урок на тему Экология. Защита окружающей среды (8 класс)

План – конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе по теме «Экология. Защита окружающей среды»
Воспитательная цели: воспитание чувства ответственности за чистоту окружающей среды, любовь к природе, экологической сознательности
Развивающие цели: формирование экологического мировоззрения, умение выражать свою точку зрения по заданной проблеме
Образовательная цель: расширение кругозора учащихся за счет ознакомления со страноведческой информацией
Практические цели:
Совершенствовать навыки говорения
Развитие речевых умений (чтение, аудирование)
Обогащение лексического банка учащихся по теме экология
Оборудование: магнитофон, проектор, экран, презентация, раздаточный материал для учащихся «Тетрадь учащегося», фломастеры, лист формата А3Этапы урока, их задачи Деятельность учителя Деятельность учащихся Форма взаимодействия Время
I этап: вводная часть-введение в тематику урока ,настрой на готовность к уроку Приветствие
Постановка задач урока
Nowadays people face a lot of problems: dangerous diseases, wars, natural disasters and others.
Ecological problems are the most vital and crucial problems of our time. They include: water contamination, air and noise pollution, endangered animals, green house effect, litter and others.
Today we’ll try to come to know why these problems exist, how we, ordinary people, can help our planet.
Warming Up
Let’s read the quotations of famous people about nature and environment. Complete the sentences .-_______________ provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.(John Sawhill)
- We are part of the ___Earth_________and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our __sisters__________; the deer, horse, the great eagle-these are our ____brothers__________.(Chief Seattle)
- Modern technology owes ecology an __apology__________.(Alan M.Eddison)
Give the words which you associate with such problems as
water contamination, air and noise pollution, endangered animals, green house effect, litter .
Учащиеся выполняют задания:
-заполнение недостающих слов в предложениях (цитаты)
Фронтальная –учитель-ученик 1
II этап: основная часть-
Развитие речевых умений (чтение, говорение)
Предтекстовый этап:
-Формирование контекстуальной догадки (соотнесение слов с их дефинициями)
-Чтение с выборочным пониманием читаемого(Reading for gist)
-Чтение с полным пониманием содержания
-Развитие речевых умений (говорение)
Развитие речевых
умений (аудирование)
- извлечение необходимой информации
3.Совершенствование речевых умений (говорение)
4. Творческая работа Match the words with their definitions
Приложение № 1
Read the texts quickly in pairs, and then match the texts and symbols with the names of the problems.
Приложение № 2
Let’s check your answers( заполнение web word)
Now read again about ecological dangerous tendencies and prove your choice. You have 2 or 3 min. Work in pairs.
We stated the problems, but don’t you think to yourself what a wonderful world we live in. Make a list of things that you think are wonderful in the world.
Listen to the song by Louise Armstrong.
Fill in the missing words
Приложение №3
What is the best world to live in ? This one or the wonderful one?
The most important thing is not to be different to our wild life and nature .Let’s decide what each of us should do to save the beauty of the world.
Приложение № 4
Dear friends, the positive results depend on serious attention of the people of the whole world, of our serious attention.
Let’s work out slogans and the collages in order to attract other people’s attention to these problems. Let’s work in groups of four. Учащиеся выполняют упражнение (matching)
Учащиеся читают тексты и выполняют задание
-многократное возвращение к тексту
- изложение проблемы
Учащиеся составляют список
Учащиеся слушают и заполняют пропуски
Учащиеся высказывают собственное мнение
Учащиеся составляют коллаж Фронтальная работа
Парная работа
Работа в группах(4 человека) 3
III этап :
Заключительная часть-подведение итогов работы на уроке, оценка деятельности учащихся Подведение итогов работы, оценивание работы учащихся, выставление отметок, домашнее задание (приложение № 5) Говорят о том ,что нового они узнали, чему научились; записывают домашнее Фронтальная:
учитель-ученик ПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ
Приложение №1
Match the words with their definitions:
___________________ a kind of oxygen that exists high in the Earth’s atmosphere
____________________the type of place that an animal normally lives in or a plant normally grows in
____________________ to create pollution that damages part of the environment
________________things such as pieces of paper that people have dropped on the ground in a public place, making it untidy
______________ a plant or animal group whose members all have similar general features
____________ a gas in the air that has no smell or taste , and that all animals depend on to breathe
_____________ a place where large amounts of waste are taken , usually outside a town
_______________a gas with no colour or smell that is used as a fuel
_______________ the situation when an animal, plant, or language no longer exists
Приложение №2
Read the text quickly in pairs, and then match the text and symbols with the names of the problems.
Did you know that in the last 500 years, 844 species - like the passenger pigeon, the dodo, and the golden toad - are known to have died out? Or that by the year 2100 some scientists believe that half of the world's species may be extinct? That could be one species every 20 minutes, or 27,000 a year! At the moment, experts say that up to 16,000 species are under threat. In most cases, human activity is the greatest danger to these species. One of these species is the loggerhead sea turtle, which is finding that the beaches it uses to lay its eggs are becoming increasingly popular with tourists. When the eggs begin to hatch in August, there are already thousands of humans enjoying the sun on the beaches. An area that was used by turtles for thousands of years is now the territory of sunbathers, swimmers and ice-cream vendors. Humans cause terrible damage to the eggs. Nests can be walked on by tourists, destroying the eggs. In addition, the newly-born turtles find it hard to find the sea at night with so much artificial light around. Some people, however, are trying to make a difference. Since 1982, the Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece has done its best to protect this rare species. With help from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), it has bought a beach popular with the turtles and makes sure that tourists stay away. Every year over 500 volunteers from all over the world come to help with the society's work for the turtles. Thanks to their help, more and more young turtles are finding their way to the sea.

