Презентация на тему Лимерики

The answers for the question “What is a Limerick?” What is а Limerick? Limericks are types of poems that are meant to be amusing, humorous and comical, though the comedy can be sometimes obscene and raunchy in nature. A Clumsy Young Fellow Named Kim (A) There once was a fellow named Kim (A) Whose dad never taught him to swim. (B) He fell off a dock (B) And sunk like a rock. (A) And that was the end of him. Rhyme Pattern of Limericks Methods Used in Limericks Hyperbola Idiom Pun Polysemantic words Homophones A hyperbole is a type of exaggeration that is used in literature. It is a figure of speech. People exaggerate things because they have strong feelings about something. People may exaggerate to make people listen to what they say. They may do it to emphasize something. They may also exaggerate just to sound funny. Example Translation There was an Old Man with a beard, Who said, “It’s just as I feared! -Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!”There was a Young Lady whose nose Was so long that it reached to her toes; So she hired an old lady, Whose conduct was steady, To carry that wonderful nose. (E. Lear) Был один старичок в бороде, Он сказал: «Так и знал, быть беде! Две совы и несушка, Корольки и кукушка Свили гнёзда в моей бороде! »Чудо-нос юной леди из Галлии При ходьбе упирался в сандалии. Но старушку нашла Ростом лишь в два вершка, Чтоб носить этот нос. Не встречали ли? Hyperbola There was an Old Man with a beard… There was a Young Lady whose nose… An idiom is a word or phrase which means something different from what it said - it is usually a metaphor. Idioms are common phrases or terms, which meanings are not real, but can be understood by their popular use. Example Translation Here lies a young salesman named Phipps, Who married on one of his trips, A widow named Block, Then he died of the shock, When he saw there were six little chips. Покоится здесь продавец,С которым пошла под венец,Вдова с потрохами,С шестью малышами, От чего и погиб молодец.(Долгова С.) Idiom A pun is a joke which is a “play on words” (game using words). People make puns in order to make other people laugh. Many jokes are actually puns. A pun usually uses a word which can have more than one meaning, even if the spelling is different. Example Translation A canner exceedingly canny, One morning remarked to his granny: “A canner can can, Any thing that he can, But a canner can’t can a can, can he?” (Carolyn Wells)A flea and a fly in a flueWere caught, so what could they do?Said the fly, “Let us flee.”“Let us fly,” said the flea.So they flew through a flaw in the flue. Умелец по имени Рог,По жизни он многое мог.Камин растопил,Все книги спалил,Потом найти паспорт не смог.(Долгова С.)Блоха и подруга муха,Поймали однажды ха-ха,Ха-ха убежало,От страха кричало:«Во всем виновата блоха!». Pun The Origin of the Word “Limerick”From Irish words “Laoi meidbreagh” = “A merry song” From Irish songs about the town LimerickFrom the name of Edward Lear Edward Lear (12 May 1812 – 29 January 1888) The Book of Nonsense Rhyme Pattern There was an old man from Peru, (A) da DUM ad a DUM ad a DUM (3 DUMS) who dreamed he was eating his shoe. (A) da DUM ad a DUM ad a DUM (3 DUMS) He awoke in the night (B) da DUM ad a DUM (2 DUMS) with a terrible fright, (B) ad a DUM ad a DUM (2 DUMS) and found out that it was quite true. (A) da DUM ad a DUM ad a DUM (3 DUMS) Topics for Limerick Poems Birthday limerick Dirty limerick Funny limerick Retirement limerick Tongue twisters Limericks for kids Limericks for students to complete line to correct orders to guess the last line Famous Limerick Writers and Translators. Bertrand Rusell Joseph Nidhem Famous Limerick Writers and Translators. Boris Akunin, writer