конспект мероприятия по английскому языку Activities for Christmas

Activities for a Christmas Party.
Подготовлено учителем английского языка МОУ Туриловская СОШ Ростовская область.
Цели: формирование у учащихся интереса к культуре и традициям изучаемого языка; развитие языковых способностей и творческой активности учащихся; формирование положительной мотивации для обучения, развитие внимания, воображения, догадки, развитие логического и творческого мышления.
Оснащение: Раздаточный материал, подготовленная презентация, компьютер, рождественские открытки, рисунки, цветные карандаши.
Песня “Come and sing a Christmas song”
Просмотр презентации “Merry Christmas”
Activities for a party. 1. Lake Puzzle.
a. Составить слова из букв, входящих в слово “Father Frost”
(the, her, start, sort, fort, ate, sat, set, forest, four, he, store…)
b. Выберите слова из ряда букв о зиме, Рождестве.
2. Forest “Riddle Contest”
What is the name of Father Frost in different countries? (Father Christmas, St. Nicholas (Scandinavian), the North God Odin, Santa Claus 2. How are traditional Christmas songs called in Great Britain?
Song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”
3. What is the name of the reindeer of Santa Claus?
(Rollo, Reginald, Rudolph)
Song “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”
4. What are traditional Christmas dishes?
(turkey, pudding )

5. What are filled by Father Christmas at night before Christmas?
6. Father Christmas comes down this to get into the room?
(chimney )7. It burns brightly without electricity at Christmas Eye? (candle)
8. Brought in from the woods and is decorated. (a fir – tree, pine tree )
9. Where it all starts? (Bethlehem)
10. Built by children in winter? (snowman)

3. Christmas Puzzles
1. He came to us before New Year a healthy merry fellow.
But every day he loses his weigh
And in a year he’ll fade away. (calendar)
2. A little old woman with twelve children:
Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is it? (a year)
3 What year lasts only one day? (New Year)
4. In what month of the year do we work, eat and sleep least?
(in February because it has fewer days than the other months of the year)
5. He comes at night (or so they say)
Then does his job and goes away. (Father Frost)
6. In winter and in summer they stand both in one colour. (a fir – tree, a pine tree
7. What man cannot live inside the house? (a snowman)
8. When you look around on a cold winter morning,
What can you see on every hand? (A glove, a mitten)
9. What often falls in winter but never gets hurt? (snow)
10. What bites, but doesn’t hurt? (frost)
11. What has no hands but opens the doors? (wind)
Song “Jingle Bells”

4. Split Words
Christ/mas rein/deer fir/tree snow/man
Snow/flake décor/ations pre/sent sto/ckings5. Odd one out.
Star, snowman, (cheese), fir-tree, present, Father Frost, reindeer
Star, present, (ship), Father Christmas, Toys.
Динамическая пауза: a. “Please Game” (Выполнить команду при условии, если произносится слово “Please”)
Stand up, jump, run, fly, go, draw, swim, climb, sleep, read, write, dance, sit down

3696335-6985000 b. Is it right or wrong?
A. Frogs can fly.
b. Pigs are green.
c. You have no tail.
d. Children like bananas.
e. Dogs can swim.
f. Tigers are black.
g. Elephants are brown.
h. Birds can fly.
i. Monkeys can’t jump.
j. Dogs can run.
k. Cats are big.
6. “Three little kittens lost their mittens” (инсценировка стихотворения)

Do you want to make a present for the kittens? Take this pair of mittens and try to decorate them.
7. A hill “Find a mistake “
1. The 31st of December is the first day of a year.
2. Children don’t like New Year.
3. Frost brings presents for children.
4. New Year Tree is white.
5We don’t know New Year songs 8. Coбери снежинку.31400757905750 ( собрать снежинку, разрезанную на части и прочитать новогоднее пожелание)
Song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”.