Презентация к уроку Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения. 4 класс (УМК Биболетова М.З.)

Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения в прошедшем времени. 4 класс (УМК Биболетова М.З.) Подготовила: учитель англ.языкаМБОУ Щедровская ООШ.Чертковский р-н, Ростовская обл.Бондаренко Е.В. [t], [o], [k], [ei]Tick –tock, Tick –tock, Says the clock:It’s time to play, it’s time to work.It’s a magic clock. The day before yesterday Yesterday Last week…ago Once Last year Last month ten days ago last summer yesterday a week ago the day before yesterday last year a month ago 10 дней тому назад позавчера в прошлом году неделю тому назад прошлым летом вчера месяц тому назад Watched Finished Collected Played Smiled Needed come – came eat – ate make – made see – saw sit – sat write – wrote Как образуется? ПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ глаголы+ edplayedwalked НЕПРАВИЛЬНЫЕ глаголысмотри таблицуranread Правила произношения-ed /id/после t и dосновы /d/после гласных и звонких согл /t/после глухих согласных visited collected wanted painted played opened listened enjoyed walked worked watched helped walked, played, skated, liked, wanted. Как задать вопрос? Did you run in the forest? Did you watch TV at night? Did Отрицательная форма did + not =didn’t I did not play in the park. I didn’t jump in the forest. Гномик Tim очень любит похвастать. Давайте переспросим его.Образец: I watched TV at night.Did you watch TV at night?I washed my hands and face ten times.Did you wash your hands and face ten times?I played chess with a champion.Did you play chess with a champion?I helped my friends to do their homework.Did you help your friends to do their homework?I cleaned my teeth three times.Did you clean your teeth three times? А теперь давайте не согласимся с ним.Образец: I watched TV at night. You didn’t watch TV at night.I washed my hands and face ten times.You didn’t wash your hands and face ten times.I played chess with a champion.You didn’t play chess with a champion.I helped my friends to do their homework.You didn’t help your friends to do their homework.I cleaned my teeth three times.You didn’t clean your teeth three times. Tick –tock, Tick –tock, Says the clock:It’s time to play, it’s time to work.It’s a magic clock. Good Bye! Hello! Hello! How are you? I am O’k (fine), thank you. And how are you? I am O’K. Thank you. Did you……? Yes, I did. (Now, I didn’t) Did you…..?