Урок, английский язык 8 класс на тему Выбор профессии

Английский язык
Тема урока: Выбор профессии
8 класс, О.В. Афанасьева, И.М. Михеева, English VIII
Учитель: Карагодина Ирина Викторовна
«Choosing a career»
Цель урока: организовать деятельность учащихся по формированию навыков и умений обсуждать прочитанное, выделять основные идеи текста, дискутировать, делать выводы; способствовать личностному самоопределению учащихся в отношении их будущей профессии
Оборудование урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал (копия статьи из газеты “The Independent”, распечатка страницы вебсайта [ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть ссылку ]), учебники.
Литература: О.В.Афанасьева, И.М.Михеева. English VIII, газета “The Independent” 11 September 2007, [ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть ссылку ], Encarta dictionary.
Ход урока:
№ п/п
Этап урока
Задачи этапа
Форма работы

Организационный момент.
Подготовка учащихся к речевой деятельности. Формулирование темы и цели урока.

Работа с лексикой.
Активизация ранее изученной лексики в речевых структурах.

Устная речь.
Развитие умений участвовать в беседе, выражать свое мнение на основе информации, полученной из печатных источников (текст, газеты)

Чтение (изучающее) как основа для последующего высказывания.
Развитие умений понимать аргументацию, определять свое отношение к прочитанному.


Монологическая речь
Развитие умений рассуждать, приводя примеры, аргументы, делая выводы

Итоги урока.
Объяснение домашнего задания.

Teacher: Good morning, I’m glad to see you.
Look, what I’ve brought for you. (учитель показывает предметы, говорящие о профессии: аптечка (medicine chest), классный журнал (class register), CD, словарь (dictionary), молоток (hammer), отвертка (screwdriver), ножницы (scissors) , расческа (comb), сантиметр (tape measure), нитки (thread).
Now I’m going to divide them into 2 groups. (учитель раскладывает предметы на две группы, называя их. 1 группа - medicine chest, class register, CD, dictionary; 2 группа - hammer, screwdriver, scissors, comb, tape measure, thread).
What do all the thi
· (Учитель обращает внимание учеников на вопросы, написанные на доске)
What should we take into account choosing a career? and
Is it necessary to get higher education to be successful?
I hope, by the end of today’s lesson you will be able to answer these questions.

Teacher: Please, tell me what professions require and what professions do not require higher education. These pictures will help you. (слайды 2,3)
Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Учащиеся называют профессии, которые требуют или не требуют высшего образования.
P – If you want to be a you should get a university degree.
P – If you want to be a you should study at vocational school.
Учащиеся употребляют введенную на предыдущем уроке лексику по теме «Профессии» (стр.34-35 учебника).

·(Учитель распределяет части текста между парами учащихся, каждая пара готовит ответ по своей части текста.)
P1- I would recommend Sam to be a driver, because he likes working with machines, has driving license.
P 2- I would not recommend Lisa to enter a uni
·l diploma? (Учитель показывает картинку из газеты “The Independent”) Which kind of mortarboard is more suitable for them? (слайд 4)

You see, they are both mortarboards.
academic hat: a hat often worn on formal academic occasions, consisting of a round cap with a hard square flat top and usually a tassel
Mortarboard - головной убор с квадратным верхом (у английских студентов и профессоров)

board for carrying mortar: a square board, used by bricklayers for carrying mortar
· доска для смешивания строительного раствора

Teacher: Recently I’ve read a very interesting article on the problem. I want you to read this article, too, and find out what is the main message the author wants to get across.
Here some words and expressions you need to understand the text. (слайд 5)

(Учащиеся читают статью в течение 3-4 минут)

They are both mortarboards.
But why do you value them so differently?
Who’s better, a builder or a businessman? A chef or a chief executive? A theoretical physicist or a theatre technician?
Truth is, as a society, we need all of them.
The fact that some of those roles will need a degree and the others vocational training, makes no difference. Which is why seeing university as the only way forward for our kids is so short sighted.
We take the view that vocational qualifications are the equal of academic study. Because vocational training isn’t for less clever kids’.
It’s for kids who find their ambitions and abilities exist outside the confines of the classroom. For young people who don’t want to put off starting a career for three or four years at university
And the vocational route, with the opportunities it offers, could be right for your kids.
You can find more at our website.
“The Independent” 11 September 2007

Teacher: What are your ideas?
P– The main problem is that most people think that vocational education is for less clever kids’
P– The author tries to convince readers that as a society, we need both builders and businesspersons, chefs and chief executives, theoretical physicists and theatre technicians.
P – The author wants to prove that vocational qualifications are the equal of academic study. Vocational training is for kids who find their ambitions and abilities exist outside the confines of the classroom.
P - The main problem is that people make a great difference between the professions which need a degree, and those, which need vocational training.
P - In the article the author advertises vocational training, because the society needs skilled workers.
Teacher: The author invites us to visit their website. Why not?
Will you read this information and think of the answers to the questions.
Do you think that we have the same problems in Russia?
What information surprised you? (слайд 7)

P1 - I agree with the fact that parents play a major role in guiding teenagers' choices when they leave school.
P 2- I am sure both in Britain and in Russia not all adults are satisfied with the job, which parents had chosen for them.
P3 - Both in Russia and in Britain many parents consider that going to university is the only route to success and they urge their children to enter university.
Teacher: Now I want you to form two groups. Each group will sum up the ideas we’ve discussed at our lesson and answer one of the questions:
What should we take into account choosing a career?
Is it necessary for you to get higher education to be successful in life?
(ученики выполняют задание в группе в течение 3-4 минут)
Teacher: Who will represent the work of the group? (по одному ученику от группы представляют итог работы – монологическое высказывание по 5-6 предложений)

Teacher: So, have we answered the questions of the lesson? Can you say what you should take into account choosing a career?
(Ученики отвечают на вопрос учителя).
Teacher: At home you will write an essay “What should we take into account choosing a career?” or “Is it necessary to get higher education to be successful?”
Thank you for your work.

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Карагодина Ирина Викторовна. МАОУ «Гимназия №1» г. Белгород

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