Урок по английскому языку на тему Радио и ТВ в нашей жизни

Поурочный план урока
Предмет: Английский язык
Учитель: Джайлиханова ж.А.
Класс: 8 «Б»
Тема урока: “Radio and TV in my life”
Продолжительность урока: 45 минут
Цели урока: организовать деятельность обучающихся по развитию навыков изучающего чтения.
Образовательный аспект: формирование и развитие навыков общения через активизацию понятий, связанных с телевидением и радио; знакомство с информацией о пользе и вреде телевидения.
Развивающий аспект: развитие умения пользоваться возможностями медиасредств, развитие коммуникативных способностей учащихся.
Воспитательный аспект: повышение интереса к СМИ в своей стране и их влияние на сознание, формирование жизненной позиции личности.
Обучающие: Формирование приемов умственной деятельности, развитие умения мыслить логически.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Методическое сопровождение урока:
1.Учебник “English” за 8 класс. Авторы: Т.Д Кузнецова, П.Г. Козлов, Алматы Мектеп, 2012.
2.Конспект урока.
3.Презентация в среде Power point
4.Раздаточные материалы
Оборудование: учебник, индивидуальные карточки и раздаточный материал, наглядные пособия, представленные с помощью современных информационных технологии – компьютера
Ход урока
1.Приветствие учителя и учащихся. Вводная беседа в режиме Учитель – ученик.
Т: Good morning, dear friends!
P: Good morning, teacher!
2.Сообщение целей и темы урока: Для настройки учащихся на беседу по теме используются высказывания
T: It’s nice, to meet you. Get ready for the lesson.Is anybody absent today?What does the weather forest say?
At the lesson we are continuous speak about Mass Media. We’ll improve out speaking abilities on the topics «British and Kazakh TV and Radio», «Newspapers», «The Role of Mass Media in people’s life».
Проверка домашнего задания: задание на саморегуляцию. Групповая работа при выполнений дом.зад. What was your home task for today? Your home task for today was to read the text about Mass Media and make up presentation in small groups: part1 – group 1, part2 – group2, part3 – group3.
Речевая зарядка: учащимся дается пословицы по теме . The mottos of  our lesson are: «Live and learn»; «Obtain information, obtain the world» (quatation); «Tastes do differ» (proverb); «So many men, so many minds» (proverb)
Фронтальная беседа: Учащимся дается проблемные вопросы для обсуждения.
Answer the questions:
1. Modern life isn’t impossible without information. Is that true?
2. How do you obtain information?
3. What is Mass Media?
4. What is Mass Media associated with?
Thus, we can learn about the world by watching TV, listening to the radio, by reading newspapers or magazines. Which way do you?Like most? Why?Tell us about guar likes and dislikes.
P1. Yes, it’s true. Modern life. Isn’t impossible without information.
P2. We obtain information at school, by watching TV, listening to the radio, reading newspapers, from Internet.
P3. Mass Media is the way of giving and getting…
P4. Mass Media is associated with  «The TV», «The Press», «The Radio», «The Internet.
«Tastes do differ»
Этапы работы с текстом: Дотекстовый этап (предполагает снятие лексических трудностей и подготовку к последующей работе) Перевод и анализ заголовка текста (What do you think what is the text about according to the title?);
Radio and TV in my life.
I think it is impossible to imagine our life without radio and TV. Radio and TV are widely used in today’s world. It is one of the quickest means of spreading news and information. Radio plays an important role in reflecting the life of society and building opinions, in entertainment. Radio supplies us with information well enough but on TV everything is much more real. Radio and TV keep us informed about current events, the latest development in science and politics and offer a great number of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining. So, they give us a lot of useful information.
When I come home from school, I turn on the radio and go about my household duties. The best radio station for me are Europe Plus and Hit FM. They broadcast many interesting programmes, but I prefer to listen to news and music. I watch TV in the evening, when all the lessons are done. Sometimes we can watch rather interesting movies on TV. There are different kinds of movies, for instance: an action movie, war movies, detective movies, adventure movies and comics movies. As for me, I prefer to watch comic and detective movies.
My favourite channels are the Discovery Channels and ORT, because they satisfy my different interests in the best way. There are many interesting programmes for me. I like these programmes, because there are not so many advertisements. Also, every weekend there are many interesting movies and programmes, which are popular all over the world.
That’s why, I think, we can’t live without TV and radio nowadays.
После текстовый этап (контроль понимания текста) What can you say about the content of the text? What is the text about? What problems are raised in the text? Answer the questions for discussion
How many channels do the Kazakhstan TV sets have?
What role do radio and TV play in our lives?
Do you listen to the radio?
What are your favourite radio station?
What kind of movies do you prefer to watch?
What are your favourite TV channels?
What does Kazakhstan TV consist of nowadays?
How many homes in Kazakhstan can connect to cable TV system?
How many people in Kazakhstan can watch cable TV programmes?
Развитие навыков диалогической речи: speak about your favourite TV programmes in small group. Примерные вопросы
How many hours a day do you watch TV?
What TV programmes do you prefer?
Do you watch TV before or after you have done your homework?
What is your favourite TV programme?
Do you like its host (hostess)?
When does your favourite TV programme begin?
Do your relatives watch the programme with you?
Who is your favourite TV host (hostess)?
What is more interesting to watch: a film or cartoon?
What is your favourite cartoon?
Why do you like it?
What is your favourite film?
What was the last film or cartoon you have watched?
Примерный диалог A: What is your favourite TV programme?
B: As for me, I enjoy watching TV very much, especially different quizzes. That’s why my favourite TV programme is “ Who wants to be a millionaire?” It is a game show where the player is asked different questions. I find this programme clever and informative and try not to miss it.
A: When does your favourite TV programme begin?
B: At 8 p.m. on Fridays.
A: Do your relatives watch the programme with you?
B: Yes, they do.
A: Who is your favourite TV host (hostess)?
B: My father is favourite TV host
A: What is more interesting to watch: a film or cartoon?
B: I like to watch cartoons, because they help us to relax after hard day at school. I think cartoons make people kinder and more sympathetic.
A: What is you favourite cartoon?
B: My favourite cartoon is “Madagascar”
A: Why do you like it?
B: It is really wonderful and amusing.
A: I think sometimes it's better to read a book.
Заключительный этап урока: в заключение урока учащиеся выставляют себе оценки за работу, заполняя карточки:
На уроке я научился Kлассифицировать.
Делать выводы Я умею комментировать фразы Понимать английскую речь Понимать речь одноклассников Мое мнение понравилось на уроке Не понравилось на уроке Моя оценка своей работы Объявляются итоги урока, отмечается активность учащихся комментируются их собственные оценки своей работы.
Teacher: I'm quite satisfied with your work at the lesson. I'm pleased with your answers. Thank you for lesson.
Домашнее задание: Your home task for the next lesson is make up a list of advantages of your favourite TV programme.