Read the text quickly in pairs, and then match the text and symbols with the names of the problems.
We all enjoy a day out at the beach, but these days you are likely to find much more there than just sand and sea! Many of the thousands of people that visit beaches every leave behind food wrappers, cigarette ends, drink cans and toys like buckets, spades and beach balls. These can then be blown or washed into the sea and become marine litter. Marine litter can also come from ships, fishermen, drains and factories. This litter doesn't just look horrible - it's dangerous, too! Litter harms Wildlife and People. Marine mammals such as seals, sea lions and dolphins are very curious animals who like to examine unusual objects in the sea. This is how they get mixed up in the litter, which causes them injury and stops them from finding food or swimming away from their enemies. Birds, fish and mammals can also confuse litter for food and eat it. Sea turtles, for example, often eat plastic bags because they look like jellyfish, one of their favourite foods. This then fills up the turtle's digestive system,1 and makes it feel full, so it stops eating and starves.2 100,000 marine mammals and nearly a million seabirds die either from getting caught in or eating litter each year! Many of these creatures are already threatened or endangered species. In addition, litter is dangerous for people as they can cut themselves on glass or metal. Marine litter can also block boat propellers, which is dangerous and very expensive to repair.

Read the text quickly in pairs, and then match the text and symbols with the names of the problems.
Tropical rainforests grow in the hot, wet, humid places near the Equator. The plants and trees in the rainforest grow in different heights. Why are they important? They are important for various reasons. Firstly, they clean renew the Earth's air supply by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Secondly, they provide a home to thousands of animals and plant species.
What grows there? South American rainforests are the home of the wild cocoa plant, from which chocolate is made. The medicines quinine and aspirin come from tree bark and cough mixture is from tree resin, both found in rainforests. Some other important products that come from rainforest plants are mahogany wood, rattan, bananas, paprika, pepper and coffee. Why are they in danger? People are destroying the rainforests at a rate of 115 square miles a day. The trees are cut down and used as building material or fuel. The land on which these forests grow is being used for homes and factories and roads. What can we do to save them? There are lots of things that we can do to help protect the rainforests. Join an organization which tries to save the rainforests, like Greenpeace. Write letters to politicians in countries where there are rainforests, asking them to stop allowing companies to cut down the trees. Don't buy furniture which is produced from rainforest wood. By acting together, we can really make a difference!

