Презентация Упражнения для закрепления лексики по теме: buying and selling

Упражнения для закрепления лексикиbuying and sellingЛогинова Ольга АнатольевнаУчитель английского языкаГБОУ СОШ №180 г. Санкт-Петербург 2016г. refund, overdraft,current, loan, debt, cashpoint, receipt, sale, bargain, afford Vocabulary: You can take out money when you want from a ________ account at a bank. If you lend money to someone, you give them a ________.If shop returns you the money you paid for something, you get a _________.If you owe money, you have got into _______.An___________ allows you to spend money that you haven’t got in a bank.currentloanrefunddebtoverdraftType in the correct word to complete the sentence.

If you have enough money to buy something, you can __________ it.A _________ is a machine that allows you to withdraw money from the bank.If something in the shop costs much less then normal, it’s a __________.A __________ from a shop shows when you bought something and how much you paid.If a shop has _________, it gives a discount on the price of some of its goods.affordcashpointbargainreceiptsale

Can I pay by credit card? I don't have any ___________. a) receipt b) cash c) refund d) sale2) I can't take this coat back to the shop because I've lost the _________. a) bill b) receipt c) refund d) discount3) Freddie took the ______ that the shop assistant gave him and put it in his pocket. a) change b) discount c) sale d) debit4) The hotel's offering a 10% ____________to guests who book before Friday. a) cash b) receipt c) discount d) bargain5) I paid just £300 for a brand-new internet TV with high definition. What a ______! a) sale b) cash c) refund d) bargain6) Charlie isn't happy with his new webcam. He's thinking of taking it back to the shop and asking for a ______. a) refund b) discount c) change d) receiptChoose the correct word.