Англ внекласное мероприятие Золотая осень

Golden Autumn(English party)
Цели: тренировка произносительных навыков и восприятия речи на слух; формирование навыков самостоятельной работы с фонетическим материалом стихотворений и актерских навыков при исполнении стихов на английском языке; повторение пройденного учебного материала в неформальной обстановке во время игры; повышение интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.
I. Introduction.
Teacher. Today we’ll have our first English party “Golden Autumn”. I hope you like autumn. September sees off summer. In September cold winds blow more and more often. The sky becomes cloudy. We can see the first yellow leaves on the trees. September is the time when people say “goodbye” to the warmth of the sun.
II. The poems.
Teacher. Let us listen to the poems about September.
It’s september and the leaves
Are falling down
All around me.I see only red and brown.
People come and they go
And seasons too I know.
Ученик, читающий эти стихи, держит в руках ветки с желтыми листьями.
Symphony in Yellow
Big barges of yellow hay
Are moved against the shadowy wharf,
And like a yellow silken scarf.
The thick fog hangs along the quay.
(By Oscar Wild)
Во время чтения стихов демонстрируются иллюстрации к нему.
III. Parrot Musical. (Попугайский мюзикл.)
Для подготовки данного мюзикла необходимо проработать сценарий, найти мелодии, подходящие к словам, а также подобрать и разучить движения танца.
Teacher. September is also the time when people see the birds off to southern land. And now we’ll see off our funny, brave Parrots to America. Listen to our Parrot Musical.
I’m sure you’ll like it. And I think you would like to take an active part in it.
На сцене висят плакаты с изображением разноцветных попугаев.
Poster (1)
A trip round the world!
Swell! Terrific!
Poster (2)
Who? What? Where? When? Why?
I don’t know, Oh, my! Oh, my!
Цель мюзикла: повторение вопросительных местоимений (Что? Где? Когда? и т. д.).Parrot Musical
P1.If you want to know
They call me So-and-So.
A trip round the world!
Swell! Terrific!
Ученик одет в яркий красный костюм попугая. В руках у него большой чемодан с наклейками «Аfrica», «America».
P2.We are leaving …
P3.Who? Who? Who?
P2. We, we, we!
P3. What, what, what?
P2. Africa!
We are leaving Africa for America…
P3. Where! Where, where!
P2. For America, America, America.
We are leaving Africa for America tomorrow.
P3. When! When! When!
P4. Tomorrow.We are leaving Africa for America tomorrow, just for fun!
P3. Why? Why? What for?
P4. Just for fun! (2)
Hurry up! (2)
P3. Who? What? Where? When? Why?
The end.
Остальные три ученика одеты в яркие (синий, желтый, зеленый) костюмы попугаев. В руках у них фотоаппарат, сотовый телефон, сумки. У всех – большие темные очки.
IV. The poems about October.
Teacher. Do you like October? As for me, I like it! The Anglo-Saxons called October wine month. We can call it the month of flaming colours, of nuts and ripe grapes, of the last flowers, of falling leaves and of the first frosts.
Let us listen to the poems about October.
The month is amberGreat V’s of geese
Gold and brown.Honk overhead
Blue ghosts of smokeAnd maples turn
Float through the town!A fiery red!
October Party
October gave a party,
The trees by hundreds came,
The chestnuts, oaks and maples,
And leaves of every name!
(By Eve Merriam)
В руках у чтецов ветки с красными и желтыми листьями.
V. The songs.
Pupils sing the songs:
1. The more we are together.
2. I’ve got a little pet.
3. Captain Brave.
VI. Dramatization of the fairy tale.
Pupils dramatize the second part of the fairy tale “Peter and his friends”.
The mouse. I am very poor. My children are hungry. Give me a penny. Some day I’ll do something for you, too.
Peter. And why not? I can get bread and salt for my two pennies and I do not want any butter.
The bird. I am very poor. My children are hungry. Give me a penny. Some day I’ll do something for you, too.
