Презентация по английскому языку на тему I am the best friend of the Earth ( 8 класс)

Done: pupils of the 8th form Teacher: Madaeva L.B.Our common home The project objectives:1. to explore the problems of our environment.2. to study some environmental problems and to learn how to protect them.3. to find and choose some photos and information about our environment.4. to analyze the information;5. to make the presentation using the programme Power Point.The actuality of the project: Nowadays, it’s very important to know the problems of our environment, to study them and to decide what we must do, because it’s our common home.The practical importance of the project: This project can be used in the local school museum.The aim of the project is an investigation our environmental problems. Our village won the 1 place, the cleanest district in the Irkutsk region. It was in 2007. There are a lot of big and small green forests, fields and rivers in our district. Welcome to Bayanday The problem of ecology is important in our district.We can’t ignore the problem of the protection of our environment. Our main task is to protect it. Our environment must be clean. Be kind to our beautiful nature.We have to control atmospheric and water pollution, to study man’s influence on the climate. The pollution of the environment influences the lives of animals, plants and humans. PollutionThe air smells bad, and it looks ugly. Pollution is a health problem too, because it’s hurting people’s lungs.Dirt and smoke are pouring from cars and coal-chimney. Pollution is spoiling the air we breathe and it’s harming our health. The problem of our forestsIf people didn’t cut down the trees, our forests would be huge, large.The air would be fresh, the river would be wide if the forests weren’t cut down. Our grove One of the famous place in our village is the pine-trees grove. Here you can listen to birds. You can breath the fresh air smelled by the pine-trees in winter or in summer after rain. Its air is fresh and medical. Our grove was planted in 1952 by the pupils of our school. The head teacher Sakhyanov P.I. was the organizer of this program.Our grove Our grove Beauty and impressive,We walk and run, and like.You are very beautiful and nice,I like it my wonder. Beautiful, RichWalk, love, relaxKeep our grove clean!Healthy. There are a lot of children who take care of the environment. We are responsible for our nature. We must protect it as we are part of our beautiful nature.What must we do? We arrange the clean up day, we gather the litter, rubbish, garbage. If people didn’t throw litter away, our streets would be clean. The cleaning up in our grove If you drop litter, you will pollute our planet. Each of us must try to pollute as little as possible. Rosalind Welcher said «This could be such a beautiful world if we can all care just a little more». Don’t throw rubbish into your home. Conclusion. Dear friends,Be kind to our beautiful nature.Plant trees and flowers.Not pick a lot of flowers in the woods.Place bird houses in your yard.Watch, but don’t disturb wild animals.Be a friend to animals. Don’t throw rubbish into their homes.Recycle newspapers and other paper products.Save empty cans, plastic and glass for recycling.We want people to work together now and to make the air cleaner soon. Спешите делать добрые дела,Которые всегда идут не в счет.Спешите делать добрые дела, Когда к вам благодарность не придет.Спешите делать добрые дела,Которые, рассудку вопреки, Что у истока человек пошлет,То и получит в устье у реки. The project of the pupils of 8th «a», Manjueva Dasha, Munkoeva Kristina, Vassilieva Karina,8th «b», Mukhaneeva Larisa, Obodoeva Veronika, Khazikova Anjelika, Bayandaevskaya Secondary school.Используемые материалы:Фото Харманаевой Нади выпускницы Баяндаевской средней школы.Материалы школьного музея, собранные краеведами. I am the best friend of the Earth