План-конспект урока по теме: Ulyanovsk Today

План-конспект урока
по теме: «Ulyanovsk Today»
(Ульяновск сегодня)
Преподаватель: Девяткина Н.В.
Урок английского языка
по теме: "Ульяновск сегодня"
ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЕ – сформировать произносительные навыки; ввести и первично закрепить новую лексику по теме «Город»; активизировать в устной речи ранее изученную лексику; повторить и активизировать грамматический материал по теме «The Passive Voice»
ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНЫЕ - воспитывать у учащихся чувство любви к родному краю, уважение к его истории, культуре и традициям
РАЗВИВАЮЩИЕ - развивать познавательные интересы учащихся, их творческую инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности; развивать межпредметные связи с историей и краеведением
Развитие грамматических навыков употребления The Passive VoiceРазвитие лексических навыков по теме "Город"
Развитие умений и навыков ознакомительного и изучающего чтения
Развитие коммуникативных навыков
Развитие навыков аудирования с пониманием основного содержания услышанного и с извлечением необходимой информации
Метод урока: информационно-развивающий
Тип урока: комбинированный
Средства обучения: ИКТ (фильм, презентация), раздаточный материал
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Проверка готовности к уроку.
II. Вводная часть. Дата, тема урока.
III. Основная часть урока.
Демонстрация фильма «Ульяновск»
As you understand, the theme of our lesson is «Ulyanovsk Today».
Ulyanovsk… So much sense is in this word… "City of seven winds". City, which every year grows and prospers, providing stable future for its descendants. One can't help loving this city, admiring its broad streets, gardens and parks, being delighted with its heroic past… And though there are a lot of beautiful cities in the world, Ulyanovsk is the most special among them.
"Our country, our native land, our home", - so people of different ages, which were born here, call Ulyanovsk.
Are you interested in the history of your native city? Do you know its culture and traditions? Why are you proud of your city? Can you answer these questions in English? I am sure you'll be able to do it after reading the English text about Ulyanovsk.
2. Revision of the grammar material (The Passive Voice).
But first of all let's revise the grammar material « The Passive Voice».
(Повторение страдательного залога)
Take a list of exercises and do them orally.
№ 1. Form the infinitive of the Passive Voice.
Model: to do - to be done.
to visit, to decorate, to build, to reconstruct, to show, to exhibit, to locate, to find, to connect, to name, to found, to keep, to attract, to produce.
№ 2. Change the sentences into the Passive Voice.
Many people visit our city every year.
A. Shode projected House-monument to I.A. Goncharov in 1912-1916.
They will reconstruct the museum next month.
Ulyanovsk attracts a lot of tourists from other cities.
They are building a new school now.
They showed us beautiful churches and monasteries.
This museum exhibits a lot of wonderful paintings.
This plant will produce a lot of goods next year.
№ 3. Translate into English.
Ульяновск расположен на берегу Волги (to be situated).
Город был основан в 1648 году(to be founded).
Множество интересных экспонатов выставлено в Краеведческом музее (to be exhibited, in the Museum of Local Lore).
Здание филармонии (building of the Philharmonic Society) расположено на бульваре Новый Венец
Новые современные здания будут построены в Ульяновске в ближайшем будущем (to be built).
Город посещают сотни туристов каждый год (to be visited)
На этой неделе в Мемцентре проходила выставка картин знаменитого русского художника Никаса Сафронова.
(На этой неделе в Мемцентре были представлены картины знаменитого русского художника Никаса Сафронова (to be exhibited, Lenin memorial).3. Введение новой лексики
1 cityбольшой город
2 townнебольшой город 3 districtрайон 4 micro-districtмикрорайон 5 quartelквартал 6 city centreцентр города 7 shopping centreторговый центр 8 streetулица 9 avenueпроспект 10 boulevardбульвар 11 squareплощадь 12 parkпарк 13 bridgeмост 14 buildingздание 15 populationнаселение 16 sightsдостопримечательности 17 monumentпамятник 18 art galleryкартинная галерея 19 libraryбиблиотека 20 museumмузей 4. Reading and discussing the text (Приложение 1)
Now let`s read the text about Ulyanovsk. Read it to yourself, then aloud.
Answer the questions:
When was Ulyanovsk founded?
What was it founded as?
Where is Ulyanovsk located?
When was it renamed in Ulyanovsk and why?
How many parks are there in Ulyanovsk? Can you name them?
What are the main sights in Ulyanovsk?
5. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions in pairs.
Are there any factories or industrial areas where you live?
Is there a lot of pollution there?
What museums, galleries or theatres are close to your house?
How often do you go to a museums, galleries or theatres?
Is there any famous architecture near your house?
What do you usually do when you meet your friends?
Are there any famous historical sites close to your house?
What is the population of the city or town that you live in?
Do you think it is overcrowded? Why?
Is there a lot of crime in your area?
How do you like to relax?
6. Оценка умений и навыков. Домашнее задание.
Your hometask for the next lesson is to learn the new words and to retell the text about Ulyanovsk.
Демонстрация фильма
Приложение 1
Cities and towns are unique like people. Whether big or small, old or young, each one is interesting in its own way.
Ulyanovsk is located on the bank of the Volga river. Its original name was Simbirsk. It was renamed in Ulyanovsk in 1924 in honor of Vladimir Ulyanov, better known as Lenin, who was born in Simbirsk in 1870.
Ulyanovsk was founded in 1648 by the military man Bogdan Khitrovo as a fortress to protect the eastern frontier of the Russian Empire from the nomadic tribes. Later it lost its military significance.
In Soviet times it changed beyond recognition.
Today Ulyanovsk is a big industrial, cultural and educational center of the Volga area.
There are 5 universities where future teachers, lawyers, engineers, economists study.
At present there are 7 stadiums in the city, 6 swimming pools, a lot of sport centers and libraries, two theatres, state Philharmonic Society, Academic Symphony Orchestra, modern movie theaters and entertaining centers, dozens of museums and 6 parks.
A lot of great Russian writers lived here. Among them are Karamsin, Goncharov, Yazykov, Minayev and others. Pushkin visited our town, too.
Of course one can find more beautiful and attractive cities and towns, but our native city is very dear to all of us and we love it by all our hearts.