Конспект открытого урока Computer games:pros and cons(Компьютерные игры: за и против в 7 классе

Класс: 7-б. Дата: 27.01.2016 г.
Предмет: английский язык.
УМК: “Английский в фокусе” 7 класс; авторы: В. Эванс, Д. Дули; издательство: М., Express Publishing, Просвещение”, 2009.
Тема учебного занятия: Module 5, “What the future holds”, Extensive Reading (“Компьютерные игры: за и против”)
Место урока в учебном плане: Module 5, “What the future holds”, Extensive reading.
Продолжительность учебного занятия: 45 минут.
Тип учебного занятия: открытый урок.
Тип урока: урок-дискуссия.
План-конспект урока
Цель урока:
обсуждение положительных и отрицательных сторон компьютерных игр, выражение и аргументирование своей точки зрения.
1. Активизировать лексику по теме “Компьютеры”.
3. Формировать навыки направленного чтения по тексту: “ Имитация реальности”.
4. Обучение и проверка сформированности аудирования ,монологической и диалогической речи по теме, умения выражать свое мнение.
1. Развитие способности к анализированию изученной информации, умения выражать свое мнение относительно пользы и вреда компьютерных игр, находить аргументы в поддержку своей точки зрения и опровергать позицию оппонента, делать выводы.
2.Развитие умения критически мыслить.
3. Развитие памяти.
4. Развитие мотивации к изучаемой теме.
1. Формирование уважения к мнению других людей; умения вести дискуссию, диалог, соблюдать речевой этикет.
Режим работы: фронтальный, индивидуальный, парный.
Виды упражнений: языковые, условно-речевые, речевые.
Оснащение урока: Видеофильм «Uses of computers» (part 2), презентация « Сomputer games: pros and corns», мультимедийный проектор, рабочие листы учащихся (раздаточный материал).
Ход урока
1. Warming up.
Teacher: “Good morning! What is the theme of our lesson? (Презентация , слайд 1).
- How do think what are we
·(Презентация , слайд 2, 3).
2. Introduction.
 Teacher: ( слайд 4)
- You know that wonderful technologies are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world nowadays. Modern inventions are used in everyday life and make it easier
·(слайд 5)
What is your favourite CG?
Is it useful (useless, harmless)?
3. Reading. Check out your hometask!
Развитие умения направленного чтения с полным пониманием текста учебника по данной теме.
Text: “Simulating reality”, Module 5 “Extensive reading”, т (ex. 2, p.53).
Представление учителем темы текста.
I.Teacher: Look at the title.
What is this text about? ---The text tells us about popular video computer games that can simulate reality.
I.1)Read the text and then do some tasks.

Слайд 6
1. simulate reality
2. fault
3. function
4. skills
5. to train
6. to develop
7. (plane) cockpit
a) недостаток
в) тренировать/ся
с) развивать/ся
d) имитировать реальность
е) умения
f) функционировать, действовать
g) кабина (самолета)

(Задание представлено на рабочих листах учащихся - Task 2).
IV. Complete the sentences, please: Задание на рабочих листах (Task 3)
Слайд 7
1) Sim City, The Sims, MS Flight Simulator are popular_____.
2) We use computers for fun, studying and_____.
3) Pilots practise their skills before entering______.
4) Engineers use computer simulations to design and test____.
5) During real life testing people sometimes put their lives at_____.
(video games, the cockpit, testing, risk, new products)

Послетекстовый этап (Follow-up activities). Этап обсуждения текста.
4) Agree or disagree with the statements. Слайд 8
1) Simulating reality can help in some situations.
2) Simulating reality is dangerous, it involves people into the virtual world.
3) Computer simulations are useful for some professions.
4) Computer game can’t predict trouble in the future reality.
Try to use the expressions from your Worksheets to support your point of view.
(Словосочетания представлены на рабочих листах учащихся - Task 5)
I agree
It’s true that
I think
I disagree

Teacher: Let us do some physical excersises. (слайд 9)

