Презентация к уроку Исследование озера Байкал

Exploring Lake Baikal.The project:
We are going to speak about...The objectives of the lesson: to present the group projects; to speak about Lake Baikal; to listen about Lake Baikal; to find new facts; to do the tasks; to draw the conclusion of the project; to revise and learn the words.

Vocabulary.{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}environmental concernsthe deepest lakefresh waterpure water distilledcoastlineпроблемы окружающей средысамое глубокое озеропресная водачистая водадистиллированныйбереговая линияendemic animalshuman habitationinhabita disastrous behaviorto prevent pollutionto protect the lakea special economic zone for touristsglobal warmingживотные-эндемикизаселение людьминаселять; разрушительное поведение; предотвратить загрязнение;защитить озеро;особая экономическая зона для туристов;глобальное потепление Vocabulary.{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}проблемы окружающей средысамое глубокое озеропресная водачистая водадистиллированныйбереговая линияживотные-эндемикизаселение людьминаселять; разрушительное поведение; предотвратить загрязнение;защитить озеро;особая экономическая зона для туристов;глобальное потеплениеMax 5 points Group1. Part1:«Lake Baikal is a natural wonder» Task 1.Stage 1: «Lake Baikal is a Natural Wonder» Listen and find the arguments proving that Lake Baikal is a natural wonder.  «Lake Baikal is a natural wonder»1.Some facts about the Baikal.2. Its History3. A tourist attraction4. Environmental concerns. «Lake Baikal is a natural wonder»Some facts about the Baikal. Lake Baikal is a natural wonder of the world 1. It is the deepest in the world - 1,642 m.2. It contains 20% of the world’s fresh water.3. It is the biggest lake – 2000 km of the coastline (distance from Moscow to Turkey)4. It is the world’s oldest lake – about 25-30 mln years. «Lake Baikal is a natural wonder»The history of the Baikal. Lake Baikal is very oldThe modern shape was formed about 1 million years ago. The process of formation is still going on The Baikal area has a long history of human habitation. But little was known to Europeans about the lake till 17th century. The first Russian explorer to reach Lake Baikal was Kurbat Ivanov in 1643. “Much water" – by the Kurykans; “Natural lake" (Baygal nuur) - by the Buryats;“Rich lake" (Bay göl) - by the Yakuts. The origin of the name “Baikal” «Lake Baikal is a natural wonder»A Tourist Attraction. 3-4 days by trainfresh air and pure watera traditional Siberian villagea water excursion along the Angara «Lake Baikal is a natural wonder»Environmental concerns. The main ecological problems are:Pollution.Booming tourism.Global warming. Task 1.Stage 1: «Lake Baikal is a Natural Wonder» Listen and find the arguments proving that Lake Baikal is a natural wonder. Max 3 pointsExpert group: 3 points Group2. Part2:«Exploring a Unique Fauna» Task 2. Stage 2: «Exploring a Unique Fauna» Write the captions to the pictures. More than 80% of the animals are endemic (found only at Lake Baikal) Nerpa Epischura baikalensis Barguzin Sable Golomyanka Baikal omul Task 2. Stage 2: «Exploring a Unique Fauna» Write the captions to the pictures.Match the texts with their captionsCheck your answers.Work with the new vocabulary Max 3 pointsExpert group: 3 points Task 2. Stage 2: «Exploring a Unique Fauna» Key:NerpaBarguzin SableGolomyankaEpischuraOmulMax 3 pointsExpert group: 3 points

Group3. Part3:« Some interesting facts about the Baikal» A first wonder of Lake Baikal is its pure and crystal clear water Baikal windsGornaya Barguzin Angara SarmaVerkhovikShelonnikSnezhnayaKultuk Gornaya comes from the west.Kultuk blows from the south.Sarma is the strongest wind , a hurricane Baikal’s beautiful daughter Angara fell in love with Yenisei and ran away to him The Shaman Stone The Angara is the only river which flows out from Lake Baikal but more than 300 rivers and streamsflow into the lake. Olkhon is the biggest of about 30 islands in Lake Baikal. Task 3.Stage 3: «Some interesting facts about the Baikal»1. Match the statements to find out some more interesting facts about Lake Baikal. Translate them.Max 3 pointsExpert group: 3 points Task 3.Stage 3: «Some interesting facts about the Baikal»{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Key (1)Key(2) b c2. d2. d3. a3. b4. c4. a Task 4.Draw the conclusion of the project.Answer the questions:Can we consider Lake Baikal to be a national treasure?What arguments can you give according to your group research?What should we do to preserve this natural wonder?Max 3 points Hometask1) Write a letter to your friend abroad, tell him about Lake Baikal. Ask questions about natural wonders abroad.or2) Create a poster protecting the lake against pollution. Feedback.{F5AB1C69-6EDB-4FF4-983F-18BD219EF322}I like the lesson.It was easy to... .I don’t like the lesson.It was difficult to... .My mark is ... . Thank you!
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