Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Newspapers in Britain

План-конспект урока английского языка Преподаватель: Аникина Надежда Александровна Тема урока: Newspapers in Britain Тип урока: Обобщение и систематизация знаний Цель урока: Контроль сформированности знаний, умений и навыков по теме и применение их на практике.Задачи урока: Обучающие: 1. Способствовать закреплению ранее изученной лексике по теме: «Newspapers». 2. Способствовать закреплению употребления в речи неличных форм глагола. Развивающие: 1. Способствовать развитию навыков устной речи. 2. Способствовать развитию умения вести беседу. 3. Способствовать развитию познавательной активности, воображения, навыков и умений. Воспитательные: 1. Способствовать воспитанию интереса к изучению иностранного языка. 2. Способствовать воспитанию уважения к культуре стране изучаемого языка. 3. Способствовать воспитанию самодисциплины.
Методы и приемы: наглядный (демонстрация, наблюдения учащихся), словесный (объяснение, рассказ, беседа), работа с книгой (беседа по тексту, озаглавливание абзацев текста)Средства обучения: классная доска, раздаточный материал (текст), британские газеты, видеопрезентация.I. Организация начала урока:1.Приветствие Good afternoon, dear students. I’m glad to see you. How are you? Let us begin our lesson.II.Постановка целей и задач: (слайд №1) Today we continue to talk about newspapers in Great Britain, their types, their content. It’s known that mass media in general and newspapers in particular play an important role in our life. They influence the way people look at the events. In other words the oral or written word has power and it is reflected in numerous proverbs and sayings. Let us repeat them.III. Актуализация знаний : 1. Речевая зарядка
At first repeat proverbs devoted to oral words: - Think first then speak. - When the word is out it belongs to another. - Words are not birds- out you let them, and back you never get them.
(Слово – не воробей, вылетит – не поймаешь.)
And now let us repeat proverbs devoted to written words: - The pen is mightier than the sword. - Word is but wind, the written letter remains. - No axe can cut out what a pen has written about.
(Что написано пером – не вырубишь топором.)
It means we should be very careful and attentive when speaking and writing.
By the way, more and more people read electronic newspapers instead of printed ones. Why do they prefer electronic papers?
S1 – To my mind, electronic newspapers are read by more and more people because it is very convenient to use a small electronic device such as a smartphone or a draw pad for reading than a pile of printed newspapers.
S2 - In addition, you do not need to buy any newspapers because your electronic device is always with you.
S3 – Moreover, there is no delay with delivery of electronic newspapers.
T - Right you are. Nevertheless printed newspapers have not lost their popularity yet.2.Работа с текстом (приложение №1) At the last lesson we read the text «Newspapers». And your homework was to give titles to its paragraphs. Let us answer some questions first. №11. How many national daily newspapers are there in Britain?2. Which newspapers are larger, Sunday papers or daily ones?3. Do most national papers in Britain express a political opinion?4. Well, what title could we give to the first paragraph?(The difference between daily and Sunday newspapers)
№2 What title could you give to the next paragraph? (The home of most national daily and Sunday newspapers) №3 1.How many groups can the British papers be divided into? 2. Which papers are more serious: quality papers or ‘popular’ ones? 3. What can you say about the content of ‘popular’ press? 4. What title have you chosen for the paragraph 3?(Two groups of the British newspapers) № 41.Which newspapers is said to be the papers of the establishment? (‘The Times’)2. Whom is the ‘Financial Times’ read by? (It is read by businessmen)3. What can you tell about the readers of ‘The Guardian’ and ‘The Daily Telegraph’? (“The Guardian” is read by well-educated readers interested in intellectual and social affairs. “The Daily Telegraph” is read by educated upper-middle and middle – class readers.)Well how could we name this paragraph?(The readers audience of some papers). №5And what could you suggest as a title for the paragraph 5?(The content of the “popular” press)
The names of newspapers Sales per day (mln) Readers per day(mln)
The Sun 3,7 9,9
The Mirror 2,3 6,3
Daily Mail 2,2 5,1
The Express 1,1 2,6
The Daily Telegraph 1,0 2,5
The Times 0,7 2,0
Daily Star 0,6 1,9
The Guardian 0,4 1,2
The Independent 0,2 0,7
Financial Times 0,2 0,6
(слайды 2-6) Now let us summarize all the information we have got from this text. There are daily, weekly and Sunday newspapers in Great Britain. For their part they can be divided into qualities and populars, or broadsheets and tabloids. There are 12 national daily papers in Britain (5 ‘qualities, 7 ‘populars’) and 9 Sunday papers (4’qualities’, 5’populars’). Broadsheets give long, detailed world and local news stories with analysis and carefully balanced comment. They also have sections on books, science, computer, education and so on. Tabloids on the contrary have much lighter, easier-to-read content. They have very short items on politics and world events in which they mix fact and comment. They have detailed articles about the arts and sport, theatre and cinema performances. They have many pages of gossip about famous people, lots of sex, shocking, sensational stories and scandals. There are many competitions, horoscopes, crossword puzzles, photos and pictures. 3. Презентация газет с опорой на видеопрезентацию (таблица и британские газеты) (слайд №8)Please, look at the blackboard where you can see the list of the biggest-selling and most read British papers.
