Презентация по английскому языку на тему What colour is your cat?

orange yellow green blue purple brown white grey black pink red white [waιt] - ақ black [blжk] - қара red [red] - қызыл yellow [‘jelәu] – сары green [grι:n] – жасыл blue [blu:] – көк light blue [lait blu:] – көкшіл orange [‘Ɔrιnʤ] – сарғылт purple [‘pә:pl] –күлгін grey [grei] – сұр pink [pιŋk] - қызғылт brown [braun] - қоңыр Rainbow [΄reinbƆu] To be етістігінің жіктелуіWhat colour is your cat?It is black (It’s –қысқаша) What colour are your cats?They are black(They’re-қысқаша) What colour is it Read the dialoguePets-Үй жануарларыCat-МысықDog-Ит To make a poster Match A and B What colour is this ? What colour are they? Let’s have a restSing a song Flower 1 2 3 4 5 6 This is a … leaf. This is an … leaf. This is a … leaf. This is a … leaf. This is a … leaf. This is a … leaf. This is a … leaf. 7 Put the missed letters Wh..te, b..ack, r..d, .ellow, gre..n, bl..e, or..nge, pu..ple, gr..y, pin.., bro..n white, black, red, yellow, green, blue, orange, purple, grey, pink, brown Find the odd words. 1. Red, green, six, white. 2. Sit, eight, stand, cook. 3. Brown, pink, purple, twelve. 4. Fourteen, feed, kiss, run. Conclusion 1. Giving marks 2.Hometask Thank you very much! It was very interesting! See you! Good bye!