Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Professinai skills of the average medical personneel

Project work in Englishon the subject:Professional skills of the average medical personnel
Content1)Profession nurse………………………………………32) The midwife……………………………………………53)ProfessionFeldsher…………………………………….74)Sanitar (in a feminine gender a sanitarka)...............85) The dental technician……………………………......106) Profession Pharmacist……………………………….11
Profession nurseProfession history: Before, at the beginning of the XIX century, this profession won general applause also respect. Nurses still called sisters of mercy for their desire to help the wounded soldier without any compensation. In a restless wartime many women united and went on the front. There they organized the centers of the help to the wounded. Sisters of mercy often had no medical education, receiving necessary skills already on a place under the direction of available doctors. …The nurse – the with secondary medical education.The nurse carry to the average medical personnel

Dominating kinds of activity of a profession the nurse, the nurse:care of patients; supervision over a condition of the patient;performance of the medical procedures appointed by the doctor;registration and extract of patients;control of a food and sanitary condition of patients;assistance to the doctor on reception;control of a sanitary-and-hygienic condition in office and chamber;control, account and storage of medicines;rendering of the qualified help on the care of newborns;rendering of timely medical care in emergency situations;rendering of a feasible psychological assistance and support by the patient;implementation of rehabilitation and preventive actions;carrying out sanitary and educational work among the population;registration of medical documentation.The nurse acts as the assistant to the doctor in treatment-and-prophylactic establishments, carries out medical appointments and carries out sisterly process.
The midwife — the average medical worker specializing on assistance to pregnant women and women in labor at the time of delivery.

Functions of midwifes in system of the state obstetric aid in the Russian Federation:*rendering of the first obstetric and gynecologic aid;*the help to the doctor at survey of the woman;*capture of dabs on all types of researches (histologic, bacteriological);* extract of the directions on analyses and consultations of experts;* to carry out patronage of women in labor and pregnant women;* to carry out medical examination of patients and to keep documents on their medical examination;*psychological preparation of the pregnant woman for childbirth;*help to the accoucheur-gynecologist in carrying out childbirth.
style.rotation Feldsher — the expert with secondary medical education which has the right to carry out diagnostics (to establish the diagnosis) to carry out independent treatment or to direct the patient to the specialist doctor. On functions and work standards in the places remote from medical assistance, essentially doesn't differ from the local therapist and the emergency doctor. Profession Feldsher

style.rotation Sanitar (in a feminine gender a sanitarka) Sanitar— the younger medical worker who is carrying out support functions in medical practice. Work as the hospital attendant doesn't demand medical education, but depending on carried-out work preliminary preparation in the form of courses, training at industrial practice combine and another can be demanded.

style.rotation The dental technicianDental Technician - is a direct manufacturer of various prostheses, prosthetic face, orthodontic and maxillo facial units are set in the future for patients, doctors dentists. The dental technician works in a dental laboratory in which manufactures various types of dentures, orthodontic appliances, oral facial devices, tires, prosthetic eyes, nose, ears and other parts of the face.

style.rotation PharmacistThe pharmacist realizes to the population (and sometimes – and makes) medicines according to recipes and resolved to holiday without the recipe, subjects of sanitary, hygiene, care of patients and other goods of the chemist's range.Duties: Preparation according to recipes of doctors of powders, ointments, pills, drops, check of compatibility of components of a dosage. Sale of drugs and the accompanying goods.

style.rotation list of sites1)http://www.kto-kem.ru/professiya/medsestra/2) http://old.mr7.ru/netcat_files/827/622/kapelniza__580_no_0.jpg3)http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/diego_cervo/diego_cervo0802/diego_cervo080200035/2514569-healthcare-and-medicine-nurse-using-a-syringe.jpg4) http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CC%E5%E4%F1%E5%F1%F2%F0%E05) http://vyborprofessia.narod.ru/medicinskajasestra.htm6) http://www.telemiks.tv/photo/image/7061/master/akusherka0000.jpg?12596329497) http://03.bel31.ru/pages/large/62.jpg8) http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C0%EA%F3%F8%E5%F0%EA%E09)http://s1.riadagestan.ru/riaimg/f8/a8fa/042edef7feee59847c41b74c96072ebf.c4eef472fb4c987.13965421.jpeg10) http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/08_04/midwifeREX_228x347.jpg11)http://www.megamedportal.ru/files/pediatr/Akusherka_derzhit_novorozhdennogo_515_1.jpg12) http://www.photoline.ru/critic/picpart/1272/1272343259.jpg13) http://www.tumentoday.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/81-02-2.jpg14) http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C7%F3%E1%ED%EE%E9_%F2%E5%F5%ED%E8%EA15) http://iworker.ru/professions/view/403/
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