Презентация по англмйскому языку на тему London is the capital city of Great Britain

Тақырыбы: London is the capital city of Great BritainМақсаты: 1. Студенттердің ойлау дағдыларын жетілдіре отырып, еркін сөйлеуге үйрету; 2. Тақырып бойынша алған білімдерін жинақтау, қарым-қатынас барысында еркін қолдануға дағдыландыру, сонымен қатар үштілділікті дамыту. 3. Оқушыларды ұйымшылдыққа, адамгершілікке достыққа өзге елдің тарихын құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу. Түрі: саяхат- сабақӘдісі: ұжымдық, сұрақ-жауап.Пәнаралық байланыс: қазақ тілі, орыс тілі, география, тарих, елтануКөрнекілігі: үлестірмелі тапсырмалар, видеобейнелер, слайдтар, проектор, тақта, буклеттер, суреттер. Good morning,students! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine. Who is absent? Checking home-tasks: I ____ speak English. CAN MAY MUST He _____ ride a bike well. CAN MAY MUST Teacher, _____ I come in? CAN MAY MUST I _____ go to the dentist. CAN MAY MUST They _____ write it CAN MAY MUST _____ I go home? CAN MAY MUST You _____ find your book. CAN MAY MUST You _____ tell anybody about it. CAN’T CAN MUSTN’T _____ I take this paper? CAN MAY MUST Cats _____ see at night CAN MAY MUST DON’T WORRY! TRY AGAIN! 15 14 4 15 14 – 20 8 5 3 1 16 9 20 1 12 3 9 20 25 15 6 7 18 5 1 20 2 18 9 20 1 9 14 Жаңа сабаққа қызығушылығын ояту мақсатында “Numeral” ойынын ойнату(көрсетілген сандардың орнына әріптерді ретімен орналастыру, мысалы 12-L): (Жауабы,ответ, the answer) What is London? Where is it situated? On what river does London stand? What sights of London do you know? b) Oй қозғау Глоссарий Trafalgar Square Трафальгар алаңы площадь ТрафальгараStatue of Admiral Nelson Адмирал Нельсон мүсіні статуя Адмирала НельсонаBuckingham Palace Букингем сарайы Букингемский дворецThe Houses of Parliament Парламент үйі Дворец ПарламентаTower of Bridge Тауер көпірі Тауер мостThe Thames Темза өзені озеро ТемзаThe Double Decker Екі қабатты автобус Двухэтажный автобусThe Tower of London Лондон мұнарасы Башня Лондона Well-to-do дәулетті, қалталы состоятельныйInhabitant тұрғындар жителиVast кең просторныйTrade сауда торговляGreat тамаша, зор, ұлы великий Ancient ескі, көне старыйView- көрініс панорама London is the capital of Great Britain. It stands on the river Thames. It consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End. Ok. Let’s see what places we’ll visit today. Welcome to London. Top 10 attractions London Оқышулардың сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастыру мақсатында видеоролик көрсетіледі London the capital city of UK, is situated on the banks of the river Thames. The city is very old, it’s more than 20 centuries. Its population is nearly 9 million people. The area known as “Great London” occupies the territory of about 1.8 thousand square km.The capital of the country is the important financial center and one of the largest ports of the world. Administratively London is divided into 33 districts, but at the same time there are some parts of the London, which have some distinctive features: the West End, the East End, the City. Оқулықпен жұмыс. Оқушылардың дүниетанымын жаңа ақпараттық материалдармен толықтыру c) Шығармашылық жұмыс The Clock Tower is the world's largest four-faced, chiming clock. The structure is situated at the north-eastern end of the Houses of Parliament building in Westminster, London. It is often referred to as Big Ben — which is actually the main bell housed within the Clock Tower. The Clock Tower has also been referred to as The Tower of Big Ben and, incorrectly, St Stephen's Tower, which is actually the spired tower towards the middle of the Palace and is also the main point of entry for attendees of debates and committees. The Thames is a major river flowing through the southern England. While best known because its lower flow through central London, the river flows through several other towns and cities, including Oxford, Reading and Windsor. The river gives its name to the Thames Valley, a region of England centred around the river between Oxford and West London, and the Thames Gateway, the area centred around the tidal Thames and the Thames Estuary to the east of London. St Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral on Ludgate Hill, in the City of London, and the seat of the Bishop of London. The present building dates from the 17th century, and is generally reckoned to be London's fifth St Paul's Cathedral, although the number is higher if every major medieval reconstruction is counted as a new cathedral. The cathedral is one of London's most visited sites. Trafalgar Square is a square in London that commemorates the Battle of Trafalgar (1805), a British naval victory of the Napoleonic Wars. The original name was to have been "King William the Fourth's Square", but George Led well Taylor suggested the name "Trafalgar Square". Tower Bridge is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London over the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, which gives it its name. It has become an iconic symbol of London. Tower Bridge is one of several London bridges owned and maintained by the City Bridge Trust, a charitable trust overseen by the City of London Corporation. Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch. The palace is a setting for state occasions and royal entertaining, and a major tourist attraction. It has been a rallying point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis. The Church of St Peter, Westminster, which is almost always referred to by its original name of Westminster Abbey, is a large, mainly Gothic church, (it served as a cathedral from 1546 - 1556), in Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs. Oxford Street is a major thoroughfare in London, England in the City of Westminster. With over 300 shops, it is Europe's busiest shopping street. akrp arnedg suumem aaptilc gllyear omusaf idrgeb park garden museum capital gallery famous bridge Оқушылардың ағылшын сөздерін дұрыс жазу дағдысын қалыптастыру Big Tower of Westminster Tower Houses of Trafalgar The Queen of Great Bridge Britain Parliament Abbey Ben London Britain Square Видео тур по Астане Оқушылардың білімін Ұлыбритания мен Қазақстан астаналарын салыстыра отырып,жаңа ақпараттық материалмен толықтыру (видеоматериал) Venn Diagramma (example) London Both Astana Consist of 3 parts capital city consist of 2 parts (Right and left part) (the City of London, great city Baiterek the West End and beautiful city the East End) Ой түйіндеу The famous clock is …The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in …It is one of the famous bridgesacross the Thames…It is an ancient fortress in London…Can you name the parts of London…. When was the Great Fire in London? (Big Ben) (Westminster Abbey) (Tower Bridge) (Tower of London) Guess the word: (the west End, the East End, The City) 1966 Homework. Write down short story about trip around London, ex.3,4,5 p. 239 Our lesson is over. You have worked hard today. You spoke much about London and Astana, we remembered interesting facts about their places of interest, you practiced asking questions and did the puzzles. Thank you for your work. I hope you liked our today’s lesson. Was it interesting? What did you like more? What was the most difficult task for you? Қолданылған материалдар:1. Г.И.Рогова, Ф.М.Рожкова “Английский язык за два года» 2. И.В.Верещагина «English IY»3. Интернет ресурсы: youtube.com, google.com Англо-русский, русско-английский словарь.Г.И.Рогова “Методика обучения английскому языку”Г. Амандыкова “Шет тілін оқыту әдістемесі”