План урока по английскому языку на тему What colour is your cat? ( 5 класс)

Class : 5 “A”
Date: 24.02.2017
Theme: What colour is your cat?
The aims of the lesson: А) Научить учащихся задавать вопрос «What colour is…?, What colour are…?» и правильно отвечать на него используя названия всех цветов на английском языке.
B) Развивать навыки мышления, диалогической и монологической речи, письма.
C) Воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка, ответственность, дисциплинированность, чувства радостного отношения к успехам и сопереживание одноклассников на уроке.
Тип урока: формирование новых знаний
Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический
Форма обучения: групповая, индивидуальная, хоровая, парная
Оснащение: проектор, ноутбук, видеоролики, учебные пособия, наглядности
Норма времени: 45 минут
I.Орг. Момент
- Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you?
- Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see you too!
-Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
-What day is it today?
II. Сообщение темы и цели урока
- Children, today we have an unusual lesson! At the lesson we have many guests! Today we’ll learn colours in English, and study and practice a question “What colour is your cat?” and answer this question “It’s white and black”. We’ll make and read dialogues, do different exercises, play games and sing a song!
III. Актуализация опорных знаний
В гости к нам пришел Mr. Wise Crow
И хочет вас научить следующему стишку
Let’s repeat after me!
I see green, I see yellow,I see that funny fellow,I see white, I see black,I see this and that, and that.I see pink, I see brown,I stand up and I sit down.I see red, I see blue,I see you and you, and you.
IV. Новая тема
Before begin our lesson I want to show you next video.
How do you think? What theme will be today?
Today we’re going to learn the next question and answer this question.
What colour is…? – Какого цвета…? – ед.число
What colour are…? – Какого цвета? – мн.числоWhat colour is your cat? – It’s white and black
What colour are your eyes? - They’re brown
And now let’s repeat the questions after me.
Please, look at the board, read and practice the new words
And write in your vocabularies
black[blæk] черный
blue[blu:] синий, голубой
brown[braun] коричневый
gray[greı] серый
green[gri:n] зеленый
orange['ɔrınʤ] оранжевый
pink[pıŋk] розовый
red[red] красный
violet['vaıəlıt] фиолетовый
white[waıt] белый
yellow['jeləu] желтый
V. Закрепление
1) write and revise new words
2) make a dialogue ( use the question: What colour is the…?)
F.E: What’s this? – It’s a pen
What colour is the pen? – The pen is red
3) work with a book: ex.2 p. 164 ( read the dialogue)
4) Have you tired? Ok! Let’s play!
Дидактическая игра “ Show me!”
Stand up and show me orange!Hands up and show me blue!Clap! Clap! Show me yellow!Sit down. Nice of you!Stand up and show me blue!Hop! Hop! Show me red!Sit down. Nice of you!Stand up and show me grey!Sit down and point to the green.Clap! Clap! Show me pink.Stop! Very nice of you.5) match the word

6) Let’s sing the song “What colour is the sky?”
7) to solve the crossword a) “ What colour is the flower?”
b) Traffic light – what’s this? What for Russian?
What colour is the traffic light? Colour and write.

VI.Подведение итогов
Children, your work today was brilliant! What have you known today? Let’s revise colours in English. Excellent! I want to give you the next marks…

VII. Дом. Задание
Learn the coloursEx. 5 p. 165
VIII. Рефлексия
“The basket of apples”
СПРАВИЛСЯ ( желтое яблоко)