и «крылатых выражений» по теме урока;
- совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме в разных видах речевой деятельности, чтении, аудировании, монологической и диалогической речи.
- расширение кругозора по теме, развитие и совершенствование монологической и диалогической речи обучающихся с использованием новых выражений,

-развивать лингво-культурные компетенции;
- развивать языковую и контекстуальную догадку, навыки аудирования и чтения;
- развивать умение работать в парах и группах(команде);
- умение воспринимать на слух иноязычную речь;
- развивать навыки самостоятельной работы.
- повышать общую мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка с помощью творческой (проектной) работы
и личностно-ориентированных вопросов;
- познавательный интерес к будущей деятельности банкира;
- воспитывать внимание, умение слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение, поддерживать других и быть к ним благожелательными.
- воспитывать ответственность, доброжелательность, культуру общения,
Межпредметные связи: Русский язык, история, география, информационные технологии, экономика
компьютер, проектор, видеофильм «Money makes the world go round», карточки с новыми словами, пословицами, карточки с «крылатыми» выражениями; презентации, символы доллара и фунта стерлингов, на доске эпиграф «Money makes the world go round».
Ход урока
Оргмомент. Приветствие.
Сообщение целей и задач урока.
Т.: Good morning students, teachers, guests! Glad to see you ! - What day is it today?
- What date is it today?
Good. (Cлайд 2)
Today we are going to speak about business, banking and banks and money, not only about dollars and pounds, but about our “wooden” roubles too. Today we’ll learn some new facts from the history of money, we’ll get information about British currency and we’ll try to answer some very important and controversial questions: “What is business? What is banking? What is money? Does money really make the world go round? Can money make us happier?” We’ll revise some grammar material (Future Simple Tense)
ΙΙ.Речевая зарядка. Активизация лексического материала по теме.
T – But first let us warm up a little bit. (Слайд 3,4)
Have a look at the screen! This is a very short poem. (Приложение №1)
If the weather isn’t sunny
So you’ve got too little (money)
When you travel England around
Then you need not rouble, but (pound)
If you fly to system solar,
You will surely need (a dollar).
Of you course, it’s a joke. This poem is not serious at all. But the topic of our today’s conversation was rather serious.
ΙΙΙ.Развитие навыков аудирования и чтения. Введение новой лексики по теме урока.

1. Teacher.: The epigraph (Слайд 5) of our lesson is “Money makes the world go round” (Деньги правят миром). Is it really so? People work for money, they sometimes make friends for money, they love, live and die, for money. Why does money rule the world, why do people need money? Where can we get it and spend it. These are the questions everyone would like to answer. (Просмотр видеоролика “Money makes the world go round”)
First of all I’d like you to answer some my questions: (Слайд №6 ,7)
What is business?
What is banking?
What is money?
Does money really make the world go round? Can money make us really happier?”
Today we’ll take a lot of new words and word combinations. Look at the screen and at your papers . Repeat after me. (слайд 8)
Чтение текста. (слайд №9, 10)
Текст для чтения(Приложение №3 )
What is business?
Now let’s translate the text.
What facts did you know before?
What new information have you learned from the text?
Are there any facts in the text you don’t understand?
Thank you.
Let’s speak about your business. My business is teaching. And yours? Do you have your own business ? Can you start now? (слайды 11,12,13,14)
What is banking?
(слайд 16)
How many banks are there in Volgograd?
What are they?
3.What is money? (слайд 19)-
Today we’ll get some information about the history of the money
(просмотр презентации “History of money” )
The presentation is very interesting.
What currency do you know?
(Слайд 20-23) How Do you call money in Great Britain & in the USA?
Today we are going to listen to about British currency.
(просмотр презентации “British currency”)
IV. Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков.
Выполнение упражнения на закрепление лексики (слайд 24)
(выполнение упражнения.)
T.: Money is a very important thing for people, so there are a lot of proverbs and sayings about it. You can see some proverbs written on dollar bills, but their beginnings and endings are written on the different parts. Try to match them. Find Russian equivalents. Look at the screen!
(Слайды 25-30)
1. Money has – no smell. Деньги не пахнут.
2.“Money makes the world go round”Деньги правят миром.
3. Lend your money – and lose your friend. Хочешь потерять друга, одолжи ему деньги.
4.Time is – money. Время – деньги.
(Высказывание Бенджамина Франклина о временной ценности денег. Теперь деловая пословица, часто в укор: Не трать моё время, за которое я могу зарабатывать)5. Money spent on brain is never spent in vain. Деньги, потраченные на образование не потрачены зря.
На экране идет демонстрация слайдов (пословиц) – студенты по картинкам должны догадаться о значении пословиц и русских эквивалентах.
T: OK! Well done! Thank you very much!
And now let’s discuss a little. Try to give your answers to my questions.
Questions: слайд 31)
Is it possible to have too much money?
Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free?
What can’t money buy?
Do you agree that muck and money go together?
Does money really make the world go round?
Can money make us happier?
It’s time to come to the conclusion. Let’s make a list of advantages and disadvantages of money.

