Урок формирования и совершенствования лексических навыков по теме: «Внешность»

Внешность 5 класс
Тип урока: урок формирования и совершенствования лексических навыков
по теме: «Внешность».
Формы работы: фронтальная, парная, групповая.
Оборудование: учебник, дидактический раздаточный материал в виде
карточек, картинки по теме, кроссворд.
Организация деятельности учеников:
На начальном этапе урока было использовано стихотворение с целью переключения и настроения учеников на урок английского языка.
С целью проверки знания лексики по теме была предложена групповая систематизация лексики по картинкам; игра - подбор соответствующих прилагательных существительным, что способствует концентрации внимания учащихся. Во время прослушивания диалога «Пропал друг» (подготовленного 2 учащимися) учащиеся составляли (рисовали) фоторобот.
Основная часть урока, а именно отработка лексики, началась с проверки домашнего задания, где в форме монологического высказывания учащиеся описывали своего любимого актера, певца, спортсмена. Учащиеся слушали и отмечали, сколько слов из активной лексики использовал тот или иной ученик в своем описании. С целью совершенствования навыков аудирования учащимся были предложены несколько описаний, после прослушивания которых ученики должны угадать: это мог быть один из одноклассников или сказочный герой.
После физкультминутки учащимся было предложено поработать в группах. Необходимо прочитать текст-описание людей, живущих в других странах и ответить на вопросы, с опорой на картинки.
Работа с учебником подразумевала чтение и перевод предложений, а потом сопоставление вопросов и ответов.
Заключительный этап – привлечение учеников к процессу подведения итогов, оценивания учащихся. В конце урока ученикам было предложено разгадать кроссворд по теме «Внешность».
Ход урока
Подготовка к восприятию иностранного языка.
Greetings. Warming-up.
T: Good morning. Glad to see you. Is anybody absent?
What day of the week today?
What season is it now?
What month is it now?
What date is it today? (Please, write on the blackboard).
T: Let’s start our lesson with the poem:
Everybody says
I look like my mother
Everybody says
I look like my aunt Bee
Everybody says
My nose is like my father’s
But I want to look like me
Chit-Chat: A: Whom do you look like?
B: I look like my…..
T: Today we will go on on the topic “Appearance”. As for the aims today we are going to practice the vocabulary on the topic, to improve your reading and speaking skills and practice your listening skills on the topic “Appearance”.
Main part of the lesson.
Practicing the vocabulary.
T: Now let’s practice the vocabulary on the topic “Appearance”.
But first of all, 2 pupils get the task. Take the cards, please.
Card 1: You are a girl. You went to a park with your friend. But you
lost your friend. You are crying. But you meet a policeman
and ask him to help you to find your friend.
Card 2: You are a policeman. You met a girl in the park. She was
crying. She lost her friend. Help her to find her friend.
Make up a dialogue.
T: Let’s refresh in your memory some words- combinations. Look at the pictures and translate into English:
- кучерявые длинные волосы
- светлые прямые волосы
- круглое лицо
- большие зеленые глаза
- курносый нос
- розовые щеки
- полный невысокий мальчик
- худой высокий мальчик
c) T: Now look at the blackboard. Read these words. They are nouns.
These words are adjectives. Your task is: choose the right
adjectives to the nouns. Make up word-combinations and translate
Nouns: Adjectives:
nose fair
face round
hair turned-up
ears curly
eyes straight
lips oval
cheeks rosy
long short blue
brownT: Now we are going to play a game.
A is a girl. She went to a park with her friend. But she lost her
friend. She was crying. But she met a policeman. B is a policeman.
Your task is: listen to their dialogue very attentively and draw a
- Good. Show me your photorobbots. Let’s give them to the police
officer. I hope they will help you to find A’s friend.
T: Now let’s check on your homework. Your hometask was to
describe your favourite singer, filmstar or sportsman.
Please, open your vocabularies with the words to the topic
“Appearanace. Listen to somebody’s description and mark the
words which he/she used in his/her description.
- How many active words did….use in her/his description?
f) T: Let’s practice our listening skills. Now listen to the following
descriptions and try to guess who is he or she?
This is a boy. He is thin. He has got short fair hair, green eyes and a small nose. He is the shortest boy in the group. (Denis)
This is a boy. He has a round face, large brown eyes and small ears. He has got fair short hair. He has a long straight nose. (Buratino)
This is a nice girl. She is short and thin. She has an oval face. She has got fair long hair. She has got big blue eyes, a small nose, rosy cheeks and lips. Who is she? (Tanya)
This is a very nice girl. She has a round face, large blue eyes and a small nose. She has blue long curly hair (Malvina).
Relaxation: “Hands up, hand down”.
Reading. T: In the previous unit we spoke about countries and nationalities. Now let’s speak about the appearance of people from different countries. Let’s work in group. Each group read some sentences about the appearance of people who live in different countries. Please, read.
People from Scandinavian countries such as: Denmark, Norway and Sweden are usually tall. They have fair hair, blue eyes and a pale complexion.
Most people who live in the southern parts of Europe in such countries as Italy, Spain and Greece are short. They have usually got black or dark brown hair, brown eyes and light brown skin.
Most people from African continent have got black curly hair and very dark skin. They have also got dark brown eyes, full lips and wide nose.
People from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan have usually got dark hair and dark brown eyes. They have also got light dark skin.
People from northern parts of the China and from south-eastern Asia are short with thick black hair and dark slanting eyes. They have got a small nose and a yellowish complexion.
Your time is up.
T: Now look very attentively at this picture and tell me, please
- Where are these people from?
- Why do you think so?
Заключительная часть урока.
T: Open your books on page 62, Let’s do ex. 1 p. 62
Read the sentences and translate them.
Now, match the questions to the answers.
Now your homework for tomorrow is:
ex. 2 p. 62 (read and translate);
Choose a person in the picture and describe him/her to your partner in writing form.
3. Summarising.
a) T: You were good and your marks are….
b) T: What did we do at our lesson?
c) T: You worked hard today. Now let’s have a rest. Let’s do the
Down 1. We can it with it. (mouth)
2. We can hear with them. (ears)
3. We can wash it. (face)
7. We can kiss with them. (lips)
Across 2. We can see with them. (eyes)
4. We can smell with it. (nose)
5. We can comb it. (hair)
6. They are red in a frosty day. (cheeks)
3 1 4 6 2 5 7