Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по теме Pancake day (7 класс)

Good morning, dear children.
Do you like holidays?
What holidays do you like?
The British like holidays, too.
Let’s see what holidays they like.
On the 25th of December they celebrate …
In March or April they celebrate …
In February or March they celebrate …
What’s the Russian for…?
So? What’s the topic of our lesson?
What will you learn?
What do you think you will know after this lesson?
Every country has its own traditions and customs. In Britain traditions play a very important role in the life of people mostly because the British are very conservative/ they are proud of their traditions. The pupils of the 8th form will tell you about Pancake Day which is celebrated on Shrove Tuesday in Spring at the beginning of Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter.
English people celebrate Pancake Day on Shrove Tuesday in spring. It is the beginning  of Lent (пост). Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter (пасха). On this day in England families usually have pancakes for dinner. At schools the children and teachers have pancakes for dinner, and in restaurants people ask for pancakes, too. Usually they eat pancakes with butter, honey, sour cream. And Russian people eat pancakes too. They eat them in spring when they celebrate Maslenitsa. This holiday lasts for a week to say “goodbye” to winter. We celebrate it at the end of February or at the beginning of March. We cook pancakes, eat them with sour cream, fish, butter, honey and caviar. We burn scarecrows. of winter, we sing songs, dance.
Well, on this day in England families usually have pancakes for school dinner, and in restaurants customers ask pancakes too.
Everyone knows that pancakes are delicious to eat, but do you know how to cook them?
Let’s arrange the instructions for making pancakes in the right order.
Another tradition is the Pancake fight when a cook tosses pancake high into the air. Half the fun of Pancake Day lies in eating the pancakes; the other half comes in tossing them. They are thin cakes made of batter, fried in a pan, and it is necessary to cook them on both sides. It is usual to throw them into the air, catching them in the pan as they come down. Many a pancake ends up on the floor, and some become stuck to the ceiling. Those that survive taste particularly good to a child who has successfully tossed them.
Can you make pancakes? It’s very easy. You need: four ? lb (about 250 g)
eggs 4
milk 1 pint (about 0.56 liters)
sugar 1 tablespoonbutter 2 oz. (about 60 g)
a pinch of saltPut the flour, eggs, milk, sugar and salt in a mixing-bowl.
Mix them with a fork. You now have a batter for the pancakes.
Put your finger in the batter. Is the batter too thin? Or is it too thick? Add more flour or more milk.
Melt the butter in a saucepan.
Add most of the butter to the batter.
Put the rest of the butter in a frying-pan.
Heat the frying-pan. It must be very hot.
Put some of the batter into the frying-pan. The butter must cover the bottom of the pan.
Cook the batter for half a minute. Then toss the pancake in the air and cook the other side for half a minute.
Put the pancake in a warm oven (low gas or electric).
Then make another pancake. You can make lots of pancakes with the batter.
Eat with lemon juice and honey.
Pancake days:
Monday – Welcoming.
Tuesday – Playing.
Wednesday – Regaling, the Sweet Tooth day.
Thursday – Revelry.
Friday – Mother-in-law’s Eve.
Saturday – Sister-in-law’s Gathering.
Sunday – Forgiveness Day.
The burning of Lady Maslenitsa.
According to tradition, in 1445 a woman of Olney heard the shriving bell while she was making pancakes. Not wanting to be late, the woman ran to church with her apron on and the frying pan still in her hand. She started the tradition and now at 11:55 women wearing an apron and a scarf or a hat with a pancake in a pan run a race. The length of the course is 415 yards or 375 metres. They must toss the pancake three times. The record was set in 1967when it was done in 63 seconds!
Pancakes are believed to bring good luck as they contain items associated with longevity and prosperity. What may these ingredients symbolize?
Next time you cook pancakes think of it.
I wish you good luck! Thank you.
Choose the correct variant
1. … take part in the race at Olney.
The finish is near the … .stadium
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