Australia — the country and the continent

The capital of Australia is Canberra
Sydney is famous for Opera House
Sydney is famous for its bridge.
Alice Springs is in the middle of Australia. Desert
There are lots of interesting animals:koala There are lots of interesting animals:Kangaroo There are lots of interesting animals:Crocodile There are lots of interesting animals:Dingo The flying doctor is visiting people
Sheep-sheep Sheep station Australia is famous for its beaches Surfing
VocabularyDesert ['dezət]Original[əˈrɪdʒənl]Outback [ˈautbæk]Middle [midl]Famous for [ˈfeɪməs]Aborigine [aboridgen]Farm [fa:m] =sheep station пустыня Коренное населениеМесто, где мало людейСерединаИзвестныйАборигенфермаНайдите в тексте предложения с этими словами и прочитайте их. Составьте словосочетанияOriginal forFamous animalsLive in CanberraSheep peopleCapital surfing / divingInteresting the outback Swim stationGo in the sea The capital of Australia is…Sydney is famous for its … and …Aborigines are the … Australian people.Alice Springs is in the … of Australia.Alice Springs is a …There are a lot of interesting animals: …, …, … and … .The animals live in the …There are a lot of … with sheep. AustraliaIs famous for… There are a lot of..CrocodileSheepKangarooAborigineDesertBeachtown Составьте предложенияIs / the capital / Canberra / of Australia.For its / famous / Sydney / is / bridges / Opera house / and.In the / crocodiles / and / outback / kangaroos / live.A lot of / are / there / in Australia / farms.Is famous / its beaches / Australia / for.