Презентация к уроку английского языка Система образования: Россия, США, Великобритания (9-11 классы)

Прончатова Елена Георгиевна Glad to see you!Good Luck!Рада вас видеть!Желаю удачи! The aim of our lesson is to discuss the system of education in our country, in Great Britain, in the USA; to name the forms of education and the most famous universities. What’s the English for …? естествознаниедетский садпреследовать цельстенографияограниченныйнеквалифицированный What’s the Russian for …?educationvocational schoolopportunitytrainingdeepdutyextra-muralhigherinfant schoolcompulsory to attend right secondary to receive deep to encourage limited sewing ограниченныйглубокийправосреднеешитьёполучатьпоощрять Repeat after me, please. [d] – duty, deep, education, degree, Doctor’s degree[ju:] – education, duty, tutor, tutorials[ai] – science, right, primary[i:] – deep, receive, degree [t] - training, extra-mural, opportunity, attend, limited, tutor[θ] - breadth, length … schoolinfantjuniornursery… educationprimarysecondary… levelundergraduatepostgraduate … degreeMaster’sDoctor’s Аудирование текста Answer for my questions, please. Is educations in our country free? In educations in Russia right or duty? What kind of schools are there in Russia? Поисковое чтение Open your textbook on the page 212. Look at the text and find the answers for my questions. What are the possible ways to continue education after the finishing of the secondary school? What are the main types of educational institutions in our country? What are the types of higher education institutions in Russia? Studying in Britain Finish the sentences. Pre-school education in England begins at the age of … or … Compulsory primary education begins at the age of … in England. Pupils begin to go to school in Russia when they are … or … years old.Most of children go to state schools where education is … Схема Mode reading. Образцовое чтение текстаOpen your textbooks at page 217. How many universities are there in UK? What are the two most famous universities in Britain? What are two levels in university teaching? What areas do universities teaching? How many degrees do British universities offer? Education in the USA Пословицы Match the Following English andRussian Proverbs A good name is better than riches.(Добрая слава лучше богатства)He will never the Thames on fire.(Он пороха не выдумает)Make hay white the sun shines(Куй железо пока горячо)Live and learn(Век живи, век учись) Аn hour in the morning is worth two in the evening(Утро вечера мудренее) Кроссворд Crossword Puzzle стр. 92 Level/Grade Typical age (at end of the school year) Preschool Various optional programs, such as Head Start Under 6 Pre-Kindergarten 4-5 Kindergarten 5-6 Elementary School 1st Grade 6–7 2nd Grade 7-8 3rd Grade 8-9 4th Grade 9-10 5th Grade 10-11 Level/Grade Typical age (at end of the school year) Middle School 6th Grade 11-12 7th Grade 12-13 8th Grade 13-14 High school 9th Grade (Freshman) 14-15 10th Grade (Sophomore) 15-16 11th Grade (Junior) 16-17 12th Grade (Senior) 17-18 Level/Grade Typical age (at end of the school year) Post-secondary education Tertiary education (College or University) Ages vary (usually four years, referred to as Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior years) Vocational education Ages vary Graduate education Adult education