Технологическая карта урока английского языка Почему мы учим английский

Технологическая карта урока английского языка по теме:
“WHY DO WE LEARN ENGLISH…”(умк Биболетовой М.З.)
Учитель: Малышева Марина Владимировна
Класс: 7
Тип урока: комбинированный
Используемая технология: технология дифференцированного обучения
Цель урока:
- к концу урока обучающиеся должны научиться вести монолог-рассуждение о роли иностранного языка в жизни людей (задание ориентировано на более «сильных» учеников),
-также обучающиеся должны суметь выполнить задания, контролирующие понимания общего смысла прослушанного текста на иностранном языке и выполнить задания по тексту (задания ориентированы на менее «сильных» учеников).

Задачи урока: активизация и закрепление изученной лексики по данной теме, продолжать формировать УУД и лексико-грамматические навыки учащихся на основе разных упражнений, развивать навыки аудирования и устную речь.
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, карточки индивидуальные, карточки с заданиями для 2-х групп.

Этапы урока
Содержание этапов урока
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учеников
Орг. момент. ( 2 мин)
-Good morning, I’m very glad to see you.
- Let’s work!
- What date is it today?
-What day of the week is today?
-Do you like to learn English? Why?
- Good morning, teacher.
- Today is….
- It’s….
- Yes, I do. This subject is very interesting , useful and popular.
Объявление темы и задач урока. (2 мин)
- Today we are going to speak about the role
of English language in people’s life (слайд 1)
- Our plan: (слайд 2)
1. English is the most popular language in the world.
2. Reasons to learn English.
3. English helps us in our life.
4. Rules of learning English.
- At the end of the lesson you should make a conclusion: What the role does English language play in your
life? Our conclusion will help us to understand – must or mustn’t we learn English?

Фонетическая зарядка.( 2 мин)
- Let’s prepare your tounges for speaking.
- Repeat after me. (слайд 3)
- Try to use these words and expressions at the lesson.

IV. Ответы на вопросы.( 8 мин) - Well, and now I’m going to ask you some questions in order to speak about the reasons of learning English. There are a lot of means of communication, which surround us: telephone, internet…and language.
- Do you use them very often?
- Can you imagine your life without them?
- What do you use a computer for?
- What do you use your phones for?
- Answer my questions and begin your answers with I think …
- Well, do you agree that most vocabulary in the modern computing is in English?
- Nowadays we use many foreign languages to communicate with people from other countries…But
what language is the most popular in the world?

- Of course. You know that English is the language which is more often spoken by people in various parts of the world…So, if you are going to make friends with a foreigner, you ‘d better to do it in English, yes?
- And can you name some other reasons to learn English language?
- What professions dealing with English do you know?
- Do you like these professions? Why?
- Look at the pictures. (слайд 4)
- If you want to have all these opportunities, you should learn English very well and it will help you.
- So, now we can say, that English helps us in our life very often. Do you agree with this statement? Very often.
No, we can’t.
To play, to work, to communicate.
I think it is true.
I think it is English.
I think it’s true.
To get good job.
To travel .To earn money.
To read any information in English (books, magazines, films)…
an English teacher, an interpreter, a guide, a programmist, a correspondent…
- Yes, sure. Because they are well-paid.

- I think so.
Yes, I do.
Фронтальный опрос обучащихся .( 10 мин)
Аудирование.( 6 мин), упр.50, стр. 46
Контроль понимания прослушанного. ( 4 мин)
Проверка выполненных групповых заданий разного уровня сложности.( 1 мин)
Оценка обучающихся своего уровня понимания прослушанного (рефлексия). (1 мин)

Составление монолога-рассуждения (умение делать вывод).( 5 мин)
Подведение итога урока.( 2 мин)
Объяснение домашнего задания. ( 2 мин) And now let’s check your knowledge about English language and about English-speaking countries…(слайды 5-10)
I shall read you the text two times by intervals. And after that the pupils of the first group and the second group have to do some tasks:
Задания на понимание прослушанного для 2-х групп (раздаются карточки).
Для 1 группы: Put the following sentences in a logical order.
1. All kinds of specialists need foreign languages in their work.
2. If a person can’t use a computer and the Internet, he can hardly (едва ли) hope(надеяться) to be up-to-date in his work.
3. You must work hard to learn your first foreign language.
4. We must not think that only great people can learn many foreign languages.
5 .I have enough(достаточно) difficulty learning one foreign language.
6. Learning a third foreign language is easier
than learning a first foreign language.
Для 2-й группы: Decide whether the following sentences are true(T) or false(F):
Great people are the only ones who can learn many foreign languages.
All kinds of specialists need foreign languages in their work.
If a person only speaks his mother tongue, he’ll know all the news in his field.
To be up-to-date in the work a person should read texts in Esperanto on the Internet.
Learning a third foreign language is easier than learning a first foreign language.
You must work hard to learn your first foreign language.
Слайд 12
Слайд 13
Well, tell me, please, what must you do to learn English better?
Yes, and you must learn and practise English grammar.
What and who else can help you to study the language? (после ответов обучающихся просмотр слайда 14).

Let’s make a short summery which help you to do your future hometask well. Who can tell us some sentences about the role of English language in people’s lives? (задание для более сильных учеников)
We have James Thurber’s statement: «English is a way to better life.» (слайд 15)
How do you understand this statement?
Can you say that English plays an important role in your life?
Must or mustn’t we learn English?
You have worked very well today and I’ll give you marks:
Your hometask.
the first one - to write an essay on the theme “The role of English in my life”;

the second one - to translate the text (раздаётся)
You can choose any of these tasks.
Thank you for the lesson.

- to work hard, to watch educational programmes, to visit English- speaking countries…
a good teacher
a good textbook
reading books and magazines in English
learning many new words