Презентация к обобщающему уроку английского языка на тему «Животные» (для 2-3 классов)

Урок английского языка, 2 класс МБОУ «СОШ№13» г.Северодвинска Архангельской областиБулатецкая Татьяна Павловна, учитель высшей квалификационной категории A N I M A L S Тема: ЖИВОТНЫЕ. Употребление глагола CAN. Цели: Углубление знаний о животных, их качествах, внешности.Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.Воспитание любви к животным. Look at the picture! This is a fish. It is small. It is a wild animal. It lives in a pond. It has got one tail, two eyes, one nose, two ears. It is kind. It can swim. TELL US ABOUT THESE ANIMALS FIND AS MANY ANIMALS AS POSSIBLE What animal is it? The third letter in ‘CAT’The first letter in ‘iguana’The first letter in ‘goat’The third letter in ‘elephant’The third letter in ‘horse’ COWThe third letter in ‘cockerel’The second letter in ‘monkey’The first letter in ‘wolf’ LET’s REPEAT a SONG about Mr SMITH the KEEPER Mr Smith, the keeper, has got ten vipers in the zoo. Mr Smith, the keeper, has got ten vipers in the zoo. Mr Smith, the keeper, has got ten vipers in the zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper,has got nine tigers in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper,has got nine tigers in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got nine tigers in his zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got eight monkeys in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got eight monkeys in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got eight monkeys in his zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got seven ravens in his zoo. Mr Smith, the keeper, has got seven ravens in his zoo. Mr Smith, the keeper, has got seven ravens in his zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got six lions in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got six lions in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got six lions in his zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got five llamas in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got five llamas in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got five llamas in his zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got four owls in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got four owls in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got four owls in his zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got three iguanas in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got three iguanas in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got three iguanas in his zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got two parrots in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper,has got two parrots in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper,has got two parrots in his zoo. And he has to feed them every day. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got one turtle in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got one turtle in his zoo. Mr Smith,the keeper, has got one turtle in his zoo. And he has to feed it every day. Записи БУРАТИНО попали под дождь. Но мы все равно их прочтем. Скажи, какие буквы смыло. Посмотри на эту странную картинку и расскажи о том, что эти животные не умеют делать Посмотри на знакомых актеров и скажи, на каком инструменте умеет играть каждый из них: Now we shall read the text A lot of animals live in the world. Some animals live on farms: cows, pigs, ducks and turkeys. Other animals live in houses. They are called pets: cats, dogs and turtles. Some other animals live in zoos and safari parks. Longleat is the best safari park in Britain. It is famous for lions. Tigers, llamas, monkeys, parrots live in Longleat as well. Other zoos have got coyotes, iguanas, ravens and exotic vipers. Some people keep them as pets. Answer the questions to the text: Who lives in the world? Where do some animals live? What animals live in houses? What animals live in zoos? What is Longleat? What is it famous for? What exotic animals live in the zoos? РЕФЛЕКСИЯ What have we spoken about? What can you tell us about? What can different animals do? Where do they live? What traits of animals do you know? REMEMBER ! ANIMALS ARE OUR FRIENDS