Учащиеся смотрят на экран, слушают речь учителя и высказывают собственные мнения относительно тезисов, приведенных в презентации.
Our life is gr
·(слайд 10)
1. Computer games develop fast thinking, memory, reaction and learning .
1) Is it realy true?
2) Do they help children learn better ?
3) What do computer games develop?
Андрей Кудр.
Pupil I: I think it’s true Computer games are a great way to
·learn how to do things. Many computer games help kids to learn about their feelings, beliefs, problems.
Витя Жук.
Pupil II: I don’t agree. Real situations and knowledge are different from computer ones. Playing games is like an addiction to some people. Gamers think only how to win for most of their time. I think they don't learn well in school .
2. Computer games lead to social problems. (слайд 11)
1)Do teenagers feel shy and boring in real life when they use the Internet for a long time?
2) Where can they find friends?
Артём Коз.
Pupil I:  I think people who use the Net and play games a lot sometimes can’t find friends in real life and feel uncomfortable at parties, in the classroom . They are too shy and can’t socialise with others and become really boring people to be around.

Дима Канц.
Pupil II: : .
 But they can find friends on the Net and play computer games with them .
3. Computer games make children be aggressive. (слайд 12)
1) Do you agree with it?
2What computer games have aggressive moments?
Лиля Смор.
Pupil I: I suppose it depends on the person. Some people say that such games help to delete negative emotions.
T: Is it right?
Влад Дор.
Pupil II: It’s right because usually aggressive boys are interested in these games. They become more violent in their own lives and think that it is OK to hurt others, or to talk to people, including parents and teachers, in a rude way.
.4. Repetitive tasks in games make children less intelligent. (слайд 13)
1) Name useless CGs?( Sport, Simulation, Racing, Business)
2) What CGs are useful? (educational, quests, adventures)
3) What games do you like to play?
Настя Гол.
Pupil I: It’s nonsense because the games have got many options and you must make decisions in the other situations. Games may help memory, abstract thinking. Playing computer games people can take on a role of other people, and even travel to different unusual places
Женя Ив.
Pupil II: I agree with the statement. You always do the same things, only the pictures change but the task is the same: you must fight or kill or drive somewhere. It does not help to be cleverer.

5. Children can become dependent on games. (слайд 14)
1) What is better: to play CGs or to go for a walk?
2) How do you think: are you o computer fan?
3)How long should you sit in front of the computer?
Саша Мак.
Pupil 1: I’ve got a friend who play games all the time. He does not go for a walk or learn well, he just plays. He spends time very strangely. He does not want to do anything else.
Pupil II: It depends on your friend. He is not interested in studying, people, communication. It’s his problem , not the problem of games.
The point is: if you want to play computer games, keep spare time for exercise and always eat healthy stuff, not chips.

Teacher:Are children completely hooked on computer games today?
What are positive and negative effects of them?

6.Questionnaire [kwest
·]: Are you a computer fan?( Слайд 15)
Учащиеся отвечают на предложенные вопросы и представляют результаты всему классу.
1.Do computer games help you in learning?
2.When you play a computer game, you forget about:
your homework
b) food
3. If your friends invite you to go for a walk, you :
go for a walk with them,
invite them to play computer games with you,
tell them to go away
4. You play computer games:
three or four times a week
four hours every day
For every (a) answer score 1 point.
For every (b) answer score 2 points.
For every (c) answer score 3 points.
4 – 6:
You like computers, but you also
like many others things.
7 – 10:
You sometimes think that computers are more important than people - and that is not all right!
You are crasy about computers. Stop - it is
getting dangerous!
Сайд 16 Are teenagers completely hooked on соmputer games today?

Слайд 17 Be healthy!
Teacher: What should you do to be healthy?

7.Videofilm «Use of Computers».(part 2)

T: Now you’ll watch a videofilm.
Try to understand what this film will be about.

Give answeres: What is computer useful for?

Musical break

Teacter: Listen to the song about high- tech gadgets and sing together.
The title of the song is «Вrighter every day».

8. Conclusion.

Teacher: I’m satisfied with your work at the lesson.
I’m pleased with the answers. Thank you for your

Hometask: (слайд 18)
Your hometask for the next lesson is
to describe your favourite computer game.

Оценка работы на уроке (слайд 19)
T: What are your emotions today?
Choose one statement and read!