Разработка плана по англ языку на тему lets play 4класс

The plan of the lesson
Сабақтың жоспары
План урока
Date/Күні/Дата: 14.03.17
Form/Сынып/ Класс: 4 «А»
Subject/Сабақ/ Предмет: English
Theme/ Сабақтың тақырыбы/ Тема: Let’s play.
Type of the lesson/Сабақтын үлгісі/Тип занятия: Lesson- game.
Kind of the lesson/Сабақтын түрі/Вид занятия: Non - Traditional
Aim/Мақсат/ Цель: Fixing of knowledge
Educational/Білімдік/ Образовательная:
- to review vocabulary and grammar of previous lessons
- to check the pupil’s knowledge.
- to stimulate pupils to use the studied vocabulary.
Developing/Дамытушылық/ Развивающая:
- to develop pupils skills in speaking;
- to develop the interest of pupils in English;
Binging-up/Тәрбиелік/ Воспитательная:
- to bring-up interest of learning English;
- to bring-up the pupils’ memory.
Resources/Көрнекі құралдар/оборудование: Blackboard,presentation.
Plan/ Сабақтың барысы/ План
Warm-up activity
Checking hometaskNew theme presentation.
Physical trainingFixing of knowledge
6. Summary
№ Content Time limit Instructional settings
1 Greeting
- Good morning girls and boys! I am glad to see you!
- Sit down!
- How are you today? What day of week is it today? I hope our lesson will be interesting for you, because we are going to do many interesting things. Today we will have unusual lesson.
- So, welcome to our lesson. 2 min. T - Class
2 Warm up: - Look at the blackboard, please. Repeat after me, please. [t], [o], [k], [ei].
Tick –tock, Tick –tock,
Says the clock:
It’s time to play, it’s time to work
It’s a magic clock.
-Nice of you! Let’s translate this poem. 5 min. Presentation
3 Checking of previous material.
-Today we will play a game “Өз ойыны”. You should divide into 3 groups.
What’s this:
3. 4.
Read with the correct intonation: Come here. Sit down. Get up. Stand up. Read this.
Read correctly: boxes, books, shops, eggs, families, foxes, dresses.
Read correctly: the eggs, the tree, the umbrella, the orange, the girl and the uncle
Choose the correct word: I sea/see him every day. I don’t know/no your name. I right/write a letter to my grandma every month.
Read : [ai], [bai], [rait], [si:]
15 min
4 Physical training:
- Let’s have a rest. Look at the screen, please and repeat.
«If you are happy.» 1 min
Video material
5 Fixing of knowledge.
- Let’s continue our work!
Make negative: I_____(go) to England last year.
Building 1 is _____(big) than building 2.
Almaty is the _____(crowded) city in Kazakhstan.
Complete: good- ___- the-___ ,bad - ______, the -_____
Find the mistakes: London is a busyer city then Oxford. Turkestan is the hotest city in Kazakhstan.
Double-decker bus
One way/ return
A bagpipe
Answer the question:
What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
Which city is the youngest capital in the world?
This city had the name Tselinograd. Which city is it now?
Who is Stratford-upon-Avon famous for?
What is the capital of Scotland?
20 min Presentation
- What have we learnt at this lesson? We have done a lot today!
- Well done!
Your marks for the lesson are…
The lesson is over. You may be free! Good bye!
2 min T-Cl