Презентация к уроку английского языка My homeland М.З. Биболетова. «Enjoy English» 9 класс

Презентация к урокупо английскому языку«My homeland»9 классМ.З. Биболетова. «Enjoy English».Учебник для 9 классаобщеобразовательной школы.Обнинск: «Титул», 2009 год.Выполнила:Купцова Елена Валерьевнаучитель английского языкаМКОУ Гвардейская СОШТульской области Дубенского района If love and longing are a “fire”And Man “consumed ” by his desire, Then this love is no simple flameThat mortal thought can hold and tame.As deep within the earth’s own coreThe love of home burns evermore.Michelle FrostHOMELAND “Don’t carry coals to Newcastle” What is it associated with?What special has it got?Why is Tula region different from the others places in Russia?What kind of people live here?Questions: The official signs Tula region StatisticsArea  - Total25,700 km2 (9,900 sq ml)Area rank69thPopulation  - Total1,553,925 - Rank27th - Density60.46 /km2 (156.6 /sq ml) - Urban79.4% - Rural20.6%License plates71Official languagesRussian Where is your region situated?Is your area near the sea?Is your area flat or hilly?Are there a lot of rivers and lakes?About Geography What type of climate do you have in the area?Do you have different seasons?What are they like?Is it a nice area to live in?About climate Are there any industries in your area?What major industrial cities are there?What other industries are there?About industries Is there a lot of farming in your area?What types of farms are there?What do they grow?About agriculture How many museums has got your region?What museums do you know?What other culture places are there?About culture Choose the theme group.Look for the images and think of the information.Make some notes or use your creativity.Present your ideas to the other students of the group.Start to place your information in leaflet or glog.How to workFollow the instructions http://edu.glogster.com/My glog about my homeland