Peter. And why not? I can get bread for a penny. And I can eat it without salt.
The bear. I am very poor. My children are hungry. Give me a penny. Some day I’ll do something for you, too.
Peter. And why not? People will always give me something to eat. I must only ask them to help me.
VII. The conclusion of the party.
Teacher. Our party is over! Thanks a lot for your poems and songs. Good luck to you!
English holiday “Christmas”(внеклассное мероприятие)
Цели: ознакомление учащихся с традициями празднования рождества в Англии и Америке; активизация творческих способностей учащихся при подготовке и проведении праздника; формирование интереса к изучению английского языка как средства знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран.
I. Предварительное знакомство с историей праздника на уроках английского языка.
Christmas Day, December, 25, is probably the most exciting day of the year for most English children. They also can give presents to their relatives and friends.
Englishmen traditionally decorate their Christmas trees with candles, many bells, baubles, tinsel and so on. They always put a star on top of the Christmas tree. At Christmas everyone decorates their houses with holly and mistletoe. They hang a mistletoe wreath on the front doors. mistletoe is a green plant with white berries. Holly bushes and trees have red berries and so people often hang a holly wreath on the front doors.
It’s a Christmas tradition for British people to kiss their friends and family under the mistletoe.
The legend says that at midnight on Christmas Eve evil spirits lose their power for a short time and animals can speak. Many people go to church at midnight on Christmas Eve. They hear the christmas story and sing carols. Carols are special christmas songs. Groups of children go from house to house, sing carols and collect money for charity. Children also sing carols at christmas parties at school and sometimes they do a play about the birth of the baby Jesus called “Nativity play” for their parents.
On Christmas the British eat cold meat, turkey, hot mince pies, Christmas cake (a kind of fruit cake), fruit and nuts.
On Christmas day children like to pull crackers after Christmas dinner. There is always a paper hat, a joke and a present in the crackers.
For dessert English people have Christmas puddings. Real Christmas pudding always has a piece of holly on the top. The British put a silver coin in it for good luck. Some people pour brandy over the pudding and light it. Then they eat it with cream.
At night Father Christmas (Santa Claus) comes with his sack of presents from the North Pole on his flying sleigh, pulled by his 8 reindeer.
British children put a mince pie for Father Christmas and carrots for his animals by the fireplace.
a mince pie is a small round pie, with a sweet mixture of currants, raisins, apples, nuts, spices and sugar. There is a popular Christmas song about the ninth reindeer who once led Santa and his reindeer through snow and fog with his nose. The song is called “Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer”.
II. Подготовка к празднику.
1. Оформление кабинета (рисунки; елка, украшенная игрушками; снежинки на окнах; веночки из вечнозеленых растений; колокольчики).
2. Музыкальное оформление праздника (подбор музыки, песен).
3. Костюмы Деда Мороза, Снегурочки, различных зверей.
4. Разучивание детьми стихотворений, песен, подготовка сообщений о традициях Рождества. Репетиции – разучивание ролей к спектаклю. Исполнение.
III. Проведение праздника.
Teacher. Dear friends! Let’s celebrate the wonderful holiday. It is Christmas. To my mind it is the most exciting day of the year for our children.
1. Answer the questions.
1) What British Christmas traditions do you like most?
2) Do we celebrate Christmas? When?
3) What are you favourite New Year traditions?
4) What does your family usually have for New Year supper?
2. Lexical activities.
a) The spidergram “Christmas”.
Teacher. I’d like to know who wants to complete the spidergram “Christmas”?
Дети могут выполнять это задание на доске или на отдельныхплакатах.
b) Decorate your Christmas tree.
Teacher. What do you usually decorate your Christmas tree with? Draw and label the toys.

Pupils use such decorations as coloured lights, candles, many baubles, toys, bells, tinsel and paper chains. They decorate the top of the tree with a fairy doll and an angel or a star.
c) Meeting Father Christmas.
