Презентация по английскому языку на тему Праздники и традиции

CUSTOMS Do you think all of them are true? Once a year it is a custom for women to cook flat cakes in a frying pan and run down the street throwing the pancakes into the air and catching them in the air. This is a traditional pancake race, which is held on Shrove Tuesday in Britain. It is a custom on one day in the year to put apples into a bowl full of water, and try to pick them with your teeth. This is part of the traditional Halloween celebrations held on 31 October. Once a year a group of young men roll a large cheese down a hill and then run down after it. This is the custom of cheese rolling, which happens on Whit Monday in Britain. There is a nettle-eating content every year. The contestants try to eat as many nettles as they can. This contest takes place every summer in Dorset in Britain. A word of warning: Don’t try nettle-eating if you don’t know the “secret method”. Every year in a small Spanish town you can see people throwing tomatoes at each other. This funny festival is called La Tomatina. There are two rules all Tomatina participiants must follow: - You may only use tomatoes (not cucumbers or carrots); - You must squish the tomatoes before throwing them ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА English Learner’s Digest №11 2002, №10 2002 Газета «1 сентября» приложение «Английский язык» 6/2003 «Speak Out» What Are The British Like? Сборник «Мозаика» приложение к журналу «Иностранные языки в школе»