План урока на тему Модальный глагол- Can

Учитель английского языка Бейсекеева С.А.
Lesson –game “ ABC competition”
Aim : to check the knowledge of the ABC
Name the letters.
Y,Z,v,K,y,z,g,H,p,R,U,O,d,e,c,I,j,L,m, N, P,u,F.
2.Listen to the song and sing along.
The Alphabet Song
O and P and Q and R
S and T and U and V
W,X and Y and Z
Now I know the Alphabet.
3.Give rhyming words.
Grass –glass, car- jar, dish- fish, cat- fat, rat – hat, cap- map, big – pig, hen- pen, dog- log, fed- bed, box- fox, lake – make, house – mouse, cake – take, bike – like.
4. Find another word in the given word.
Beach – each, bedroom, bigger, chocolate, computer, father, friend, hairdresser, holiday, breakfast.
5.Make up new words.
6.The teams get a picture and name the words in the picture which begin with the letter, named by the teacher.
7.Find the words.
Rapty party
Njeoy enjoy
Oleppe people
Kiel like
8.The teams guess riddles.
1.Which word has three syllables, but twenty-six letters? (alphabet)
2.There are six of us in every family, but only four in a town. What are we? (6 letters in the word
“ family” and 4 letters in the word “ town”)
3. How many letters are there in the alphabet? (26)
4.Which word has 2 double letters, one after the other? ( balloon)
5. Which letter is the most useful to a deaf old woman? ( “A”)
6. Why is the letter “T” like an island? ( because it is in the middle of “ water”)
7.What changes a pear into a pearl? (“L”)
8. Which is the merriest letter in the alphabet? (“U” because it is always in “fun”)
9.The teams get a card with letters and numbers. If they match the numbers and letters correctly, they will read a sentence “ I have got a cat”
10. The teams get one and the same poem. One student of each team reads it aloud. The teacher marks the mistakes and names them when all the teams have read.
Don’t across the road.
Stop and look!
Don’t write on the wall.
Write in your notebook!
Don’t run in school.
Always walk!
Listen to the teacher.
Please, don’t talk!
The jury counts the points and defines the winner.