А?ылшын тіліндегі «Тап?ыр достар» сайысы “Quick – witted friends”

Ағылшын тіліндегі «Тапқыр достар» сайысы

Жауапты: Бейсекеева И.А
Ағылшын тіліндегі «Тапқыр достар» сайысы
“Quick – witted friends”
Уақыты: 15.00
Сыныптар: 7А Б В
Қазақстан Республикасының 20 жылдық Тәуелсіздігіне арналған тапқыр дастар сайысында оқышылардың ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру, ауызекі тілін дамыту
T1: Good evening dear boys and girls!
T1: 20 years have passed, lots of things have done, hundreds of schools have opened and millions of our students are studying in English speaking countries
T2: Our success due to our president N.A. Nazarbayev. As he said our generation must be more educated and speak three languages.
T2: So that today we are going to have competitions between 7th grades dealing with 20 Independence of Kazakhstan.
T1: At first let’s us introduce our teams
T2: Let’s welcome
T2: 7 А gradesT2: 7 Б grades
T2: 7 В grades
T2: Today’s judges are teachers of our school
SauleT2: And the first competition is introduction
T1: Every team must introduce themselves (the name of the team, motto, emblem) (1)
T1: And first will be 7 А gradeT2: 7 Б grades
T2: 7 В grades
Lets welcome them!
T2: And now let’s ask our judges to show their marks for the first competition. 7 А grade, 7 Б grade, 7 В grade
T1: Our second competition is “Bayga” (2)
So you should answer to the questions dealing with 20th Independence of Kazakhstan. Every right answer 5 points
Name the symbols of Kazakhstan (flag, anthem, coat of arms)
Who is the authors of our anthem? (N. Nazarbayev, )
When did we take our Independence? (16 of December1991)
Who is the head of our Republic? (N. Nazarbayev)
Where is Kazakhstan situated? (In Central Asia)
What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)
Name the main cities in Kazakhstan (Astana, Almaty)
How many regions are in Kazakhztan? (16)
Where is Pavlodar situated? (north-west)
Name the main rivers in Kazakhstan? (Irtish, Ishim, )
The most popular Kazakh actors are
What is the population in Kazakhstan? (17 million)
Who was the first cosmonaut?
What is the highest mountains in Kazakhstan?()What bird is depicted in Kazakhstan’s flag?
T2: Our next competition is “pictures in our life” (3)
Every team should say what they see in the active board
right answer will be 5 points
6 grades
7 grades
8 grades
teacher Lake
Ear ring
T:1 Right now the time for our fourth competition
“Proverbs and Riddles” You should find the missing word and translate it into English (4)
Ештен кеш .... (жақсы, good )
Жылтырағанның бәрі... емес (алтын, gold)
Оқусыз .... жоқ (білім, knowledge)
Түймедейді .... қылу (түйе, camel)
Жеті рет өлшеп бір рет ..... (кес, cut)
Кімді айтса сол .... (келеді, come)
..... зор байлық (денсаулық, health)
Уақыт ... (қымбат, expensive)
Күш білімде білім..... (кітапта, book)
Ананың көңілі балада баланың көңілі
( далада, street/yard)
Орамал тон болмйды .... болады (жол, road)
Екі қоянды бір оқпен .... ( ату, shoot)
Жақсыдан үйрен ...... жирен ( жаманнан, bad)
Отан оттанд а да ...(.ыстық, hot)
Туған үйдің түтіні (жылы, warm)
T1: And the last competition is “Homework” every grade must show their knowledge in English. They can show short play in English, sing a song, or read a poem
T2: Lets our judges to show their marks for the last competition “homework”
T1: While our judges counting the points and make conclusions we want you to see poems written by 5th and 6th grades5 “a” I like ice-cream, 2 poems
6 “hockey-pokey”, 2 poems
T2: And now time for conclusion. We are glad to give words of conclusion to our judges.
Singing song about Kazakhstan in Kazakh, Russian and English
T1: Thank you for coming. Our competition is over.