What does it mean advantages and disadvantages?
Let’ speak about advantages and disadvantages: (слайд 32)
(приложение 5 )
Advantages: Disadvantages:
You (I) can buy whatever you (I)want You are afraid to lose your money You can travel all over the world Everybody asks you(me) to lend
You have a lot of free time money
You can never be sure if people
like you or your money
You needn’t work It’s difficult to find real friends
You can always help your relatives You need a bodyguard
and friends Many rich people suffer from bad
You don’t have to worry about habits (drugs, alcohol problems)
your education People are jealous of your
You can give away some money wealth
To charities

Well done!
And now look at the screen It’s in Russian. But try to answer the question;
Does money really make the world go round? Can money make us really happier?”
(слайды 33-41)
(Слайд 42)
And now, imagine you are allowed to have some gifts, which you think are the most important. Choose three gifts, which you think are the most important.
good health
plenty of money
a nice house
a brilliant mind
an attractive face
lots of friends
a good job
a fast car
a happy marriage
a long life
an artistic talent
The phrases may help:
I think the most important thing in life is…
The one thing I’d like to have is…
Студенты выбирают только три пункта, чтобы они хотели иметь больше всего в жизни
Студенты отвечают на вопросы и выбирают
(Слайд 43)
T: The best things in life are free
Good memory
But what can we do with all money?(слайд 44)
So we can:
Earn money
T.: The next task is very interesting.
You can see some expressions and word – combinations connected with money. Try to find what they mean.
1. To put money into … a) … to marry someone whose

1. To put money into … a) … to marry someone whose
family is rich.
2. Funny money… b) … to be very rich.
3. To roll in money… c) … money that you earn very
4. Money for jam… d) … to use your money in order to
make a profit.
5. Pocket money… e) … a small amount of money you
can use to buy small things.
6. To marry into money… f) … money that has been printed
1. D 2. F. 3. B. 4. C. 5.E. 6.A.
V. Актуализация ранее пройденного грамматического материала Future Simple Tense с использованием новой лексики
(слайды 45-58)
Работа в тетрадях и с монитором)VI. Проектная работа студентов с элементами деловой игры
- просмотр презентации и ознакомление с игрой
- введение новой лексики (профессиональной и игровой)
- деление на команды и игровая ситуация
VII. Подведение итогов урока.
Рефлексия. Домашнее задание.
Комментирование оценок
I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. Your marks are…
Домашнее задание
I wish you be healthy and wealthy.
The lesson is over. Good – bye!
Приложение №1
If the weather isn’t sunny
So you’ve got too little (money)
When you travel England around
Then you need not rouble, but (pound)
If you fly to system solar,
You will surely need (a dollar).
Приложение №2
Words and word combinations:
Production - производство
Distribution распределение
sales of goods – продажа товаров
services услуги
profit -прибыль
Transactions - сделки
carry on (out) - проводить (выполнять)
engaged - занятый
provide - обеспечивать
consumer - потребитель
businesses – коммерческие структуры
Deposits - депозиты, вклады (в банке)
Loans - займы
the means of payment – средство платежа
medium of exchange – средство обращения
income - доход
benefit – прибыль, выгода
salary - жалованье, оклад
currency - валюта
Приложение №3
Texts.What is business?
Business is a word that is often used in many different languages. Traditionally, business simply meant exchange or trade for things people wanted or needed. Today, we say, that business is the production, distribution and sales of goods and services for profit.
Business can be a commercial organization such as company, shop or store, factory or plant. So, business is a combination of 3 activities: production, distribution and sale.
What is banking?
Banking is the transactions carried on by any person or firm engaged in providing financial services to consumers or businesses.
Banks are organizations that carry out the business of banking, taking deposits and using those deposits to make loans.
There are many different types of banks:
-central banks
-commercial banks
- saving banks
-merchant banks
- universal banks and others.
What is money?
Money is the means of payment or medium of exchange. Money refers to coins or paper notes with their value printed on them. People buy and sell goods in exchange for money. When we receive money regularly we think of it as income , pension, benefit, salary, grant or scholarship and others.
The money in use in the country is currency.
Приложение №4
Good for you! Молодец!
Well done! -- Молодец!
Good luck! ---- Удачи!
You are lucky dog! – Везунчик! Счастливчик! Повезло
I see! - Понятно! Хорошо!
Here you are! - Вот, пожалуйста!
Let me see! Минутку!
No problem! ---Нет проблем!
Games for 2 or 3 players! -
Create your company! - Создай свою компанию!
Good idea! /OK! - Здорово! Хорошая идея!
Roll again! - Ходите еще раз!
Come on! - Начинайте!
Hurry up! - Скорее!
Where are you? - Где ты?Miss your turn. – Пропустите ход.
Now you continue. – Продолжайте!
Throw the dice! - Бросайте кубик!
Pass me the dice, please! - Передайте мне,
пожалуйста кубик!
I threw a six. У меня - шестерка.
Whose turn is this? --- Чья очередь?– It’s mine (his, her…) - Моя (его, ее..)Who is next? – Кто следующий?
It’s me, her…. – Я, она….
How much does it cost? –
How much is it? Сколько это стоит?
What company is this? - Какая это компания? Whose company is this? - Чья это компания?
How did you score? -- Сколько очков вы набрали?
What is your score? - Какой ваш счет?What are you going to buy?- Что вы собираетесь купить?
Are you going to buy this company?- Вы собираетесь купить эту компанию?
It’s your change. Here you are!-Пожалуйста. Это ваша сдача!
I want to borrow some money!- Я хочу одолжить немного денег!
cash - наличные
to cash - оплачивать наличными
Приложение №5
Advantages: Disadvantages:
You (I) can buy whatever you (I)want You are afraid to lose your money You can travel all over the world Everybody asks you(me) to lend
You have a lot of free time money
You can never be sure if people like you or your money
You needn’t work It’s difficult to find real friends
You can always help your relatives You need a bodyguard
and friends Many rich people suffer from bad
You don’t have to worry about habits (drugs, alcohol problems) your education People are jealous of your wealth
You can give away some money
to charities