Teacher. And now meet Father Christmas. He wants to ask you some questions.
1) Where does your Christmas tree stand in your flat?
2) When do you usually decorate it?
3) What do you put on top of the Christmas tree?
4) What are your favourite decorations?
3. Christmas poems.
Father Christmas. Now I’d like to listen to the poems about Christmas.
Christmas is a lovely time.
The snow lies white and thick.
Mistletoe is hard to find
And holly hard to pick.Father Christmas. Thanks a lot. Take a present, please!
Christmas gifts
Gifts wrapped up in the Christmas paper
Sitting round the tree so bright
Children fast asleep in bed
As Santa comes tonight.Father Christmas. Oh, your poem is wonderful! I’d like to give you a present for it.
Christmas windows
Tinsel round the windows bright
Pink, orange, red and white!
Glittering in the evening light
Oh, such a lovely sight!
Father Christmas. What a nice poem about Christmas! Will you take my present? Thank you very much, dear children, for your poems.
4. Christmas songs.
Teacher. And now meet Snowmaiden!
snowmaiden. dear children, I’m glad to see you. Do you know any Christmas songs?
Pupils sing Christmas songs.
Christmas is coming!
Christmas is coming!
The goose is getting fat.
Please to put a penny
In the old man’s hat. 2 раза
If you have no penny,
A ha’penny will do.
If you have no ha’penny,
Then God bless you. 2 раза
snowmaiden. Thank you, dear children, for this nice song. And do you know the famous Christmas carol “Silent night”?
Group of children go from house, sing carols and collect money for charity. Children also sing carols at Christmas parties at school. And now let’s sing this carol.
Silent night
Silent night! Holy night!
All is calm, all is bright,
Round you Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace!
Sleep in heavenly peace!
Silent night! Holy night!
Sheperds quake at the sight!
Glories stream from Heaven afar,
Heavenly Hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour, is born!
Christ, the Saviour, is born!
Silent night! Holy night!
Son of God, love’s pure light
Radiant beams from Thy Holy Face,
With the dawn of redeeming grace,
Jesus, Lord, at Thy Birth!
Jesus, Lord, at Thy Birth!
snowmaiden. Thank you for the song! Answer my questions, please.
1) Where does Father Christmas live?
2) How many reindeer pull his sleigh?
3) What has he got?
4) Where does he usually put his presents?
Pupils answer these questions.
P1. To my mind, Father Christmas lives at the North Pole.
P2. Eight reindeer pull his sleigh.
P3. Father Christmas has got a lantern and a sack of presents.
P4. He usually puts his presents into the stockings.
snowmaiden. Thank you for your nice answers. You know everything about Father Christmas. Take my presents, please.
There is a popular Christmas song called “Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer”.
Do you know it?
Pupils sing the song.
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer,
Had a very shiny nose.And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows.
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games.
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say,
“Rudolph, with your nose so bright,
Won’t you guide my sleigh tonight?”
Then all the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee,
“Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer,
You’ll go down in history!”
snowmaiden. Thank you, dear children, for this merry song! At night Father Christmas (Santa Claus) comes with his sack of presents from the North Pole on his flying sleigh, pulled by his 8 reindeer. And what do British children prepare for him by the fireplace?
P1. They put a mince pie (small fruit round pie) for Father Christmas.
P2. They put carrots for his animals by the fireplace.
snowmaiden. Dear children, what do you know about my Grandfather Frost?
P3. Grandfather Frost lives in the forest.
P4. Three horses pull his sleigh.
P5. He has got a magic staff and a sack of presents.
P6. He has got a granddaughter called snowmaiden.
snowmaiden. Yes, you are right. Take my presents, please.
Отвечая на вопросы Снегурочки, дети показывают свои рисунки с изображением Деда Мороза.
5. Speaking about Christmas traditions.
Teacher. And this is our brave Little Red Riding Hood. She wants to ask you about Christmas traditions.
