Презентация Упражнения для закрепления лексики по теме:Life and studying at university

Логинова Ольга АнатольевнаУчитель английского языкаГБОУ СОШ №180 г. Санкт-Петербург 2016г.Упражнения для закрепления лексикиLife and studying at university Vocabulary:assignmentcoursegraduatehallloanlecturemarkresearchtermtutorial Type in the correct word to complete the definition.Tutors give their students a grade or________ for the work they give them.A _________ is a series of lessons in a subject. An____________ is a piece of work that you have to do as a part of you studies. If you pass your final exam, you __________ from university. Some students live in a _______ of residence.markcourseassignmentgraduatehall

6. The university year is typically divided into three _______.7. _________ is the study of something to discover new facts.8. In a _________, a small group of students discuss something with a teacher.9. Many students need a student _______ from s bank to pay for their university studies.10. In a _________ large group of students listen to an expert talking about a subject.termslecturetutorialloanresearch

1. In her first year at university, Josephine chose to live in one of the ______ next to the university. halls of residence b) extra-curricular activities c) student loans d) forums2. Marcia is going to take out two _______ to help pay for her fees and accommodation costs. a) extra-curricular activities b) student facilities c) student loans d) halls of residence3. This is the last day of the school holidays. The spring ______ starts on Monday. a) tutorial b) degree c) notes d) term4. After I ______ from university, I hope to go and work abroad. graduate b) resit c) fail d) revise5. Last night Ben went to a fascinating ______ on physics at the university. research b) lecture c) assignment d) term6. Chris has got two history ______ to write and hand in before the end of term. a) marks b) degrees c) lectures d) assignmentsChoose the correct word. acdabd