1. To put money into … a) … to marry someone whose
family is rich.
2. Funny money… b) … to be very rich.
3. To roll in money… c) … money that you earn very
4. Money for jam… d) … to use your money in order to
make a profit.
5. Pocket money… e) … a small amount of money you
can use to buy small things.
6. To marry into money… f) … money that has been printed
1. D 2. F. 3. B. 4. C. 5.E. 6.A.
T.: Money is a very important thing for people, so there are a lot of proverbs and sayings about it. You can see some proverbs written on dollar bills, but their beginnings and endings are written on the different parts. Try to match them. Find Russian equivalents.
Money has – no smell. Деньги не пахнут.
Muck and money – go together. Грязь и деньги ходят рядом.
Lend your money – and lose your friend. Хочешь потерять друга, одолжи ему деньги.
Time is – money. Время – деньги.
It is time to check up your grammar.
Fill in the gaps using the past tense of verbs from the box.
* buy *sell *win *lose *waste *pay *find *cost *spend *give
1. My car was five years old, so I ____ it and ____ a new one.
2. It was very sad when I ____ my watch in the street. It was a present from my wife and it _____ her a lot of money. Fortunately, somebody ____ it the next day and took it to a Police Station.
3. I ____ over ₤ 2.000 for my computer, but it isn’t worth very much now.
4. My father ____ me ₤50 last week but I ____ most of it on a ticket for a concert on Friday.
5. Last week somebody ____ ₤1000 in a game on TV. It was incredibly exciting.
6. I’m afraid I ____ my money on those CDs because I never play them.
Let’s play a little. The game is called “Chains of events”. Use the second conditional and don’t forget that you should start your own sentence from the previous one.
You should start your chain of events with the words:
If I were a millionaire… I would buy a lottery ticket
If I won I million dollars in a I would buy an Island
If I bought an Island… I would build a big house there
If I built a big house… I would have parties every day
If I had parties every day… I would invite all my friends
If I invited all my friends… I would spend all my money.
Thank you!
And now let’s discuss a little. Try to give your answers to my questions.
Is it possible to have too much money?
Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free?
What can’t money buy?
Do you agree that muck and money go together?
Does money really make the world go round?
Can money make us happier?
It’s time to come to the conclusion. Let’s make a list of advantages and disadvantages of money.
Advantages of money Disadvantages of money
You can buy whatever you want You are afraid to lose your money
You can travel all over the world Everybody asks you to lend money
You needn’t work It’s difficult to find real friends
You can always help
Your relatives and friends
And now, imagine you are allowed to have some gifts, which you think are the most important. Choose three gifts, which you think are the most important.
good health
plenty of money
a nice house
a brilliant mind
an attractive face
lots of friends
a good job
a fast car
a happy marriage
a long life
an artistic talent
The phrases may help:
I think the most important thing in life is…
The one thing I’d like to have is…
So we can make a conclusion that money is not on the first place.
I have a question which may seem surprising. Do you like poetry? Do you think it’s difficult to write poems? Let’s do it together.
If the weather isn’t sunny
So you’ve got too little (money)
When you travel England around
Then you need not rouble, but (pound)
If you fly to system solar,
You will surely need (a dollar).
Of you course, it’s a joke. This poem is not serious at all. But the topic of our today’s conversation was rather serious.
What have we learned at the lesson? (учащиеся перечисляют). Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы: Does money really make the world go round? Can money make us happier?
Your homework is to put the words from the box in the correct places in the sentences below.
*coins *cash *currency *money
1. The ____ of the USA is dollar.
2. She has got a lot of ____ in her bank account.
3. It costs ₤10 if you are paying ____. It’ll be more if you pay by cheque.
4. Can you change this pound hot into ____ for coffee machine.I’d like to thank you for good work at the lesson. Your marks are…
I wish you be healthy and wealthy.
The lesson is over. Good – bye!