L.R.R. Hood. Good day, dear children! Will you answer my questions, please?
1) What do English people have for dessert on Christmas day?
2) What do English people hang on the front doors?
3) How do English people decorate their houses?
4) What is there in the cracker?
Pupils answer the questions and get presents for their answers.
P1. for dessert English people have Christmas pudding.
P2. English people often hang a holly wreath on the front doors.
P3. At Christmas everyone decorates their houses with holly and mistletoe.
P4. There is always a paper hat, a joke and a present in the cracker.
Отвечая на вопросы, дети показывают настоящий рождественский пудинг, венки из остролиста и омелы и разнообразные самодельные хлопушки, сделанные к празднику.
L.R.R. Hood. Thank you for your wonderful answers. I wish you a merry Christmas. Will you sing together with me?
The song
We wish you a merry Christmas (3 раза)
And a happy New Year.Good tidings we bring to you and your kin. (3 раза)
Good tidings for Christmas and a happy New Year!
Mother’s Day(праздник)
Цели: активизация творческих способностей учащихся при подготовке и проведении праздника; ознакомление учащихся с традициями праздника в Америке; формирование интереса к изучению английского языка как средства для знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран; воспитание доброты, внимания к матери, женщинам, девочкам.
Ход праздника
I. Предварительное знакомство с историей праздника на уроках английского языка.
Mother’s Day was first proclaimed a national holiday bу President Woodrow Wilson in 1915.
The idea of honouring mothers on a special day started with Ann Jarvis (West Virginia), who chose the second Sunday in May. Ann Jarvis began the custom of wearing a red carnation if one’s mother was still living and a white carnation if one’s mother was deceased. If the latter is the case, many people visit their mother’s grave side and dedicate the day to their mother’s memory.
On this day children give thanks for the support, love, care their mothers and grandmothers. this expression of thanks often takes the form of a special dinner, either home-cooked or in a favourite restaurant. Giving cards and gifts is also a tradition.
Children often make Mother’s Day gifts in school.
Pin cushions, sachets, tie clasps, decorated boxes and picture frames, recipe holders and plaster-cast hand prints are all popular favourites.
Another common gift for mothers is the “mother ring”, a ring set with the birthstones of each of the members of the family.
Since many American families are geographically separated from their parents or children, on this day (the second Sunday in May) they try to bridge the gap with a long-distance phone call or special delivery of flowers in order to say “I love you” to those who gave them life.
II. Подготовка к празднику.
1. Оформление кабинета (плакаты-приглашения, афиша празд-ника, программа праздника, рисунки, подарки для мам).
2. Музыкальное оформление праздника (подбор музыки, песен).
3. Выставка различных поделок (календари, прихватки, вышивки, сумки).
III. Проведение праздника.
1. Pupils answer the following questions.
1) When is Mother’s Day?
2) Is it the holiday in honour of your mother?
3) Is it a bright holiday?
4) What do you do to please your mother on the eight of March?
5) What does your mother wear on the eight of March?
6) What do you give your mother as present on this day?
7) What do you say your mother on that holiday?
2. Pupils dramatize the dialogue.
Father (P1). It will be a holiday tomorrow.
Kate (P2). What holiday?
Father (P1). It is the holiday of all mothers and grandmothers – the eight of March.
Kate (P2). Oh! It’s Women’s Day! What shall we give to our Mum on that day?
Father (P1). Let’s buy some flowers and a box of sweets.
Kate (P2). That’s a good idea. I’ll give her a picture. She likes my pictures.
Father (P1). And what will you say to Mum?
Kate (P2). I’ll say, “Dear Mum, I love you so much. Best wishes for mother’s Day.
3. Pupils recite the poem “My mother”.
P1. Who said: “Good night”
When I was a child?
My mother.P2.Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gayAnd showed me often how to play?
My mother.P3. Who ran to help me when I fellAnd who could funny stories tell?
My mother.P4. Who is so nice? Who is so kind?