Read the text quickly in pairs, and then match the text and symbols with the names of the problems.
Water is very important for life on the Earth. It is in seas, rivers, lakes and oceans. Despite the vastness of the oceans people know little about them. There is not any ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. This poisons and kills fish and sea animals. “Nuclear – poisoned” fish can be eaten by people. Oceans are in danger now. But people ignore and misunderstand their importance.
For example,Lake Baikal, the most remarkable lake in the world, is located in the southern part of eastern Siberia. It is the oldest existing freshwater lake on Earth (about 25 million years old), as well as deepest continental body of water, with a maximum depth of 1,637 metres.
This environmental treasure also contains a wealth of biodiversity. Most of the 2,635 species of animals and plants discovered in and around Lake Baikal cannot be found anywhere else in the world. One of the most interesting animals in the lake is the Baikal seal, or nerpa, the world’s only fresh war seal. The lake is also the only breeding ground for the Omul fish. In 1996, Baikal was declared a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE.
Today, this precious Russian jewel is threatened by the industry around its shores: mining, shipbuilding, fisheries and timber.

Read the text quickly in pairs, and then match the text and symbols with the names of the problems.
Most people would agree that cars have made our lives much easier. Despite being stuck in traffic for many hours sometimes they would still prefer to drive rather than stand at a bus stop in the cold and the rain.
What is more, it is more difficult if you have children with you or you have shopping or heavy goods to carry.
But it cannot be ignored that cars cause pollution and poison the air that we breathe. As a result, the environment is being destroyed and people are suffering from more and more illnesses, not to mention the stress that people suffer from the noise that cars make and from being stuck in traffic. The problems related to noise include: hearing loss, high blood pressure and sleep loss.
Public transport offers a possible solution to the problem, since many people can be transported in one vehicle. The government has a responsibility to encourage the public to use buses and the underground more. Public transport should be made free. The service must be clean and reliable. People need to know that they can get to work on time.

Read the texts quickly in pairs, and then match the text and symbols with the names of the problems.
High above the Earth’s atmosphere there is a thin veil called the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the sun’s destructive ultraviolet (UV) rays. It is being damaged by chemicals, which are released into the atmosphere by the daily use of industrial household .This ‘hole’ allows more UV rays to penetrate to the Earth.
Whenever you watch TV, use the air conditioner, turn on the light, ride a car, use a dishwasher etc. To perform many of these functions, you need to use electricity. Electricity comes from power plants. Most power plants use coal and oil to make electricity. Burning coal and oil produces greenhouse gases.
Are there any other things we do to send greenhouse gases into the air?
The trash that we send to landfills produces a greenhouse gas called methane. Methane is also produced by the animals we raise for dairy and meat products and when we take coal out of the ground. Whenever we drive or ride a car, we are adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere .And, when factories make the things that we buy and use every day, they too are sending greenhouse gases into the air.
It may seem hard to believe that people can change the Earth’s climate. But scientists think that the things people do that send greenhouse gases into the air are making our planet warmer.

Приложение № 4
What can you do to help the world?
You may use the following phrases to express your opinion:
As far as I’m concerned, …………………If you ask me,……………………My view is that……………………
Personally, I believe……….
It seems to me…………
I think (feel)………….
To my mind………….
Useful expressions:
We could………..
It’s important and necessary………
There are lots of things we can do to help to protect……………….
By acting together, we can really make a difference.
We can’t solve the problem without fighting together.
You can help the environment by…………………..
It can be harmful to………………….
plant new forests \ continue to plant different trees
join an organization which tries to save the……………….
write letters to politicians
(not) buy drinks in plastic bottles \ recycle bottles and cans
(not) drop litter in the streets\ sort the rubbish\ use special containers for\ pick up litter
people have to pay a fine (штраф) for
use alternative sources of energy
get to work by public transport
forbid to kill animals
(not) cut wild flowers
organize a city clean-up Day
Приложение № 5
Write a letter to Greenpeace organization.
Speak about the ecological problems of Moscow\Russia.
(You may attach some photos to the letter)
Before writing a letter decide, should it be formal or informal
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