Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 5 классе «Лондон – столица Вилекобритании»

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 30» г. Тамбова

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 5 классе
«Лондон – столица Великобритании»

Учитель английского языка
Иванова Н.И.

T SS: «Hello, dear friends I’ m glad to see you again. Yesterday I received a letter from my English pen-friend. He sent me a very interesting video film about London. And now I want you to watch this film».

II. Pre- listening :
T SS: «But before that let’s review what kinds of places of interest in
London you know».
Look at the blackboard and match the pictures and names of the sightseeings in London.

1). A). Th
·(Students tell a short information about these places of interest).
TSS: And now let’s watch the film. (The SS watch the film about London).

III. While – listening (listening for analyzing).
T SS: «I want you to do some exercises. Get into groups of fours».
(After watching the film SS do some exercises in groups. The teacher gives
them the Card №1).
T SS: «So, Students, I’d like to listen to your variants». The students answer (S1,
S2, S3, S4). «And now I want you to do the next task. Work in groups.
Take the Card № 2».(S1, S2, S3, S4).
T SS: «Thank you students. And now I want you to watch the film once more
and continue the sentences.» (The teacher distributes SS cards with
sentences).The Card №3 (S1, S2, S3, S4).
TSS: «Read your variants .Thank you. And now complete the table».(The Card 4).
«I think that’ll do. Your time is out. Please, read your variants.(S1, S2, S3,
S4.) Thank you. I think that now you know a lot about London.


T SS: «Work in pairs, please, discuss three places of interest in London. Find
the most interes
·ting place for you.» (SS make up dialogues in pairs and
answer them.)
V. Homework(writing):
T SS :«Imagine that you work at a tourist information office, you must give
some interesting information about London. Prepare at home leaflets about London’s most famous sights».
VI.The Results of the Lesson:
T.: «Thank you students for you work. Your marks:».

Card №4
Complete the table.
The old information
The new information
The places which I want to visit.

Card №2
Match two parts of these sentences.
1.You can meet great characters of
History and art
2.There is a special place for the
Queen’s family
3.In MOMI you can learn
4.London Zoo is
5.The statue of Peter Pan is
1.in one of London’s Park.

2.in Regent’s Park.

3.at Madame Tussaud’s museum.
4.at Madame Tussaud’s museum.
5.about the history and magic of

Card N 3

Continue the sentences.
1.Big Ben is one of the most famous
2.Backingham Palace is the London home of the
3.St Paul’s Cathedral is
4.Westminster Abbey is a large
5.The Tower of London is

Card N 1

Are these sentences true(Т)or false(F)?
1.London is a capital of America.
2.It’s quite expensive to visit London museums.
3.Rigent’s Park is a home of London Zoo.
4.The Thames is a small river.
5.Wimbledon is one of the four great world football competitions.