Another so dear you’ll never find!
My mother.4. Pupils sing the songs to their mothers.
a) Just for you!
I picked the reddest apple from the tree,
It was the finest one that I could see.
I saved it all except a bite or two
Just for you!
I carried home the groceries from the store.
I wanted to be helpful with the chore.
I put them all away except a few
Just for you!
Someday I’ll be grown up, too.
And if I can, I’ll grow up just like you.
b) Mother
When I was but a baby,
Long before I learned to walk,
While lying in my cradle,
I would try my best to talk.
It wasn’t long before I spoke,
And all the neighbors heard.
My folks were very proud of me
For “mother” was the word.
Although I’ll never lay a claim to fame,
I’m satisfied to sing her lovely name:
“M” is for the million things she gave me.
“O” means only that she’s growing old.
“T” is for the tears she shed to save me.
“H” is for her heart of purest gold.
“E” is for her eyes, with love lights shining.
“R” means right, and right she’ll always be.
Put them all together; they spell “mother”,
A word that means the world to me.(By Theodore Morse and Howard Johnson)
Aura Lee
This song was popular with the Confederate army during the Civil War. The tune was later used by Elvis Presley for his famous song “Love Me Tender”.
As the blackbird in the spring
Neath the willow tree
Sat and piped, I heard him
Sing of Aura Lee.
Chorus:Aura Lee (2)
Maid of golden hair.Sunshine came along with thee
And swallows in the air.On her cheek the rose was born,
It was music when she spoke.
In her eyes the rays of morn
With sudden splendor breaks.Chorus.Then pupils give their presents to their mothers and grandmothers.
Girls ask boys about their mothers.
1) Is your mother glad (happy) to get flowers on the eight of March?
2) Do you help your mother about the house?
3) Does your father help your mother about the house?
4) Is your mother tired on that day?
5) Are you tired on that holiday? Why?
Праздник заканчивается ярмаркой кулинарных изделий, приготовленных детьми.
1. Барашкова, Е. А. Грамматика английского языка : сб. упражнений / Е. А. Барашкова. – М. : Экзамен, 2009.
2. Биболетова, М. З. Английский язык : английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English : учеб. для 4 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений / М. З. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева. – Обнинск : Титул, 2011.
3. Биболетова, М. З. Английский язык : рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «Английский с удовольствием / Enjoy English для 4 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений» / М. З. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко, Н. Н. Трубанева. – Обнинск : Титул, 2011.
4. Верещагина, И. Н. Английский язык : учеб. для 4 кл. школ с углубл. изучением англ. яз., лицеев и гимназий. 4-й год обучения : в 2 ч. / И. Н. Ве-рещагина, Т. А. Притыкина, О. В. Афанасьева. – М. : Просвещение, 2010.
5. Кузовлев, В. П. Английский язык : учеб. английского языка для 4 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений / В. П. Кузовлев, Э. Ш. Перегудова. – М. : Просвещение, 2010.
6. Латыш, В. Тесты по английскому языку / В. Латыш, О. Шнайдер. – Минск : Книжный Дом, 2005.
7. Эванс, В. Английский в фокусе : учеб. английского языка для 4 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений / В. Эванс [и др.]. – М. : Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009.
8. Evans, V. Enterprise 2: Elementary. Student’s Book / V. Evans, J. Dooley. – Oxford : Express Publishing, 2007.
9. Graham, C. Grammarchants : more jazz chants / C. Graham. – NY : Oxford University Press, 1993.
10. Merphy, R. Essential Grammar in Use for Elementary Students of English / R. Merphy. – Cambridge : University Press, 2006.
11. The Annotated Mother Goose / W. Baring-Gould, C. Baring-Gould. – NY : Bramhall House, 1962.
Электронные ресурсы:
12. http://school6nojabrsk.narod.ru/angl_4.htm
13. http://eng.1september.ru/view_article.php?ID=200901703