Задания для школьной олимпиады в 7-8 классе

Задания для школьной олимпиады.7-8 класс.
Task 1. Letters make words.
Find out if there are any spelling mistakes in the following sentences. If there are some, correct them. As the answers write the correct versions of the words.

Task 2. Words make phrases.
The phrases below are well-known expressions or an idioms. But one word of each phrase is replaced by a synonym. Please write the correct version, returning the right word. Also give the Russian equivalent of the phrase that corresponds to the meaning.
low water
nuts and hasps
ball of flames
peak time
odds and finishes
scent a rat
take a slumber
Task 3. Phrases make sentences.
Punctuation is also an important aspect of the writing process. Look at the sentences below. If they need any punctuation marks, write where and what. As the answers write letters and punctuation marks.
Yesterday (a) we (b) walked (c) played (d) football (e) and (f) got (g) some (h) new (i) friends (j) to (k) spend (l) time (m) together (n)
He (a) said (b) She (c) won’t (d) come (e) to (f) our (g) party (h) in (i) the (j) evening (k)
They (a) say (b) that (c) skating (d) is (e) the (f) best (g) kind (h) of (i) sport (j)
Lots (a) of (b) love (c) Margaret (d)
He (a) asked (b) where (c) his (d) car (e) was (f)
Task 4. Sentences make texts.
All the English texts can be divided in two styles: formal and informal. Choose phrases and sentences which are used in the formal style letters. As the answers write the numbers of the sentences.
With best wishes,
Well, good bye for now,
I got your letter yesterday.
I’m glad to receive your letter.
Hoping to hear from you very soon,
It gives me pleasure to inform you.
It’s long since I heard from you.
I shall be glad, if you send me…
I can’t understand your long silence.
May I draw your kind attention to…
Thanking you,
I beg to state…
It made me very anxious.
I’m sorry I couldn’t write to you earlier.
Hoping to be favoured with an early reply.
Convey my best regards to your dear parents.
Task 5. Write your text.
Write a letter. Chose one of two topics.
Topic 1: Write your friend what you would like to change in your school life.
Topic 2: Write a letter to your school administration about the changes you want to see in your school.
The text should consist of 50-70 words.
The text should include phrases relevant to the style.
The text must be correct in spelling and grammar.
The text should be original (belong only to this author).
The text should express the author's own opinion based on personal experience and be interesting or unusual.