Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 3 класса по программе rainbow english Афанасьева

Контрольная работа по английскому языку
для 3 класса
Задание 1.
Соедини буквы и соответствующие им звуки. Будь внимательным – в задании есть лишний звук.
1. sh a. [ ʧ ]
2. w b. [ð ]
3. a c. [ ]
4. th d. [w]
5. ch e. [ӕ]
f. [s ]1 2 3 4 5
с Задание 2.
Прочитай сколько разных коробок стоит в магазине и напиши число в скобках цифрой.
Twelve (______) green boxes
Nine (______) white boxes
Fourteen (______) blue boxes
Seventeen (______) purple boxes
Sixteen (______) black boxes
Twenty (______) red boxes
Eighteen (______) grey boxes
Thirteen (______) green boxes
Eleven (______) yellow boxes
Fifteen (______) brown boxes
Задание 3.
Найдите противоположные по смыслу слова и соедините их линиями.
weak big
thin strong
young long
small thick
low old
short high
Задание 4
Выбери нужные формы глаголов в скобках и обведи их.
My mother (cooks / cook) in the evening.
My grandfather (have / has) a big house.
My parents (help / helps) my grandparents.
Fred and Mary (like / likes) to read books.
Henry can (play / to play) ping-pong.
London (am / is / are) very old and green.
Betty (teach / teaches) pupils in a school.
Mary likes (play / to play) video games.
My grandparents (sleep / sleeps) in this bedroom.
My pets (am / is / are) a dog and a cat.
Задание 5.
Прочитай предложения. Выбери нужные местоимения в скобках и обведи их.
My little brother is at skating rink now. (Her/His) friend is at skating rink too.
James has a big house. (His/Its) roof is green.
I can see a kangaroo. (Its/Her) coat is brown.
My granny and (her/his) dogs are by the lake in the morning.
Sally is a schoolgirl. (She/Her) schoolbag is pink.
Pete and (his/her) mother are in London now.
My brother and (his/her) dog are in the park at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
Задание 6
Вставь в текст слова из рамки.
teddy bear evening well teach but very
Little Mary is seven. She likes to run and jump. She can sing __________________________ well. Mary can play ping-pong _________________ not very _________________. Her parents ______________________ her to read books. Mary likes to play with her doll and her _______________________________________. She plays in the _________________________________ and in the morning.
Задание 7 Поставь слова в правильной последовательности, чтобы получились предложения. Напиши их.
Mary / at / o’clock a.m. / sleeps / four
It’s / in the morning / o’clock / eight
Liz / English / speak / can / very / well
We / from / are / London
They / bikes / their / ride / in the evening
Nice / you / to / meet
I / to feed / horse / like / my
Задание 8
Прочитай текст. В некоторых словах пропущены буквы. Вставь их.
Nick is ei _ ht. Linda is thre _ . They have a fa _ her, a m _ ther and two grandp _ rents. The _ r f _ ther is a pilot. Their m _ ther teaches En _ lish in a sch _ ol. She likes her p _ pils. In the evening the p _ rents read bo _ ks to Nick and Linda. They like to pla _ comp _ te _ games and s _ ng s _ ngs together.