The world teenagers competitions

Тема урока: « Летние каникулы»
Цели урока:
Знакомство детей с новым учебником, его структурой и особенностями.
Активизация навыков диалогической речи по теме «Летние каникулы».
Тренировка навыков чтения.
Введение лексики и первичное закрепление лексики в знакомых речевых образцах.
Оборудование: транскрипционные значки, картинки по теме «Летние каникулы».
Ход урокаОрганизационный моментGood morning, boys and girls! (Good morning!)
I haven’t seen you for ages. I am glad to see you again. (We are glad to see you too.)
How are you? ( We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)
I am fine, thank you. Sit down, please.
Today we shall read the advertisement and learn the new information about the competition “We Live on the Same Planet”.
Знакомство с новым учебником, его структурой и особенностямиWe have a new textbook this year. Before we’ll start our work we must understand its structure.
If you want to speak English well you’ll have to do the best at the lessons and at home. Your Student’s Book and Activity Book will help you.
Дети задают интересующие их вопросы по содержанию учебника.
Фонетическая разминкаLet’s remember some English sounds. Look at the cards and name the sounds.
[t] — teenager, table, plate, tasty,
[w ]— world, why, welcome, what;
[j] — yes, year, yellow, yacht;
[i:] — teeth, team, tea, read;
[k] — question, school, Kate, king;
[ai] — kind, my, right, fine;
[ее] — jam, thank, bank, cat.
Thank you. Not bad.
Речевая разминкаAnd now, children, I want you to tell me about your summer vacation.
Did you go to the camp in June? (Yes, I did. I went to the camp in June.)
Did you miss your parents in the camp? (Yes, / did. I missed my parents.)
Was it fantastic to spend time there? (Yes, it was. It was fantastic.)
Would you like to go to the camp next year? (Yes, of course. I would like to go to the camp next year.)
Did you have a good rest? (Yes, I did. I had a good rest in summer.)
Did you visit your granny in summer? (No, I didn’t. She came to our place.) Etc.
Тренировка навыков чтения и диалогической речиIt’s time to open your textbooks and read the advertisement. It’s page 6, exercise 1. You will read the advertisement from this exercise to yourself and tell us if you want to take part in the Teenagers’ Competition.
Your time is up. Would you like to take part in it? Why? Why not?
Физкультминутка Игра «Будь внимателен»Учитель произносит слово-команду, а выполняет другое движение. Ученики должны выполнить нужную команду.
Hands down! (Руки вниз!)Hands on the hips! (Руки на бёдра!)
Sit down! (Сесть!)Stand up! {Встать!)Hands to the sides! (Руки в стороны!)
Bend left! (Поворот налево!)
Band right! (Поворот направо!)
Stand still! (Встать смирно!)Look at your textbook! (Посмотреть на учебник!)
Stop! (Остановиться!)
Sit down! {Сесть!)Close your eyes! {Закрыть глаза!)Активизация навыков выразительного чтенияAs you see, a lot of pupils in our class would like to take part in the world teenagers’ competition. If you are lucky you’ll visit English-speaking countries and make new friends. I am sure your friends and classmates can give you good advice and help to win the competition. Let’s listen to some dialogues.
Первый диалог:
Will Paul win the competition? Why? Why not?
Второй диалог:
What are Sandy and Kerry going to do?
Развитие лексических навыковWe have just read the dialogues. You could see some nev words and word combinations in them. 1 think it is not diffi cult to guess them. Exercise 3, page 7 will help us to learn an< remember the new words. Let’s read them loudly one by one Find and read the sentences with these word combinations ii the dialogues of exercise 2, page 7. Can you translate them It’s your turn to make up your sentences with the words.
Первичное закрепление введенной лексикиI want you to open your Activity Books, page 4, exercise 4 Complete the stories of two boys with the word combination from the box. Have you finished? Let’s check up your variants.
Подведение итогов урокаIt brings us to the end. That’s all for today. Good-bye, boy and girls.
Домашнее задание: учебник: упр. 2, стр. 7 (выразительное чтение); рабочая тетрадь: упр. 2, стр. 3.