Исследование по английскому языку Identification of main British features of character through English proverbs

Identification of main British features of character through English proverbs Contents1. IntroductionThe relevance of the topicThe aim of the researchGoals of the researchThe object of the researchResearch methodsHypothesis2. Main part Reflection of the national character of the British in proverbs.Identification of major national character features of the British through proverbs and sayings. Introduction Proverbs, created by the people, are invaluable richness of any language. They are centuries old wisdom of any nation. Proverbs and sayings are familiar to all of us. How convincingly and beautifully speech sounds, if the person straightens his thoughts with saying or a proverb! Proverbs for us is like a guide-book of life. Perhaps, no other literary genre reflects people’s life as much as a proverb. They may well be called the people's encyclopedia. Each generation accumulated its observations of the world, social and family relationships between people, and these observations, this knowledge and experience is reflected in proverbs. Conservatism and restraint Custom is a second nature. - Привычка - вторая натура. There is many a good tune played on an old fiddle. – На старой скрипке можно сыграть много хороших мелодий.Old friends and old wine are best. - Нет ничего лучше старых друзей и старого вина. Self-control Great boast, small roast - Много слов, да мало дела.First think, than speak - Сначала подумай, потом говори.Keep your mouth shut and your ears open - Держи рот на замке, а уши открытыми.No wisdom like silence - Нет ничего умнее молчания.When angry, count to a hundred. - Когда рассердишься, сосчитай до ста. Efficiency and prudenceStrike while the iron is hot – Куй, пока железо горячоA golden key opens every door - Золотой ключик открывает любые двериWhen I lent I had a friend, when I asked he was unkind. - Я богат, и друг мне рад. Где должок? А он - молчок.Lightly come, lightly go. - Что легко пришло, легко и уйдетIll-gotten gains never prosper. - Нечестно нажитое впрок не идет Hard-workingNever do things by halves. - He делай ничего наполовинуThe early bird catches the worm. - Кто рано встает, тому Бог подаетDon't put of till tomorrow what you can do today. - He оставляй на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. - Нельзя приготовить омлет, не разбив яиц.Little strokers fell great oaks - Малые удары валят большие дубы Domestication Let the world wag and take mine ease in mine inn. - Пусть мир шатается, но оставит меня в покое на моем постоялом дворе.Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. - Сухой хлеб дома лучше, чем жареное мясо за границейLove your neighbor, yet pull not down your fence. - Люби своего соседа, но из-за высокого забора.A constant guest is never welcome. - Постоянному гостю не рады.United we stay, divided we fall. - Вместе мы выстоим, врозь – пропадем.A house divided against itself can't stand. – Дом, разделившийся внутри, устоять не может. Family relationsParents are patterns – Родители – образец для подражанияA man’s mother is his other God - Мать человека – его второй богChicks should be thrown out of the nest to learn how to flySpare the rod means to spoil the child Love for petsA cat may look at a king. - Кошка может смотреть на короляLove me, love my dog. – Люби меня, люби и мою собакуThe early bird catches the worm - Ранняя птичка червячка ловитEvery dog has his day. - У каждой собаки свой праздник Caution, carefulness, patienceEverything is good in its season. - Всему свое время.Look before you leap. — Осмотрись, прежде чем прыгатьSlow but save. – Медленно, но безопасноDiscretion is the better part of valor. - Осторожность — лучшая часть доблести OptimismEvery man is an architect of his own fortune – Каждый человек творец своей судьбыNever say never – Никогда не говори - никогдаFortune favors the bold. — Удача любит смелыхNothing venture, nothing ham (have). - Риск — благородное дело Conclusion Proverbs is an amazing source of information about the world, history, culture of the people whose language we are studying as a foreign language. Behind the proverbs stands a many-centuries wisdom of the people, the experience of many generations.The analysis of a number of English proverbs and their classification shows that our hypothesis about the reflection of the most bright features of the national character of the British in their proverbs has confirmed.