Разработка урока английского языка Story-time

LESSON : Story time
Date: Teacher name:
CLASS: Number present: absent:
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 1. produce words in response to basic prompts
2. understand the story and be ready to answer the questions
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Make up sentences
Most learners will be able to:
understand some facts about main characters
use form answers correctly
respond to some information about the story correctly
Some learners will be able to:
use words and word-combinations correctly without teacher’s support
Previous learningNew words
PlanPlanned timingsPlanned activities Resources4-5 minutes
Hello, children! How are you? Who is absent today?
Let’s remember our tongue twister “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers”(in chorus in pairs)
Pupils try to define the theme of the lesson from every second letter:
What are we going to do today?
Here are some objectives for you, choose 1 or 2 for you.
Board with letters
objectives on the board
8-10 minutes
10 minutes
3 -5 minutes
5 minutes New words:
Repeat after teacher, P1-P2. Checking the meaning in a game.
Story time.
Reading the text fluently.
Pre-reading test: believe – don’t believe

Working in groups.
Reading the text properly, complete the chart:
Who? Actions When? Why?
Agree/disagree Agree/disagree Agree/disagree Agree/disagree

Give your chart to another group and let them Agree/disagree with your opinion.
After reading tasks:
So we found out that there are 2 main characters in this story, let’s characterise them. There are verbs and adjectives on the paper, you must decide which of them characterize The Ant and The Grasshopper.
Work in pairs and after finishing tell about your character to another pair.

Here are some sentences, to make your own story you must put the sentences in right sequence, work in groups.
Check your answers , assess yourselves with help of criteria.
And at last I want you to express the main idea with one sentence from the text. There is time to work and time to play.
Card with words

sheets with verbs and adjectives
sheets with sentences
assessment sheets
criteria on the board
After-reading test: believe – don’t believe. Doing the test again correct mistakes. Self-assessment with help of criteria.
Reflextion. To define if you’ve achieved your objective find your place on the stairs.
Home task: tell about any character of the story.

The Grasshopper and the Ant.One summer day a grasshopper is singing and jumping. He has a wonderful time. He sees an ant who stores grain for the winter.
"Stop and talk to me," says the grasshopper. "We can sing some songs and dance."
"Oh no," says the ant. "Winter is coming. I am store food for the winter. I think you must do the same."
"Oh, I can't," says the grasshopper. "Winter is a long time off. There is a lot of food." So the grasshopper dances and sings and the ant works.
When winter comes the grasshopper has no food and is hungry. He goes to the ant's house and asks, "Can I have some wheat. Without it I will starve,"says the grasshopper.
"You danced last summer," says the ant. "You can continue to dance." And it doesn’t give him food.
There is a time to work and a time to play.
The Grasshopper and the Ant.One summer day a grasshopper is singing and jumping. He has a wonderful time. He sees an ant who stores grain for the winter.
"Stop and talk to me," says the grasshopper. "We can sing some songs and dance."
"Oh no," says the ant. "Winter is coming. I am store food for the winter. I think you must do the same."
"Oh, I can't," says the grasshopper. "Winter is a long time off. There is a lot of food." So the grasshopper dances and sings and the ant works.
When winter comes the grasshopper has no food and is hungry. He goes to the ant's house and asks, "Can I have some wheat. Without it I will starve,"says the grasshopper.
"You danced last summer," says the ant. "You can continue to dance." And it doesn’t give him food.
There is a time to work and a time to play.

Who? Actions When? Why?
Agree/disagree Agree/disagree Agree/disagree Agree/disagree
Who? Actions When? Why?
Agree/disagree Agree/disagree Agree/disagree Agree/disagree
Who? Actions When? Why?
Agree/disagree Agree/disagree Agree/disagree Agree/disagree

