Урок-путешествие по английскому языку для 8 класса по теме «Britain and its people at a glance»

8 класс
Тема:Britain and its people at a glance.

Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков по данной теме.
Задачи: I. 1. Практика устной речи и чтения по данной теме.
2. Помощь в развитии языковых умений и способностей
у учащихся, а также применение их знаний в различных
видах деятельности.
II. Развитие умений сравнивать и анализировать.
III. Поддерживать интерес к урокам английского языка.

Тип урока: обобщающий

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, слайды, тексты, фильм о Лондоне, разноцветные мелки.

План урока:

I. Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной деятельности:
А) орг. момент
Б) warm – up:

Dear friends, today we’ll have a lesson of travelling. But where we’ll travel you’ll know later. Now look at the board and do “The Sun” activity. Here you can see the word “country”. When pe
·I. Контроль знаний учащихся по пройденной теме «The UK».

T: Britain, Great Britain, the UK, England, the British Isles – these are different names sometimes used to mean the same thing, and they are often used wrongly. Look at the maps. See the differences. Choose the correct caption for each map. (The British Isles, the UK, Great Britain)
( слайд 3 карты Великобритании)
Listen to me and answer my questions:
What is the official name of Britain?
(The official name of Britain is the United Kingdom of G. В. and N. I.) 1. a) But what does the UK consist of? The UK consists of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
What is Great Britain?
(G.B. is the largest island of the British Isles, consisting of 3 parts: England, Scotland and Wa
· and a number of different regional accents of the UK.
5.What is the nickname of the British flag? ( слайд- флаг Великобритании)
The nickname of the B. flag is Union Jack. The U.J. is the national flag of Great Britain made up of 3 flags: the crosses of St. George, St. Andrew, St. Patrick representing England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
6.But what’s this?( слайд – герб Великобритании)
(It is an emblem).
III.Беседа учителя с учащимися по теме «Казахстан»
1.But what is the official name of your country
·Самостоятельная работа учащихся и контроль понимания предложенных выражений.
T: But what are the British like ? Travelers to Britain from all over the world noticed different chara
·cteristics about the British character.
Look at the liner board and say:
True or False ( слайд )

The British are great coffee drinkers(F)
The British are impolite(F)
The British have no sense of humor(F)
The Irish girls are beautiful(T)
The English man is a country man at heart(T)
The British are well- manned people(T)
The English men are conservative, they love familiar things(T)
The Welsh are an emotional people(T)
The Scots are a serious people, sometimes mystical(T)

T: But what you can say about Kazakh people? (They are hospitable and great tea drinkers too)
V.Обсуждение учащимися задания, предложенное учителем .
But, friends, do you want to go to Britain?
Cl: Yes, of course!
T: Give me some reasons for travelling to Britain.

Do you want to visit London to see its sightseeing?
Do you want to visit ancient castles of Britain?
Do you want to visit new places?
Do you want to find out about manners and traditions of the British people?
Do you want to practice speaking English?
Do you want to meet people?
VI. Просмотр фильма о Лондоне и обсуждение высказывание одного известного человека о Лондоне .
T: Good: Would you like to see London in the UK?
Cl: Yes, of course.

Т: London is beautiful, London is large
People who live there love it so much
London’s for tourists, London’s for guests
London’s for work, and London’s for rest!

T: Let’s do a tour about London and see famous beautiful places in Britain.
( a film about London)
T: But one of the famous people said: “ He, who tied of London, is tired of life.”
VII.Рефлексия(Britain and London) 13 EMBED PowerPoint.Slide.12 1415

T: Now, please let’s do the summary of the lesson. Did you like a new form of the lesson? What did you learn new from this lesson?
Ok. Please, open your diaries to write down your home task. Write the essay about Britain or London, find the information about the emblem of the UK.
The lesson is over.
See - you.








Capital London

The UK

Big Ben

The Queen








Why do you want to travel to the UK?

To met people

To visit London and sightseeing

To visit ancient castles

To find out about sports manners and traditions

To visit new places

to practice speaking English