What papeWhat paper is on the top of the list?Is this a broadsheet or a tabloid?What paper takes the next place?As you see the first quarter of the most read papers of the list consists of tabloids.When was the Sun founded?Name, please, the foundation date of ‘the Express’, ‘the Daily Telegraph’, ‘the Times’, ‘the Guardian’.What is the oldest paper in Great Britain?What are the newest papers?Why do people prefer reading tabloids? What does it depend on? As we already know intelligent and well-educated people prefer to read more serious papers. But I think it’s not a sin to read popular papers from time to time. Our brain needs rest as well as our body. It’s impossible to have a rest reading long serious items on politics or business. Most probably we can do it reading populars, but not always.3. Беседа в режиме T- S1, S2…S3Does your family subscribe any newspapers?Do you buy any papers from time to time?What kind of papers do you prefer to read: serious or popular?What kind of items do you prefer to read?Have you ever taken part in any competitions in tabloids?Do we have popular and quality papers in Russia?Can you name some of them?4. Написание минисочиненияI want you to write a very short composition ‘My favourite paper ‘. If you have no favourite paper write about favourite paper of your parents or friends. I give you 7 minutes.5. Беседа в режиме T-CL; T-S1,S2….Ss. "Почему люди покупают газеты?» (слайд №9) And now look at the table on the board. Here you can see reasons of buying newspapers according to the statistics in Great Britain. Write down these reasons.
Why do people buy newspapers? (слайд №9)-for detailed sports reports-20%-for horoscopes-5%-for the news-50%-to see what’s on TV-20%-for other reasons-5%
And what are the reasons of your buying newspapers? What about you? ( работа по цепочке)
Nowadays there are other possibilities of being informed, for example watching TV, listening to the radio or using the Internet. But people go on reading newspapers because they like to feel paper in their hands, to feel smell of printed papers or it is a tradition in their family.
6. Инсценировка интервью (работа в группах 3-4 человека) (слайд №10) I’d like you to imagine that you are sitting at a café and a reporter of ‘The Times ‘or any other paper tries to ask you some questions. - Excuse me for interrupting you. I’m a reporter of ‘…..’. Could I ask you some questions? - Yes, of course. - Do you buy any newspapers? - Yes, we do. - What are the reasons of your buying papers? (Why do you buy papers?) - As for me…7. Работа в группах (аргументы в пользу чтения серьезных газет и таблоидов)
Now you should be divided into two groups. The first group should prepare arguments for reading quality papers and the second group – for reading popular papers. Then you will try to persuade each other to change your view.
Good job!
IV. Информация о домашнем задании: I’d like you to make a project ‘The Press in Britain’, ‘The Press in Russia’ or ‘ My favourite newspaper’. It will be your home task.V. Рефлексия (подведение итогов урока): At this lesson we have talked a lot about papers in Great Britain, their types and their content. We’ve talked about your favourite papers. We’ve found out why people go on reading newspapers and why they prefer reading tabloids. We have also discussed the reasons of buying including your own ones.Thank you for your good job at the lesson. Good-bye.
In Britain there are 12 national daily newspapers and most people read one of them every day. Daily newspapers are published on every day. Daily newspapers are published on every day of the week except Sunday. Sunday newspapers are larger than daily newspapers. All the Sunday newspapers are national. Most national newspapers in Britain express a political opinion, most of them right-wing, and people choose the newspapers that they read according to their own political beliefs. Fleet Street in London used to be the home of most national daily and Sunday newspapers and that is why people often say ‘Fleet Street’ to mean ‘the press’ even now. In the 1980s most of the newspapers moved to new buildings in different parts of London to use new printing technologies. British newspapers can be divided into two groups: quality and popular. Quality newspapers are more serious and cover home and foreign news while popular newspapers like shocking, personal stories. These two groups of papers can be distinguished easily because the quality newspapers are twice the size of the popular newspapers. The quality daily papers are ‘The Times’, ‘The Guardian’, ‘The Daily Telegraph’ and the ‘Financial Times’. ‘The Times’, founded in 1785 , is considered to be the most authoritative newspapers voice in the country and is said to be the paper of the Establishment. ‘The Guardian’ appeals to well- educated readers interested in intellectual and social affairs. ‘The Daily Telegraph’ is bought by educated uppermiddle and middle- class readers. The ‘Financial Times’, printed on pink papers, is read by businessmen. The ‘popular’ press consists of the ‘ Daily Mail’, the ‘Express’, the ‘Daily Star’ and ‘The Sun’. In all newspapers there is a desperate fight to maintain or improve their circulations but it is worst among the ‘popular’ papers whose main weapons are sex, scandal and sport. Apart from London-based papers, there are many local newspapers. Most of these are evening papers ( there is only one London evening paper) and many appear weekly. Newspapers (title and foundation date) National dailies National Sundays ‘Populars’ ‘Populars’Express(1990) News of the Word (1843)Daily Mail(1896) Sunday Express(1918)Mirror(1903) Sunday Mirror(1963)Daily Star(1966) Sunday Sport (1986)The Sun (1964) The Mail on Sunday (1982) The People(1881)‘Qualities’ ‘Qualities’Financial Times(1886) The Sunday Telegraph(1961)The Daily Telegraph (1885) The Observer(1791)The Guardian(1821) The Sunday Times(1822)The Independent(1986) The Independent SundayThe Times(1785) (1990)
Список использованной литературы:
1. О Британии вкратце: Кн. для чтения на англ. яз. в ст. классах сред. шк./Сост. В.В. Ощепкова, И.И. Шустилова.- М.: Просвещение, 1993.- 157с.: ил.
2. Цветкова И.В., Клепальченко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. Английский язык для школьников и поступающих в вузы. Устный экзамен. – М.: Глосса-Пресс, 2006, 208 с.
3. Фотоматериалы из сети «Интернет»