New words:
Grasshopper – кузнечик
ant – муравей
to have wonderful time – хорошо проводить время
grain – зерно
wheat – пшеница
to work – работать
to store – запасать, заготавливать
food – еда
hungry – голодный
to continue – продолжать
without – без
hardworking – трудолюбивый
New words:
Grasshopper – кузнечикant – муравейto have wonderful time – хорошо проводить времяgrain – зерноwheat – пшеницаto work – работатьto store – запасать, заготавливатьfood – едаhungry – голодныйto continue – продолжатьwithout – безhardworking – трудолюбивыйNew words:
Grasshopper – кузнечик
ant – муравей
to have wonderful time – хорошо проводить время
grain – зерно
wheat – пшеница
to work – работать
to store – запасать, заготавливать
food – еда
hungry – голодный
to continue – продолжать
without – без
hardworking – трудолюбивый

Characterize The Ant:
to dance, to work, to store, to jump, to play, to sing, to swim, to eat, to ride
lazy, hardworking, strong, strict, angry, kind, cheerful, clever, friendly, careless, good
Characterize The Grasshopper:
to dance, to work, to store, to jump, to play, to sing, to swim, to eat, to ride
lazy, hardworking, strong, strict, angry, kind, cheerful, clever, friendly, careless, good
Characterize The Ant:
to dance, to work, to store, to jump, to play, to sing, to swim, to eat, to ride
lazy, hardworking, strong, strict, angry, kind, cheerful, clever, friendly, careless, good
Characterize The Grasshopper:
to dance, to work, to store, to jump, to play, to sing, to swim, to eat, to ride
lazy, hardworking, strong, strict, angry, kind, cheerful, clever, friendly, careless, good

Believe – don’t believe
The main characters: ant
ant and grasshopper a)ant
c)ant and grasshopper
The story begins:
in winter
in summer
in autumn a)in winter
b)in summer
c)in autumn
the Ant is: lazy
friendly a)lazy
the Grasshopper is: a)lazy
c)friendly a)lazy
At the end of the story The Ant gives some grain
doesn’t give any grain
sells the grain a)gives some grain
b)doesn’t give any grain
c)sells the grain
Total points Believe – don’t believe
The main characters: ant
ant and grasshopper a)ant
c)ant and grasshopper
The story begins:
in winter
in summer
in autumn a)in winter
b)in summer
c)in autumn
the Ant is: lazy
friendly a)lazy
the Grasshopper is: a)lazy
c)friendly a)lazy
At the end of the story The Ant gives some grain
doesn’t give any grain
sells the grain a)gives some grain
b)doesn’t give any grain
c)sells the grain
Total points The Grasshopper and the Ant.He has a wonderful time.
When winter comes the grasshopper has no food and is hungry.
So the grasshopper dances and sings and the ant works.
One summer day a grasshopper is singing and jumping.
There is a time to work and a time to play.
He goes to the ant's house and asks for some grain.
He sees an ant who stores grain for the winter.
The Grasshopper and the Ant.He has a wonderful time.
When winter comes the grasshopper has no food and is hungry.
So the grasshopper dances and sings and the ant works.
One summer day a grasshopper is singing and jumping.
There is a time to work and a time to play.
He goes to the ant's house and asks for some grain.
He sees an ant who stores grain for the winter.
The Grasshopper and the Ant.He has a wonderful time.
When winter comes the grasshopper has no food and is hungry.
So the grasshopper dances and sings and the ant works.
One summer day a grasshopper is singing and jumping.
There is a time to work and a time to play.
He goes to the ant's house and asks for some grain.
He sees an ant who stores grain for the winter.

Believe – don’t believe
c b b a b
The Grasshopper and the Ant.d a g c b f e

Лист оценивания
Фамилия, имя ученика________________
задание баллы
Believe – don’t believe
The Grasshopper and the Ant Лист оценивания
Фамилия, имя ученика________________
задание баллы
Believe – don’t believe
The Grasshopper and the Ant Лист оценивания
Фамилия, имя ученика________________
задание баллы
Believe – don’t believe
The Grasshopper and the Ant Лист оценивания
Фамилия, имя ученика________________
задание баллы
Believe – don’t believe
The Grasshopper and the Ant КРИТЕРИИ ОЦЕНИВАНИЯ:
без ошибок – 5 баллов
1 ошибка – 4 балла
2 ошибки – 3 балла
3 ошибки – 2 балла
4 ошибки – 1 балл